diff --git a/Output/README.md b/Output/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 418fdbecc82cdc61979325e9ca7a5e87604a3a7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Output/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Projekt CiS-Projekt 2021/22
-Citation network made with **d3.js**
-## Usage
-### Input 
-Json file **json\_text.json** in directory
-    "nodes": [
-        {
-            "name": <title: string>,
-            "author": [<author1: string>, <author2: string>, ...],
-            "year": <date: tring>,
-            "journal": <journal: string>,
-            "doi": <doi: string>,
-            "group": <"input"/"height"/"depth">,
-            "citations": <citation: int>
-        }, ...
-    ],
-    "links": [
-        {
-            "source": <doi: string>,
-            "target": <doi: string>
-        }, ...
-    ]
-### Display the Citation Network
-Starting a python web server:
-   cd <path to file> &&python3 -m http.server <port>
-Access to the server:
-## Files in Directory
-- **index.html**: webpage
-- **cn.js**: javascript code for force-directed graph, text elements and legend
-- **json_text.json**: example data
-## Authors
-- Katja Ehlers
-- Merle Stahl
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Output/graph/cn.js b/Output/graph/cn.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 309678b42520cec11d77cf6a3b4be2925cb8bede..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Output/graph/cn.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-* creates a new zoom behavior
-var zoom = d3.zoom().on("zoom", handle_zoom);
-* creates svg object and associated attributes
-* applies the zoom behavior to svg
-var svg = d3.select("svg.graph")
-    .call(zoom),
-width = svg.attr("width"),
-height = svg.attr("height"),
-* scale functions that return y coordinate/color of node depending on group
-var color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
-    .domain(["height", "input", "depth"])
-    .range([' #01d7c0', ' #8b90fe ', '  #a15eb2 ']),
-y_scale = d3.scaleOrdinal()
-    .domain(["height", "input", "depth"])
-    .range([0, 200, 400]),
-* creates node object and (default) radius
-var node,
-r = 10;
-* creates link object
-var link;
-* creates a background with a click functionality
-var rect = svg.append("rect")
-    .attr("x", 0)
-    .attr("y", 0)
-    .attr("height", height)
-    .attr("width", width)
-    .style("fill", 'white')
-    .on('click', click_rect);
-* creates svg object (legend) and associated attributes
-var svg_legend = d3.select("svg.legendsvg"),
-legend_position = [65,95,125],
-arrow_legend_position = [0,25],
-arrow_group_names = ["citation","self-citation"],
-group_names = ["cited by","input","reference"],
-line_type = d3.scaleOrdinal()
-    .domain(["line","dotted"])
-    .range([("8,0"),("8,8")]),
-text_info = '',
-text_abstract = '';
-var legend = svg_legend.selectAll(".legend")
-    .data(legend_position)
-    .enter()
-    .append("g")
-    .attr("class","legend")
-    .attr("transform", function(d,i) {return "translate(0," + d  + ")"; });
-    .attr("x", 80)
-    .attr("y", 0)
-    .attr("dy", ".35em")
-    .style("text-anchor", "start")
-    .text(function(d,i) {return group_names[i]});
-    .attr("r", r)
-    .attr("cx",30-r)
-    .style("fill", color);
-var legend_arrow = svg_legend.selectAll(".legendarr")
-    .data(arrow_legend_position)
-    .enter()
-    .append("g")
-    .attr("class","legendarr")
-    .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(0," + d  + ")"; });
-    .attr("x1", 10)
-    .attr("x2", 50)
-    .attr("y1", 10)
-    .attr("y2", 10)
-    .style("stroke-dasharray",line_type)
-    .style("stroke", '#999')
-    .style("stroke-width", "1px")
-    .style('pointer-events', 'none')
-    .attr('marker-end',update_marker('#999',this));
-    .attr("x", 80)
-    .attr("y", 10)
-    .attr("dy", ".35em")
-    .style("text-anchor", "start")
-    .text(function(d,i){return arrow_group_names[i]});
-* creates a new simulation
-* updates the positions of the links and nodes when the 
-  state of the layout has changed (simulation has advanced by a tick)
-var simulation = d3.forceSimulation()
-    .force("link", d3.forceLink().id(function(d) {return d.doi;}).distance(50).strength(function(d) {
-            if (d.group == "input") {return 0;}
-            else {return 5;}
-        }))
-        .force("collide", d3.forceCollide(function(d) {
-            if (d.group == "input") {return 100;}
-            else {return 65;}
-        }).strength(0.5))
-    .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(0.001))
-    .force("center", d3.forceCenter(width/2, height/2+20))
-    .force("yscale", d3.forceY().strength(function(d) {
-        if (d.group == "input") {return 1000;}
-        else {return 50;}
-    }).y(function(d) {return y_scale(d.group)}))
-    .alpha(0.005)
-    .on("end",  zoom_to);
-* creates group element
-var g = svg.append("g")
-    .attr("class", "everything")
-* loads JSON data and calls the update function
-d3.json("json_text.json").then(function(graph) {
-    update(graph.links, graph.nodes);
-* calls update functions for links and nodes
-* adds the nodes, links and tick functionality to the simulation
-* @param {object} nodes - nodes
-* @param {object} links - links
-function update(links, nodes) {
-    update_links(links);
-    update_nodes(nodes);
-    simulation
-        .nodes(nodes)
-        .on("tick", handle_tick);
-    simulation.force("link")
-        .links(links);
-    link.attr('marker-end', function(d) {return update_marker("#999", d.target);})
-        .style("stroke-dasharray",function(d){return self_citation(d.source,d.target)? ("8,8"): ("1,0")});
-* initializes and shows links
-* @param {object} links - links
-function update_links(links) {
-    link = g.append("g")
-        .selectAll(".link")
-        .data(links)
-        .enter()
-        .append("line")
-        .style("stroke-width", "1px")
-        .style("stroke", "#999")
-        .attr("class", "link");
-* initializes and shows nodes with circles, texts and a click functionality
-* creates a new drag behavior and applies it to the circles
-* @param {object} nodes - nodes
-function update_nodes(nodes) {
-    node = g.selectAll(".node")
-        .data(nodes)
-        .enter()
-        .append("g")
-        .attr("class", "node")
-        .call(d3.drag()
-            .on("start", start_drag)
-            .on("drag", dragged)
-        );
-    node.append("circle")
-        .attr("class", "circle")
-        .attr("r", function(d) {return 1.5*r+d.citations*0.05})
-        .style("fill", function(d){ return color(d.group)})
-        .on('click', click_node);
-    node.append("text")
-        .attr("class", "text") 
-        .style("font-size", "15px")
-        .style('pointer-events', 'auto')
-        .text(function (d) {const first_author=d.author[0].split(" ")
-        return first_author[first_author.length-1];})
-        .on('click', click_node);
-* creates arrowhead and returns its url
-* @param {string} color - color of arrowhead
-* @param {string} target - target node
-function update_marker(color, target) {
-    var radius = 1.5*r+target.citations*0.05;
-    svg.append('defs').append('marker')
-        .attr('id',color.replace("#", "")+radius)
-        .attr('viewBox','-0 -5 10 10')
-        .attr('refX',radius+9.5)
-        .attr('refY',0)
-        .attr('orient','auto')
-        .attr('markerWidth',10)
-        .attr('markerHeight',15)
-        .attr('xoverflow','visible')
-        .append('svg:path')
-        .attr('d', 'M 0,-5 L 10 ,0 L 0,5')
-        .attr('fill', color)
-        .style('stroke','none');
-    return "url(" + color + radius + ")";
-* sets color of circle and its links to black and removes the previous highlights
-* displays overview info of node in textbox
-* @param {object} node - node
-function click_node(node) {
-    d3.select(this.parentNode).raise();
-    fix_nodes(node);
-    if(to_remove){
-        d3.select(to_remove).selectAll(".circle").style("stroke","none")
-    }
-    to_remove = this.parentNode;
-    d3.select(this.parentNode).selectAll(".circle").style("stroke","black")
-    mark_link(node)
-    textbox_content(node)
-    reset_button_highlight()
-    highlight_button("overview")
-* removes the highlights of the circles and their links
-function click_rect() {
-    fix_nodes(node);
-    d3.selectAll(".circle").style("stroke", "none")
-    d3.selectAll(".link")
-        .style("stroke", "#999")
-        .attr('marker-end', function(d) {return update_marker('#999', d.target);})
-    text_abstract='';
-    text_info='';
-    reset_button_highlight()
-    document.getElementById('textbox').innerHTML = "Click node";
-* returns true if journals have a common author (self-citation)
-* @param {object} source - node
-* @param {object} target - node
-function self_citation(source,target) {
-    return source.author.some(item=>target.author.includes(item))
-* sets color of link (line and arrowhead) to black if it is directly connected to node
-* and to grey otherwise
-* @param {object} node - node
-function mark_link(node) {
-    d3.selectAll(".link")
-        .style("stroke", function(o) {
-            return is_link_for_node(node, o) ? "black" : "#999";})
-        .attr('marker-end', function(o) {
-            return is_link_for_node(node, o) ? update_marker('#000000', o.target) : update_marker('#999', o.target);})
-* returns true if link is directly connected to node and false if it is not
-* @param {object} node - node
-* @param {object} link - link
-function is_link_for_node(node, link) {
-    return link.source.index == node.index || link.target.index == node.index;
-* saves text for overview and abstract of node
-* outputs node info to textbox
-* @param {object} node - node
-function textbox_content(node) {
-    text_info = "Title:" + '</br>' + node.name +
-    '</br>' +'</br>'+"Author:"+ '</br>' +node.author+'</br>'+'</br>'+"Date:"+'</br>'
-    +node.year+'</br>'+'</br>'+"Journal:"+'</br>'+node.journal+'</br>'+'</br>'+"doi:"
-    +'</br>'+'<a href="'+node.doi+ '">'+node.doi+'</a>'+'</br>'+'</br>'+"Citations:"
-    +'</br>'+node.citations;
-    text_abstract = node.abstract;
-    document.getElementById('textbox').innerHTML = text_info;
-* sets color of btn to dark gray
-* @param {object} btn - button
-function highlight_button(btn) {
-    reset_button_highlight();
-    document.getElementById(btn).style.background = "#CACACA";
-* sets color of all buttons to default light gray
-function reset_button_highlight() {
-    document.getElementById("overview").style.background = '';
-    document.getElementById("abstract").style.background = '';
-* displays abstract in textbox if a is true, overview text otherwise
-* @param {bool} a- bool
-function display_abstract(a) {
-    if (text_abstract == '' && text_info == '') {
-        document.getElementById('textbox').innerHTML="Click node";
-    }
-    else {
-        if (a == true) {
-            document.getElementById('textbox').innerHTML = text_abstract;
-        }
-        else {
-            document.getElementById('textbox').innerHTML = text_info;
-        }
-    }   
-* updates the positions of the links and nodes
-function handle_tick() {
-    link.attr("x1", function (d) {return d.source.x;})
-        .attr("y1", function (d) {return d.source.y;})
-        .attr("x2", function (d) {return d.target.x;})
-        .attr("y2", function (d) {return d.target.y;});
-    node.attr("transform", function (d) {return "translate(" + d.x + ", " + d.y + ")";});
-* initializes the dragging of the node
-* @param {object} node - node
-function start_drag(node) {
-    d3.select(this).raise();
-    if (!d3.event.active) 
-        simulation.alphaTarget(0.3).restart()
-    node.fx = node.x;
-    node.fy = node.y;
-    fix_nodes(node);
-* applies the dragging to the node
-* @param {object} node - node
-function dragged(node) {
-    node.fx = d3.event.x;
-    node.fy = d3.event.y;
-    fix_nodes(node);
-* fix positions of all nodes except for the current node
-* @param {object} this_node - node
-function fix_nodes(this_node) {
-    node.each(function(d) {
-      if (this_node != d) {
-        d.fx = d.x;
-        d.fy = d.y;
-      }
-    });
-* applies the transformation (zooming or dragging) to the g element
-function handle_zoom() {
-    d3.select('g').attr("transform", d3.event.transform);
-* transforms svg so that the zoom is adapted to the size of the graph
-function zoom_to() {
-    node_bounds = d3.selectAll("svg.graph").node().getBBox();
-    svg_bounds = d3.select("rect").node().getBBox();
-    perc_x = width/(node_bounds.width+100);
-    perc_y = height/(node_bounds.height+100);
-    perc = d3.min([perc_x, perc_y])
-    d3.select('svg')
-		.call(zoom.scaleBy, perc);
-* transforms svg so that the zoom and drag is reset
-function reset_view() {
-    d3.select('svg')
-        .call(zoom.scaleTo, 1)
-    d3.select('svg')
-        .call(zoom.translateTo, 0.5 * width, 0.5 * height);
-    d3.select('svg')
-		.call(zoom.scaleBy, perc);
-* save svg as png
-function save_svg(){
-	var svgString = get_svg_string(svg.node());
-	svg_string_to_image(svgString, 2*width, 2*height, 'png', save); // passes Blob and filesize String to the callback
-	function save( dataBlob, filesize ){
-		saveAs(dataBlob, 'D3 vis exported to PNG.png'); // FileSaver.js function
-	}
-* generate svgString
-* @param {object} svgNode - node
-function get_svg_string(svgNode) {
-	svgNode.setAttribute('xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink');
-	var cssStyleText = get_css_styles(svgNode);
-	append_css(cssStyleText, svgNode);
-	var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
-	var svgString = serializer.serializeToString(svgNode);
-	svgString = svgString.replace(/(\w+)?:?xlink=/g, 'xmlns:xlink='); // Fix root xlink without namespace
-	svgString = svgString.replace(/NS\d+:href/g, 'xlink:href'); // Safari NS namespace fix
-	return svgString;
-	function get_css_styles(parentElement) {
-		var selectorTextArr = [];
-		// Add Parent element Id and Classes to the list
-		selectorTextArr.push('#' + parentElement.id);
-		for (var c = 0; c < parentElement.classList.length; c++)
-				if (!contains('.'+parentElement.classList[c], selectorTextArr))
-					selectorTextArr.push('.'+parentElement.classList[c]);
-		// Add Children element Ids and Classes to the list
-		var nodes = parentElement.getElementsByTagName("*");
-		for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
-			var id = nodes[i].id;
-			if (!contains('#'+id, selectorTextArr))
-				selectorTextArr.push('#' + id);
-			var classes = nodes[i].classList;
-			for (var c = 0; c < classes.length; c++)
-				if (!contains('.'+classes[c], selectorTextArr))
-					selectorTextArr.push('.'+classes[c]);
-		}
-		// Extract CSS Rules
-		var extractedCSSText = "";
-		for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
-			var s = document.styleSheets[i];
-			try {
-			    if(!s.cssRules) continue;
-			} catch(e) {
-		    		if(e.name !== 'SecurityError') throw e; // for Firefox
-		    		continue;
-		    	}
-			var cssRules = s.cssRules;
-			for (var r = 0; r < cssRules.length; r++) {
-				if (contains(cssRules[r].selectorText, selectorTextArr))
-					extractedCSSText += cssRules[r].cssText;
-			}
-		}
-		return extractedCSSText;
-		function contains(str,arr) {
-			return arr.indexOf(str) === -1 ? false : true;
-		}
-	}
-	function append_css(cssText, element) {
-		var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
-		styleElement.setAttribute("type","text/css"); 
-		styleElement.innerHTML = cssText;
-		var refNode = element.hasChildNodes() ? element.children[0] : null;
-		element.insertBefore(styleElement, refNode);
-	}
-* convert svgString to image and export it
-* @param {object} svgString - svgString
-* @param {object} width - width of image
-* @param {object} height - height of image
-* @param {object} format - format to save image in 
-* @param {object} callback - callback function 
-function svg_string_to_image( svgString, width, height, format, callback ) {
-	var format = format ? format : 'png';
-	var imgsrc = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+ btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(svgString))); // Convert SVG string to data URL
-	var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
-	var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
-	canvas.width = width;
-	canvas.height = height;
-	var image = new Image();
-	image.onload = function() {
-		context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
-		context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);
-		canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
-			var filesize = Math.round(blob.length/1024) + ' KB';
-			if (callback) callback(blob, filesize);
-		});
-	};
-	image.src = imgsrc;
diff --git a/Output/graph/index.html b/Output/graph/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 78560da48c01f39debc7a810b58a60672c0995dc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Output/graph/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
-    <meta charset="utf-8">
-    <!-- style specifications for button and div elements -->
-    <style type="text/css">
-        button {
-            width: 100px;
-            height:20px;
-            display: flex;
-            justify-content: center;
-            position: absolute;
-            left: 455px;
-            top: 575px;
-            transition-duration: 0.4s;
-            border-radius:3px;
-            border:1px solid #909090;
-        }
-        .button:hover {
-            background-color: #CACACA;
-        }
-        button.resetZoom {
-            margin-left: 110px;
-        }
-        button.save {
-            margin-left: 220px;
-        }
-        button.abstract {
-            width:146px;
-            position:absolute;
-            top: 181px; 
-            left: 1114px;
-            border-radius:0;
-            border:1px solid #909090;
-        }
-        button.overview {
-            width:147px;
-            position:absolute;
-            display:inline-block;
-            top: 181px; 
-            left: 968px;
-            border-radius:0;
-            border:1px solid #909090;
-        }
-        div.legendbox {
-            width:270px;
-            height:170px; 
-            padding: 10px;
-            /*border: 1px solid #999;*/
-            position: absolute; 
-            top: 10px; 
-            left: 968px;
-            display: inline-block;
-            margin: 0;
-        }
-        div.textbox {
-            width:270px;
-            min-height:200px; 
-            max-height:370px;
-            padding: 10px;
-            border: 1px solid #999;
-            position: absolute; 
-            top: 200px; 
-            left: 968px;
-            display: inline-block;
-            overflow-y: scroll;
-            margin: 0;
-        }
-    </style>
-    <!-- graph -->
-    <svg class="graph" width="960" height="560"></svg>
-    <!-- legend -->
-    <div class="legendbox"> <svg class="legendsvg"></svg></div>
-    <!-- textbox -->
-    <div class="textbox" id = "textbox">Click node</div>
-    <button id="overview" class="overview" onclick='display_abstract(false), highlight_button("overview")'>Overview</button>
-    <button id="abstract" class="abstract" onclick='display_abstract(true), highlight_button("abstract")'>Abstract</button>
-    <!-- buttons -->
-    <button onclick="location.reload()">Reload Graph</button>
-    <button class="resetZoom" onclick="reset_view()">Reset View</button>
-    <button class="save" onclick="save_svg()">Save</button>
-    <!-- D3 (version 5) -->
-    <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>
-    <!-- scripts to save svg element as png -->
-    <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/eligrey/canvas-toBlob.js/f1a01896135ab378aa5c0118eadd81da55e698d8/canvas-toBlob.js"></script>
-	<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/e9d941381475b5df8b7d7691013401e171014e89/FileSaver.min.js"></script>
-    <!-- javascript for force-directed graph -->
-    <script type="text/javascript" id="cn" src="cn.js"></script>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Output/graph/json_text.json b/Output/graph/json_text.json
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3c1d3d7ab6d4d770686f9170bfae697b7d2ca7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Output/graph/json_text.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,819 +0,0 @@
-    "nodes": [
-        {
-            "name": "Comparing Molecular Patterns Using the Example of SMARTS: Applications and Filter Collection Analysis",
-            "author": [
-                "Emanuel S. R. Ehmki",
-                "Robert Schmidt",
-                "Farina Ohm",
-                "Matthias Rarey"
-            ],
-            "year": "May 24, 2019",
-            "journal": "Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling",
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00249",
-            "group": "input",
-            "citations": 5
-        },
-        {
-            "name": "Combining Machine Learning and Computational Chemistry for Predictive Insights Into Chemical Systems",
-            "author": [
-                "John A. Keith",
-                "Valentin Vassilev-Galindo",
-                "Bingqing Cheng",
-                "Stefan Chmiela",
-                "Michael Gastegger",
-                "Klaus-Robert M\u00fcller",
-                "Alexandre Tkatchenko"
-            ],
-            "year": "July 7, 2021",
-            "journal": "Chem. Rev.",
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00107",
-            "group": "height",
-            "citations": 1
-        },
-        {
-            "name": "Disconnected Maximum Common Substructures under Constraints",
-            "author": [
-                "Robert Schmidt",
-                "Florian Krull",
-                "Anna Lina Heinzke",
-                "Matthias Rarey"
-            ],
-            "year": "December 16, 2020",
-            "journal": "Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling",
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00741",
-            "group": "height",
-            "citations": 0
-        },
-        {
-            "name": "Evolution of Novartis\u2019 Small Molecule Screening Deck Design",
-            "author": [
-                "Ansgar Schuffenhauer",
-                "Nadine Schneider",
-                "Samuel Hintermann",
-                "Douglas Auld",
-                "Jutta Blank",
-                "Simona Cotesta",
-                "Caroline Engeloch",
-                "Nikolas Fechner",
-                "Christoph Gaul",
-                "Jerome Giovannoni",
-                "Johanna Jansen",
-                "John Joslin",
-                "Philipp Krastel",
-                "Eugen Lounkine",
-                "John Manchester",
-                "Lauren G. Monovich",
-                "Anna Paola Pelliccioli",
-                "Manuel Schwarze",
-                "Michael D. Shultz",
-                "Nikolaus Stiefl",
-                "Daniel K. Baeschlin"
-            ],
-            "year": "November 3, 2020",
-            "journal": "Journal of Medicinal Chemistry",
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c01332",
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-            "name": "Comparing Molecular Patterns Using the Example of SMARTS: Theory and Algorithms",
-            "author": [
-                "Robert Schmidt",
-                "Emanuel S. R. Ehmki",
-                "Farina Ohm",
-                "Hans-Christian Ehrlich",
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-                "Matthias Rarey"
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-            "year": "May 23, 2019",
-            "journal": "Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling",
-            "doi": "https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00250",
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-            "name": "AutoDock Vina 1.2.0: New Docking Methods, Expanded Force Field, and Python Bindings",
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-                "Jerome Eberhardt",
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-                "Stefano Forli"
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-            "year": "July 19, 2021",
-            "journal": "Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling",
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-            "name": "Accelerating AutoDock4 with GPUs and Gradient-Based Local Search",
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-                "Diogo Santos-Martins",
-                "Leonardo Solis-Vasquez",
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-                "Stefano Forli"
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-            "year": "January 6, 2021",
-            "journal": "Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation",
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-            "group": "depth",
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-            "year": "September 11, 2019",
-            "journal": "Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation",
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-            "name": "AutoDock4Zn: An Improved AutoDock Force Field for Small-Molecule Docking to Zinc Metalloproteins",
-            "author": [
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-            "year": "June 15, 2014",
-            "journal": "Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling",
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