diff --git a/verarbeitung/Processing.py b/verarbeitung/Processing.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4beb8e85ff1e6f1df02bd557aa574eb0f6330057..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/verarbeitung/Processing.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Functions to generate a graph representing citations between multiple ACS/Nature journals
-__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
-__email__ = "cis-project2021@zbh.uni-hamburg.de"
-__status__ = "Production"
-#__copyright__ = ""
-#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
-#__license__ = ""
-#__version__ = ""
-#__maintainer__ = ""
-import sys  
-from pathlib import Path
-from os import error
-from input.publication import Publication
-from get_pub_from_input import get_pub
-from json_demo import output_to_json
-def initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list, search_depth_max, search_height_max, test_var):
-    '''
-        :param doi_input_list:      input list of doi from UI
-        :type doi_input_list:       List[String]
-        :param search_depth_max:    maximum depth to search for references
-        :type search_depth_max:     int
-        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for citations
-        :type search_height_max:    int
-        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
-        :type test_var:             boolean
-        adds input dois to nodes and retrieves citations and references for input publications
-    '''
-    # saves found citations and references in lists
-    references_pub_obj_list = []
-    citations_pub_obj_list = []
-    for pub_doi in doi_input_list: #iterates over every incoming doi
-        pub = get_pub(pub_doi, test_var)
-        if (type(pub) != Publication):
-            print(pub)
-            continue       
-        # checks if publication already exists in nodes
-        not_in_nodes = True #boolean value to check if a node already exists in the set of nodes
-        for node in nodes: #iterates over every node in the set of nodes
-            if (pub.doi_url == node.doi_url): #determines that a node with this doi already is in the set
-                not_in_nodes = False #false --> node will not be created
-                break
-        if (not_in_nodes): #there is no node with this doi in the set
-            nodes.append(pub) #appends Publication Object
-            pub.group = "input"
-        else:
-            doi_input_list.remove(pub_doi) #deletes the doi-dublicate from input list
-        # inserts references as publication objects into list and 
-        # inserts first depth references into nodes/edges if maximum search depth > 0
-        for reference in create_graph_structure_references(pub, 0, search_depth_max, test_var):
-            references_pub_obj_list.append(reference)
-        # inserts citations as publication objects into list and 
-        # inserts first height citations into nodes if maximum search height > 0
-        for citation in create_graph_structure_citations(pub, 0, search_height_max, test_var):
-            citations_pub_obj_list.append(citation)
-    return(references_pub_obj_list, citations_pub_obj_list)
-def complete_inner_edges(test_var):
-    '''
-        :param test_var:    variable to differenciate between test and url call
-        :type test_var:     boolean
-        completes inner edges between nodes of group height and depth
-    '''
-    for node in nodes:
-        if (node.group == "depth"):
-            for citation in node.citations:
-                for cit in nodes:
-                    if (citation == cit.doi_url and [citation, node.doi_url] not in edges):
-                        edges.append([citation, node.doi_url])
-        if (node.group == "height"):
-            for reference in node.references:
-                for ref in nodes:
-                    if (reference == ref.doi_url and [node.doi_url, reference] not in edges):
-                        edges.append([node.doi_url,reference])
-def create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var):
-    '''
-        :param pub:                 publication which references will be added
-        :type pub:                  Publication
-        :param search_depth:        current depth to search for references
-        :type search_depth:         int
-        :param search_depth_max:    maximum depth to search for references
-        :type search_depth_max:     int
-        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
-        :type test_var:             boolean
-        adds a node for every referenced publication unknown
-        adds edges to added references
-    '''
-    references_pub_obj_list = []
-    for reference in pub.references: #iterates over the references of the considered paper
-        not_in_nodes = True #boolean Value to ensure that there will be no dublicates in the set of nodes
-        for node in nodes: #iterates over all nodes in set of nodes #
-            if (reference == node.doi_url): #determines that the node already exists
-                not_in_nodes = False #boolean false --> node will not be created
-                break
-        if (not_in_nodes): #checks that there is no node with this doi 
-            if (search_depth < search_depth_max): #checks that the recursion step is smaller than the limit
-                reference_pub_obj = get_pub(reference, test_var)
-                if (type(reference_pub_obj) != Publication):
-                    print(pub)
-                    continue 
-                reference_pub_obj.group = "depth"
-                nodes.append(reference_pub_obj) # appends the object to the set of nodes
-                edges.append([pub.doi_url,reference_pub_obj.doi_url]) #appends the edge to the set of edges
-                references_pub_obj_list.append(reference_pub_obj) #appends the node to the set of references
-        # adds edge only if citation already exists           
-        elif [pub.doi_url,reference] not in edges:
-            edges.append([pub.doi_url,reference])  
-    return references_pub_obj_list 
-def process_references_rec(references_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var):  
-    '''
-        :param references_pub_obj_list: list of publications which references will be added
-        :type references_pub_obj_list:  List[Publication]
-        :param search_depth:            current depth to search for references
-        :type search_depth:             int
-        :param search_depth_max:        maximum depth to search for references
-        :type search_depth_max:         int
-        :param test_var:                variable to differenciate between test and url call
-        :type test_var:                 boolean
-        recursive function to implement height-first-search on references
-    '''
-    # adds next level to nodes/edges
-    for pub in references_pub_obj_list:
-        new_reference_pub_obj_list = create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var)    
-        # If the maximum height has not yet been reached, calls function recursivly with increased height     
-        if (search_depth < search_depth_max):
-            process_references_rec(new_reference_pub_obj_list, search_depth+1, search_depth_max, test_var)
-def create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):
-    '''
-        :param pub:                 publication which citations will be added
-        :type pub:                  Publication
-        :param search_height:       current height to search for citations
-        :type search_height_max:    int
-        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for citations
-        :type search_height_max:    int
-        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
-        :type test_var:             boolean
-        adds a node for every citing publication unknown
-        adds edges to added citations
-    '''
-    citations_pub_obj_list = []
-    for citation in pub.citations:
-        not_in_nodes = True
-        for node in nodes: # checks every citation for duplication 
-            if (citation == node.doi_url):
-                not_in_nodes = False
-                break
-        if (not_in_nodes):
-            if (search_height < search_height_max): #checks if its a test and chooses input function accordingly
-                citation_pub_obj = get_pub(citation, test_var)
-                if (type(citation_pub_obj) != Publication):
-                    print(pub)
-                    continue 
-                citation_pub_obj.group = "height"
-                nodes.append(citation_pub_obj)
-                edges.append([citation_pub_obj.doi_url,pub.doi_url])
-                citations_pub_obj_list.append(citation_pub_obj)
-        # adds only edge if citation already exists         
-        elif [citation,pub.doi_url] not in edges:
-            edges.append([citation,pub.doi_url])   
-    return citations_pub_obj_list
-def process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):  
-    '''
-        :param citations_pub_obj_list:  list of publications which citations will be added
-        :type citations_pub_obj_list:   List[Publication]
-        :param search_height:       current height to search for citations
-        :type search_height_max:    int
-        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for citations
-        :type search_height_max:    int
-        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
-        :type test_var:             boolean
-        recursive function to implement depth-first-search on citations
-    '''
-    # adds next level to nodes/edges
-    for pub in citations_pub_obj_list:
-        new_citation_pub_obj_list = create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_height, search_height_max, test_var)   
-        # If the maximum height has not yet been reached, calls function recursivly with increased height 
-        if (search_height < search_height_max):
-            process_citations_rec(new_citation_pub_obj_list, search_height+1, search_height_max, test_var)
-def process_main(doi_input_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var = False):
-    '''
-        :param doi_input_list:  input list of doi from UI
-        :type doi_input_list:   list of strings
-        :param search_height:   maximum height to search for citations
-        :type search_height:    int
-        :param search_depth:    maximum depth to search for references
-        :type search_depth:     int
-        :param test_var:        variable to differenciate between test and url call
-        :type test_var:         boolean
-        main function to start graph generation
-    '''
-    # ERROR-Handling doi_array = NULL
-    if (len(doi_input_list) == 0):
-        print("Error, no input data")
-    # ERROR- if a negative number is entered for height
-    if (search_height < 0):
-        print("Error, search_height of search must be positive")
-    # ERROR- if a negative number is entered for depth
-    if (search_depth < 0):
-        print("Error, search_depth of search must be positive")       
-    # creates empty lists to save nodes and edges
-    global nodes, edges
-    nodes = [] 
-    edges = [] 
-    # initializes nodes/edges from input and gets a list with publication objects for citations and references returned
-    references_obj_list, citations_obj_list = initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list,search_depth, search_height, test_var)
-    # function calls to begin recursive processing up to max depth/height
-    process_citations_rec(citations_obj_list, 1, search_height, test_var)
-    process_references_rec(references_obj_list, 1, search_depth, test_var)
-    # adds edges between reference group and citation group of known publications
-    complete_inner_edges(test_var)
-    # calls a skript to save nodes and edges of graph in .json file
-    output_to_json(nodes,edges, test_var)
-    return(nodes,edges)
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__init__.py b/verarbeitung/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-36.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-36.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 203d7b80e86c1714067062b8efd787fd591d82e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-36.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-38.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-38.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1906483bf8be5183bfad874433aca0cd4a75a8fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-38.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-39.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-39.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index a86e804167e4c2fdf2e9a1f4b354ef6506381740..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing.cpython-39.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing_pub_objs_only.cpython-39.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing_pub_objs_only.cpython-39.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ce1023e6ea54e1b04b37ad5a1fd08115d5f52a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/Processing_pub_objs_only.cpython-39.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-36.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-36.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 04312c91f0a7675651e99a2a6c10a2c9da146758..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-36.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-38.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-38.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 515ab99c01a5ce78bb5bb6de554a4dae3ffe4b4b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-38.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-39.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-39.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 175f9ebbfdf5f3313196b4f10aa01dc2e8e20509..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_fj.cpython-39.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-36.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-36.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 956c497bc38c9471bc9e7cb52a870cd1174cceee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-36.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-38.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-38.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b42ad4c56ad3a65838c0ccc2716b9aea899b5b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-38.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-39.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-39.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 550ce300289531fa2018d232b0f3bbf9986d3cd0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/input_test.cpython-39.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-36.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-36.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3a9cbc487bf90532dafb33e6c3ae84f57f6758..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-36.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-38.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-38.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4daf8e7b50fdad59d6cac52e92a9ab3bd02a395f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-38.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-39.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-39.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a90cf68398464b1132fc65f1a598bac313a51a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/json_demo.cpython-39.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/unittest.cpython-36.pyc b/verarbeitung/__pycache__/unittest.cpython-36.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 245eb7f9be9221daa930d9fa83c77368ba463af7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/verarbeitung/__pycache__/unittest.cpython-36.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/Processing.py b/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/Processing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9a85f93c62fca0bee3e490edd694ffbab336c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/Processing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Functions to generate a graph representing citations between multiple ACS/Nature journals
+__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
+__email__ = "cis-project2021@zbh.uni-hamburg.de"
+__status__ = "Production"
+#__copyright__ = ""
+#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
+#__license__ = ""
+#__version__ = ""
+#__maintainer__ = ""
+import sys  
+from pathlib import Path
+from os import error
+from input.publication import Publication
+from verarbeitung.get_pub_from_input import get_pub
+from .export_to_json import output_to_json
+from .add_citations_rec import add_citations, create_global_lists_cit
+from .add_references_rec import add_references, create_global_lists_ref
+def initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list, search_depth_max, search_height_max, test_var):
+    '''
+        :param doi_input_list:      input list of doi from UI
+        :type doi_input_list:       List[String]
+        :param search_depth_max:    maximum depth to search for references
+        :type search_depth_max:     int
+        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:             boolean
+        adds input dois to nodes and retrieves citations and references for input publications
+    '''
+    # saves found citations and references in lists
+    references_pub_obj_list = []
+    citations_pub_obj_list = []
+    for pub_doi in doi_input_list: #iterates over every incoming doi
+        pub = get_pub(pub_doi, test_var)
+        if (type(pub) != Publication):
+            print(pub)
+            continue       
+        # checks if publication already exists in nodes
+        not_in_nodes = True #boolean value to check if a node already exists in the set of nodes
+        for node in nodes: #iterates over every node in the set of nodes
+            if (pub.doi_url == node.doi_url): #determines that a node with this doi already is in the set
+                not_in_nodes = False #false --> node will not be created
+                break
+        if (not_in_nodes): #there is no node with this doi in the set
+            nodes.append(pub) #appends Publication Object
+            pub.group = "input"
+        else:
+            doi_input_list.remove(pub_doi) #deletes the doi-dublicate from input list
+        # inserts references as publication objects into list and 
+        # inserts first depth references into nodes/edges if maximum search depth > 0
+        for reference in create_global_lists_ref(nodes, edges, pub, 0, search_depth_max, test_var):
+            references_pub_obj_list.append(reference)
+        # inserts citations as publication objects into list and 
+        # inserts first height citations into nodes if maximum search height > 0
+        for citation in create_global_lists_cit(nodes, edges, pub, 0, search_height_max, test_var):
+            citations_pub_obj_list.append(citation)
+    return(references_pub_obj_list, citations_pub_obj_list)
+def complete_inner_edges(test_var):
+    '''
+        :param test_var:    variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:     boolean
+        completes inner edges between nodes of group height and depth
+    '''
+    for node in nodes:
+        if (node.group == "depth"):
+            for citation in node.citations:
+                for cit in nodes:
+                    if (citation == cit.doi_url and [citation, node.doi_url] not in edges):
+                        edges.append([citation, node.doi_url])
+        if (node.group == "height"):
+            for reference in node.references:
+                for ref in nodes:
+                    if (reference == ref.doi_url and [node.doi_url, reference] not in edges):
+                        edges.append([node.doi_url,reference])
+def process_main(doi_input_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var = False):
+    '''
+        :param doi_input_list:  input list of doi from UI
+        :type doi_input_list:   list of strings
+        :param search_height:   maximum height to search for citations
+        :type search_height:    int
+        :param search_depth:    maximum depth to search for references
+        :type search_depth:     int
+        :param test_var:        variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:         boolean
+        main function to start graph generation
+    '''
+    # ERROR-Handling doi_array = NULL
+    if (len(doi_input_list) == 0):
+        print("Error, no input data")
+    # ERROR- if a negative number is entered for height
+    if (search_height < 0):
+        print("Error, search_height of search must be positive")
+    # ERROR- if a negative number is entered for depth
+    if (search_depth < 0):
+        print("Error, search_depth of search must be positive")       
+    # creates empty lists to save nodes and edges
+    global nodes, edges
+    nodes = [] 
+    edges = [] 
+    # initializes nodes/edges from input and gets a list with publication objects for citations and references returned
+    references_obj_list, citations_obj_list = initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list,search_depth, search_height, test_var)
+    # function calls to begin recursive processing up to max depth/height
+    add_citations(nodes, edges, citations_obj_list, 1, search_height, test_var)
+    add_references(nodes, edges, references_obj_list, 1, search_depth, test_var)
+    # adds edges between reference group and citation group of known publications
+    complete_inner_edges(test_var)
+    # calls a skript to save nodes and edges of graph in .json file
+    output_to_json(nodes,edges, test_var)
+    return(nodes,edges)
diff --git a/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/__init__.py b/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/add_citations_rec.py b/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/add_citations_rec.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6dd815f732b8fe17525f119ef8b8339794dd0856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/add_citations_rec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Functions to add citations recursivly for multiple ACS/Nature journals
+__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
+__email__ = "cis-project2021@zbh.uni-hamburg.de"
+__status__ = "Production"
+#__copyright__ = ""
+#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
+#__license__ = ""
+#__version__ = ""
+#__maintainer__ = ""
+import sys  
+from pathlib import Path
+from os import error
+from input.publication import Publication
+from verarbeitung.get_pub_from_input import get_pub
+def create_global_lists_cit(input_nodes, input_edges, pub, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):
+    '''
+        :param input_nodes:         list of nodes from Processing
+        :type input_nodes:          List[Publication]
+        :param input_edges:         list of edges from Processing
+        :type input_edges:          List[String, String]
+        :param pub:                 Publication which citations will be added
+        :type pub:                  Publication
+        :param search_height:       current height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:             boolean
+        function to create nodes and edges and call create_graph_structure_citations
+    '''
+    global nodes, edges
+    nodes = input_nodes
+    edges = input_edges
+    return create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_height, search_height_max, test_var)
+def create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):
+    '''
+        :param pub:                 publication which citations will be added
+        :type pub:                  Publication
+        :param search_height:       current height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:             boolean
+        adds a node for every citing publication unknown
+        adds edges to added citations
+    '''
+    citations_pub_obj_list = []
+    for citation in pub.citations:
+        not_in_nodes = True
+        for node in nodes: # checks every citation for duplication 
+            if (citation == node.doi_url):
+                not_in_nodes = False
+                break
+        if (not_in_nodes):
+            if (search_height < search_height_max): #checks if its a test and chooses input function accordingly
+                citation_pub_obj = get_pub(citation, test_var)
+                if (type(citation_pub_obj) != Publication):
+                    print(pub)
+                    continue 
+                citation_pub_obj.group = "height"
+                nodes.append(citation_pub_obj)
+                edges.append([citation_pub_obj.doi_url,pub.doi_url])
+                citations_pub_obj_list.append(citation_pub_obj)
+        # adds only edge if citation already exists         
+        elif [citation,pub.doi_url] not in edges:
+            edges.append([citation,pub.doi_url])   
+    return citations_pub_obj_list
+def process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):  
+    '''
+        :param citations_pub_obj_list:  list of publications which citations will be added
+        :type citations_pub_obj_list:   List[Publication]
+        :param search_height:       current height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:             boolean
+        recursive function to implement depth-first-search on citations
+    '''
+    # adds next level to nodes/edges
+    for pub in citations_pub_obj_list:
+        new_citation_pub_obj_list = create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_height, search_height_max, test_var)   
+        # If the maximum height has not yet been reached, calls function recursivly with increased height 
+        if (search_height < search_height_max):
+            process_citations_rec(new_citation_pub_obj_list, search_height+1, search_height_max, test_var)
+def add_citations(input_nodes, input_edges, citations_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):
+    '''
+        :param input_nodes:             list of nodes from Processing
+        :type input_nodes:              List[Publication]
+        :param input_edges:             list of edges from Processing
+        :type input_edges:              List[String, String]
+        :param citations_pub_obj_list:  list of publications which citations will be added
+        :type citations_pub_obj_list:   List[Publication]
+        :param search_height:       current height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for citations
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:             boolean
+        function to call recursive depth-first-search of citations
+    '''
+    global nodes, edges
+    nodes = input_nodes
+    edges = input_edges
+    process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_max, test_var)
+    return(nodes, edges)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/add_references_rec.py b/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/add_references_rec.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..320bc217094ef6c277ad39a46c6f1e2b39b9b16c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/add_references_rec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Functions to add references recursivly for multiple ACS/Nature journals
+__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
+__email__ = "cis-project2021@zbh.uni-hamburg.de"
+__status__ = "Production"
+#__copyright__ = ""
+#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
+#__license__ = ""
+#__version__ = ""
+#__maintainer__ = ""
+import sys  
+from pathlib import Path
+from os import error
+from input.publication import Publication
+from verarbeitung.get_pub_from_input import get_pub
+def create_global_lists_ref(input_nodes, input_edges, pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var):
+    '''
+        :param input_nodes:         list of nodes from Processing
+        :type input_nodes:          List[Publication]
+        :param input_edges:         list of edges from Processing
+        :type input_edges:          List[String, String]
+        :param pub:                 Publication which references will be added
+        :type pub:                  Publication
+        :param search_height:       current height to search for references
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for references
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:             boolean
+        function to create nodes and edges and call create_graph_structure_references 
+    '''
+    global nodes, edges
+    nodes = input_nodes
+    edges = input_edges
+    return create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var)
+def create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var):
+    '''
+        :param pub:                 publication which references will be added
+        :type pub:                  Publication
+        :param search_depth:        current depth to search for references
+        :type search_depth:         int
+        :param search_depth_max:    maximum depth to search for references
+        :type search_depth_max:     int
+        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:             boolean
+        adds a node for every referenced publication unknown
+        adds edges to added references
+    '''
+    references_pub_obj_list = []
+    for reference in pub.references: #iterates over the references of the considered paper
+        not_in_nodes = True #boolean Value to ensure that there will be no dublicates in the set of nodes
+        for node in nodes: #iterates over all nodes in set of nodes #
+            if (reference == node.doi_url): #determines that the node already exists
+                not_in_nodes = False #boolean false --> node will not be created
+                break
+        if (not_in_nodes): #checks that there is no node with this doi 
+            if (search_depth < search_depth_max): #checks that the recursion step is smaller than the limit
+                reference_pub_obj = get_pub(reference, test_var)
+                if (type(reference_pub_obj) != Publication):
+                    print(pub)
+                    continue 
+                reference_pub_obj.group = "depth"
+                nodes.append(reference_pub_obj) # appends the object to the set of nodes
+                edges.append([pub.doi_url,reference_pub_obj.doi_url]) #appends the edge to the set of edges
+                references_pub_obj_list.append(reference_pub_obj) #appends the node to the set of references
+        # adds edge only if citation already exists           
+        elif [pub.doi_url,reference] not in edges:
+            edges.append([pub.doi_url,reference])  
+    return references_pub_obj_list 
+def process_references_rec(references_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var):  
+    '''
+        :param references_pub_obj_list: list of publications which references will be added
+        :type references_pub_obj_list:  List[Publication]
+        :param search_depth:            current depth to search for references
+        :type search_depth:             int
+        :param search_depth_max:        maximum depth to search for references
+        :type search_depth_max:         int
+        :param test_var:                variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:                 boolean
+        recursive function to implement height-first-search on references
+    '''
+    # adds next level to nodes/edges
+    for pub in references_pub_obj_list:
+        new_reference_pub_obj_list = create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var)    
+        # If the maximum height has not yet been reached, calls function recursivly with increased height     
+        if (search_depth < search_depth_max):
+            process_references_rec(new_reference_pub_obj_list, search_depth+1, search_depth_max, test_var)
+def add_references(input_nodes, input_edges, references_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):
+    '''
+        :param input_nodes:             list of nodes from Processing
+        :type input_nodes:              List[Publication]
+        :param input_edges:             list of edges from Processing
+        :type input_edges:              List[String, String]
+        :param references_pub_obj_list:  list of publications which references will be added
+        :type references_pub_obj_list:   List[Publication]
+        :param search_height:       current height to search for references
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param search_height_max:   maximum height to search for references
+        :type search_height_max:    int
+        :param test_var:            variable to differenciate between test and url call
+        :type test_var:             boolean
+        function to call recursive depth-first-search of references
+    '''
+    global nodes, edges
+    nodes = input_nodes
+    edges = input_edges
+    process_references_rec(references_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_max, test_var)
+    return(nodes, edges)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verarbeitung/json_demo.py b/verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/export_to_json.py
similarity index 100%
rename from verarbeitung/json_demo.py
rename to verarbeitung/construct_new_graph/export_to_json.py
diff --git a/verarbeitung/dev_files/__init__.py b/verarbeitung/dev_files/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/verarbeitung/print_graph_test.py b/verarbeitung/dev_files/print_graph_test.py
similarity index 94%
rename from verarbeitung/print_graph_test.py
rename to verarbeitung/dev_files/print_graph_test.py
index efb62ec6985338e1eaf8fee099a4b526bde8d8fc..f5e3a03696440d5dabded16f0a3253de6bc08f09 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/print_graph_test.py
+++ b/verarbeitung/dev_files/print_graph_test.py
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ import sys
 #sys.path.insert(1, 'C:\Users\Malte\Git\CiS-Projekt\ci-s-projekt-verarbeitung\input')
 from input.interface import InputInterface as Input
-from Processing import process_main
-from import_from_json import input_from_json
-from update_graph import check_graph_updates
+from verarbeitung.construct_new_graph.Processing import process_main
+from verarbeitung.update_graph.import_from_json import input_from_json
+from update_graph.update_graph import check_graph_updates
 # a function to print nodes and edges from a graph
 def print_graph(nodes, edges):
diff --git a/verarbeitung/get_pub_from_input.py b/verarbeitung/get_pub_from_input.py
index a8636a4fcf755943d170abbf84e50fce937a67c2..9cf4b9cc33ef9ce6a8b8dd3154fda4db2356da34 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/get_pub_from_input.py
+++ b/verarbeitung/get_pub_from_input.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from input.interface import InputInterface as Input
-from input_test import input_test_func
+from verarbeitung.test.input_test import input_test_func
 def get_pub(pub_doi, test_var):
diff --git a/verarbeitung/json_text.json b/verarbeitung/json_text.json
deleted file mode 100644
index de3ddf528cc6224a68946f5b7fab56276120f741..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/verarbeitung/json_text.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-{"nodes": [{"doi": "https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00249", "name": "Comparing Molecular Patterns Using the Example of SMARTS: Applications and Filter Collection Analysis", "author": ["Emanuel S. R. Ehmki", "Robert Schmidt", "Farina Ohm", "Matthias Rarey"], "year": "May 24, 2019", "journal": "Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling", "group": "input", "citations": 5}], "links": []}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verarbeitung/process_main.py b/verarbeitung/process_main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/verarbeitung/Processing_unittest.py b/verarbeitung/test/Processing_unittest.py
similarity index 94%
rename from verarbeitung/Processing_unittest.py
rename to verarbeitung/test/Processing_unittest.py
index def144251db43f2e7a3f7e072ebe7898ca2a7c7d..47dd268885d14a254ced584c24d5a9e4dcafb0e8 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/Processing_unittest.py
+++ b/verarbeitung/test/Processing_unittest.py
@@ -1,119 +1,123 @@
-import unittest
-from Processing import process_main
-from import_from_json import input_from_json
-from update_graph import check_graph_updates
-class ProcessingTest(unittest.TestCase):
-     maxDiff = None
-     def testCycle(self):
-         nodes, edges = process_main(['doiz1'],1,1,True)
-         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes, ['doiz1', 'doiz2'])
-         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doiz1', 'doiz2'], ['doiz2', 'doiz1']])
-         nodes, edges = process_main(['doiz1'],2,2,True)
-         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes, ['doiz1', 'doiz2'])
-         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doiz2', 'doiz1'], ['doiz1', 'doiz2']])
-    #def testBigCycle(self):
-    #def testEmptyHeight(self):
-    #def testEmptyDepth(self):
-     def testEmptyDepthHeight(self):
-         nodes, edges = process_main(['doi1'],0,0,True)
-         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi1'])
-         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [])
-         nodes, edges = process_main(['doi1', 'doi2'],0,0,True)
-         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes, ['doi1','doi2'])
-         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi1', 'doi2']])
-         nodes, edges = process_main(['doi1', 'doi2', 'doi3'],0,0,True)
-         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes, ['doi1','doi2', 'doi3'])
-         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi3', 'doi1'], ['doi1', 'doi2']])
-     def testInnerEdges(self):
-        nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_ie1'],1,1,True)
-        doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-        self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_ie1','doi_ie2','doi_ie3'])
-        self.assertCountEqual(edges,[['doi_ie1','doi_ie2'],['doi_ie3','doi_ie1'],['doi_ie3','doi_ie2']])
-     def testRightHeight(self):
-          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_h01'],1,0,True)
-          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_h01'])
-          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [])
-          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_h02'],1,0,True)
-          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_h02','doi_h1'])
-          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi_h1','doi_h02']])
-          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_h02'],2,0,True)
-          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_h02','doi_h1','doi_h2'])
-          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi_h1','doi_h02'], ['doi_h2','doi_h1']])
-     def testRightDepth(self):
-          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_d01'],0,1,True)
-          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_d01'])
-          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [])
-          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_d02'],0,1,True)
-          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_d02','doi_d1'])
-          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi_d02','doi_d1']])
-          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_d02'],0,2,True)
-          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
-          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_d02','doi_d1','doi_d2'])
-          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi_d02','doi_d1'], ['doi_d1','doi_d2']])
-     def test_import_from_json(self):
-          nodes_old, edges_old = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i'],2,2,True)
-          nodes_new, edges_new = input_from_json('test_output.json')
-          self.assertCountEqual(nodes_old,nodes_new)
-          self.assertCountEqual(edges_old, edges_new)
-     def test_deleted_input_dois(self):
-          nodes_old_single, edges_old_single = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i'],2,2,True)
-          nodes_old_both, edges_old_both = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i','doi_lg_2_i'],2,2,True)
-          nodes_new_both, edges_new_both = input_from_json('test_output.json')
-          nodes_new_single, edges_new_single = check_graph_updates(['doi_lg_1_i'], nodes_old_both, edges_old_both, True)
-          self.assertCountEqual(nodes_old_single,nodes_new_single)
-          self.assertCountEqual(edges_old_single, edges_new_single)
-          nodes_old_single, edges_old_single = process_main(['doi_cg_i'],3,3,True)
-          nodes_old_two, edges_old_two = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i','doi_cg_i'],3,3,True)
-          nodes_old_three, edges_old_three = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i','doi_lg_2_i','doi_cg_i'],3,3,True)
-def keep_only_dois(nodes):
-     '''
-          :param nodes:  input list of nodes of type Publication
-          :type nodes:   List[Publication]
-          gets nodes of type pub and return only their doi
-    '''
-     doi_list = []
-     for node in nodes:
-          doi_list.append(node.doi_url)
-     return doi_list
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+import unittest
+import sys  
+from pathlib import Path
+from verarbeitung.construct_new_graph.Processing import process_main
+from verarbeitung.update_graph.import_from_json import input_from_json
+from verarbeitung.update_graph.update_graph import check_graph_updates
+class ProcessingTest(unittest.TestCase):
+     maxDiff = None
+     def testCycle(self):
+         nodes, edges = process_main(['doiz1'],1,1,True)
+         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes, ['doiz1', 'doiz2'])
+         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doiz1', 'doiz2'], ['doiz2', 'doiz1']])
+         nodes, edges = process_main(['doiz1'],2,2,True)
+         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes, ['doiz1', 'doiz2'])
+         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doiz2', 'doiz1'], ['doiz1', 'doiz2']])
+    #def testBigCycle(self):
+    #def testEmptyHeight(self):
+    #def testEmptyDepth(self):
+     def testEmptyDepthHeight(self):
+         nodes, edges = process_main(['doi1'],0,0,True)
+         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi1'])
+         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [])
+         nodes, edges = process_main(['doi1', 'doi2'],0,0,True)
+         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes, ['doi1','doi2'])
+         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi1', 'doi2']])
+         nodes, edges = process_main(['doi1', 'doi2', 'doi3'],0,0,True)
+         doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+         self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes, ['doi1','doi2', 'doi3'])
+         self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi3', 'doi1'], ['doi1', 'doi2']])
+     def testInnerEdges(self):
+        nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_ie1'],1,1,True)
+        doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+        self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_ie1','doi_ie2','doi_ie3'])
+        self.assertCountEqual(edges,[['doi_ie1','doi_ie2'],['doi_ie3','doi_ie1'],['doi_ie3','doi_ie2']])
+     def testRightHeight(self):
+          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_h01'],1,0,True)
+          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_h01'])
+          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [])
+          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_h02'],1,0,True)
+          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_h02','doi_h1'])
+          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi_h1','doi_h02']])
+          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_h02'],2,0,True)
+          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_h02','doi_h1','doi_h2'])
+          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi_h1','doi_h02'], ['doi_h2','doi_h1']])
+     def testRightDepth(self):
+          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_d01'],0,1,True)
+          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_d01'])
+          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [])
+          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_d02'],0,1,True)
+          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_d02','doi_d1'])
+          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi_d02','doi_d1']])
+          nodes, edges = process_main(['doi_d02'],0,2,True)
+          doi_nodes = keep_only_dois(nodes)
+          self.assertCountEqual(doi_nodes,['doi_d02','doi_d1','doi_d2'])
+          self.assertCountEqual(edges, [['doi_d02','doi_d1'], ['doi_d1','doi_d2']])
+     def test_import_from_json(self):
+          nodes_old, edges_old = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i'],2,2,True)
+          nodes_new, edges_new = input_from_json('test_output.json')
+          self.assertCountEqual(nodes_old,nodes_new)
+          self.assertCountEqual(edges_old, edges_new)
+     def test_deleted_input_dois(self):
+          nodes_old_single, edges_old_single = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i'],2,2,True)
+          nodes_old_both, edges_old_both = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i','doi_lg_2_i'],2,2,True)
+          nodes_new_both, edges_new_both = input_from_json('test_output.json')
+          nodes_new_single, edges_new_single = check_graph_updates(['doi_lg_1_i'], nodes_old_both, edges_old_both, True)
+          self.assertCountEqual(nodes_old_single,nodes_new_single)
+          self.assertCountEqual(edges_old_single, edges_new_single)
+          nodes_old_single, edges_old_single = process_main(['doi_cg_i'],3,3,True)
+          nodes_old_two, edges_old_two = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i','doi_cg_i'],3,3,True)
+          nodes_old_three, edges_old_three = process_main(['doi_lg_1_i','doi_lg_2_i','doi_cg_i'],3,3,True)
+def keep_only_dois(nodes):
+     '''
+          :param nodes:  input list of nodes of type Publication
+          :type nodes:   List[Publication]
+          gets nodes of type pub and return only their doi
+    '''
+     doi_list = []
+     for node in nodes:
+          doi_list.append(node.doi_url)
+     return doi_list
+if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verarbeitung/test/__init__.py b/verarbeitung/test/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/verarbeitung/input_test.py b/verarbeitung/test/input_test.py
similarity index 98%
rename from verarbeitung/input_test.py
rename to verarbeitung/test/input_test.py
index 4c9bf317c20a41cc8ba134334d92cfa2da8f8d99..928c8b401fc2377b05cb5fe3aa6500ea0c0c0261 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/input_test.py
+++ b/verarbeitung/test/input_test.py
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
-import sys
-from input.publication import Publication, Citation
-def input_test_func(pub_doi):
-    '''
-        :param pub_doi: pub doi to find publication in list_of_arrays
-        :type pub_doi:  String
-        returns the publication class for given doi
-    '''
-    for array in list_of_arrays:
-        if pub_doi == array[0]:
-            pub = Publication(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7])
-            return pub
-def cit(list_doi):
-    '''
-        :param list_doi list of citation dois to get their Citation Class 
-        :type list_doi: List[String]
-        returns a list of citations objects for given doi list
-    '''
-    cits = []
-    for doi_url in list_doi:
-        for array in list_of_arrays:
-            if doi_url == array[0]:
-                cits.append(Citation(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]))
-    return cits
-def ref(list_doi):
-    '''
-        :param list_doi list of reference dois to get their Reference Class 
-        :type list_doi: List[String]
-        returns a list of reference objects for given doi list
-    '''
-    refs = []
-    for doi_url in list_doi:
-        for array in list_of_arrays:
-            if doi_url == array[0]:
-                refs.append(Citation(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]))
-    return refs
-beispiel1 = ['doi1', 'title1', ['contributor1'], 'journal1', 'date1', ['subject1'], ['doi2'], ['doi3']]
-beispiel2 = ['doi2', 'title2', ['contributor2'], 'journal2', 'date2', ['subject2'], [], ['doi1']]
-beispiel3 = ['doi3', 'title3', ['contributor3'], 'journal3', 'date3', ['subject3'], ['doi1'], []]
-zyklus1 = ['doiz1', 'titlez1', ['contributorz1.1', 'contributorz1.2'], 'journalz1', 'datez1', ['subjectz1'], ['doiz2'], ['doiz2']]
-zyklus2 = ['doiz2', 'titlez2', ['contributorz2.1', 'contributorz2.2'], 'journalz2', 'datez2', ['subjectz1'], ['doiz1'], ['doiz1']]
-inner_edge1 = ['doi_ie1', 'title_ie1', ['contributor_ie1.1', 'contributor_ie1.2'], 'journal_ie1', 'date_ie1', ['subject_ie1'], ['doi_ie2'], ['doi_ie3']]
-inner_edge2 = ['doi_ie2', 'title_ie2', ['contributor_ie2.1', 'contributor_ie2.2'], 'journal_ie2', 'date_ie2', ['subject_ie2'], [], ['doi_ie1','doi_ie3']]
-inner_edge3 = ['doi_ie3', 'titlez_ie3', ['contributor_ie3.1', 'contributor_ie3.2'], 'journal_ie3', 'date_ie3', ['subject_ie3'], ['doi_ie1','doi_ie2'], []]
-right_height01 = ['doi_h01', 'title_h01', ['contributor_h01'], 'journal_h01', 'date_h01', ['subject_h01'], [], []]
-right_height02 = ['doi_h02', 'title_h02', ['contributor_h02'], 'journal_h02', 'date_h02', ['subject_h02'], [], ['doi_h1']]
-right_height1 = ['doi_h1', 'title_h1', ['contributor_h1'], 'journal_h1', 'date_h1', ['subject_h1'], [], ['doi_h2']]
-right_height2 = ['doi_h2', 'title_h2', ['contributor_h2'], 'journal_h2', 'date_h2', ['subject_h2'], [], ['doi_h3']]
-right_height3 = ['doi_h3', 'title_h3', ['contributor_h3'], 'journal_h3', 'date_h3', ['subject_h3'], [], []]
-right_depth01 = ['doi_d01', 'title_d01', ['contributor_d01'], 'journal_d01', 'date_d01', ['subject_d01'], [], []]
-right_depth02 = ['doi_d02', 'title_d02', ['contributor_d02'], 'journal_d02', 'date_d02', ['subject_d01'], ['doi_d1'], []]
-right_depth1 = ['doi_d1', 'title_d1', ['contributor_d1'], 'journal_d1', 'date_d1', ['subject_d1'], ['doi_d2'], []]
-right_depth2 = ['doi_d2', 'title_d2', ['contributor_d2'], 'journal_d2', 'date_d2', ['subject_d2'], ['doi_d3'], []]
-right_depth3 = ['doi_d3', 'title_d3', ['contributor_d3'], 'journal_d3', 'date_d3', ['subject_d3'], [], []]
-large_graph_1_h21 = ['doi_lg_1_h21', 'title_lg_1_h21', ['contributor_lg_1_h21'], 'journal_lg_1_h21', 'date_lg_1_h21', ['subject_lg_1_h21'], ['doi_lg_1_h11'], []]
-large_graph_1_h22 = ['doi_lg_1_h22', 'title_lg_1_h22', ['contributor_lg_1_h22'], 'journal_lg_1_h22', 'date_lg_1_h22', ['subject_lg_1_h22'], ['doi_lg_1_h11','doi_lg_1_h12'], []]
-large_graph_1_h23 = ['doi_lg_1_h23', 'title_lg_1_h23', ['contributor_lg_1_h23'], 'journal_lg_1_h23', 'date_lg_1_h23', ['subject_lg_1_h23'], ['doi_lg_1_h12','doi_cg_i'], []]
-large_graph_1_h11 = ['doi_lg_1_h11', 'title_lg_1_h11', ['contributor_lg_1_h11'], 'journal_lg_1_h11', 'date_lg_1_h11', ['subject_lg_1_h11'], ['doi_lg_1_h12','doi_lg_1_i'], ['doi_lg_1_h21','doi_lg_1_h22']]
-large_graph_1_h12 = ['doi_lg_1_h12', 'title_lg_1_h12', ['contributor_lg_1_h12'], 'journal_lg_1_h12', 'date_lg_1_h12', ['subject_lg_1_h12'], ['doi_lg_1_i','doi_lg_1_d12'], ['doi_lg_1_h22','doi_lg_1_h23']]
-large_graph_1_i =   ['doi_lg_1_i'  , 'title_lg_1_i'  , ['contributor_lg_1_i']  , 'journal_lg_1_i'  , 'date_lg_1_i'  , ['subject_lg_1_i']  , ['doi_lg_1_d11','doi_lg_1_d12'], ['doi_lg_1_h11','doi_lg_1_h12']]
-large_graph_1_d11 = ['doi_lg_1_d11', 'title_lg_1_d11', ['contributor_lg_1_d11'], 'journal_lg_1_d11', 'date_lg_1_d11', ['subject_lg_1_d11'], ['doi_lg_1_d21','doi_lg_1_d22'], ['doi_lg_1_i']]
-large_graph_1_d12 = ['doi_lg_1_d12', 'title_lg_1_d12', ['contributor_lg_1_d12'], 'journal_lg_1_d12', 'date_lg_1_d12', ['subject_lg_1_d12'], ['doi_lg_1_d23'], ['doi_lg_1_h12','doi_lg_1_i']]
-large_graph_1_d21 = ['doi_lg_1_d21', 'title_lg_1_d21', ['contributor_lg_1_d21'], 'journal_lg_1_d21', 'date_lg_1_d21', ['subject_lg_1_d21'], ['doi_lg_1_d22'], ['doi_lg_1_d11','doi_lg_1_d22']]
-large_graph_1_d22 = ['doi_lg_1_d22', 'title_lg_1_d22', ['contributor_lg_1_d22'], 'journal_lg_1_d22', 'date_lg_1_d22', ['subject_lg_1_d22'], ['doi_lg_1_d21'], ['doi_lg_1_d11','doi_lg_1_d21']]
-large_graph_1_d23 = ['doi_lg_1_d23', 'title_lg_1_d23', ['contributor_lg_1_d23'], 'journal_lg_1_d23', 'date_lg_1_d23', ['subject_lg_1_d23'], [], ['doi_lg_1_d12','doi_cg_d11']]
-large_graph_2_h21 = ['doi_lg_2_h21', 'title_lg_2_h21', ['contributor_lg_2_h21'], 'journal_lg_2_h21', 'date_lg_2_h21', ['subject_lg_2_h21'], ['doi_lg_2_h11'], []]
-large_graph_2_h22 = ['doi_lg_2_h22', 'title_lg_2_h22', ['contributor_lg_2_h22'], 'journal_lg_2_h22', 'date_lg_2_h22', ['subject_lg_2_h22'], ['doi_lg_2_h11'], []]
-large_graph_2_h23 = ['doi_lg_2_h23', 'title_lg_2_h23', ['contributor_lg_2_h23'], 'journal_lg_2_h23', 'date_lg_2_h23', ['subject_lg_2_h23'], ['doi_lg_2_h12','doi_lg_2_h24'], ['doi_lg_2_h24']]
-large_graph_2_h24 = ['doi_lg_2_h24', 'title_lg_2_h24', ['contributor_lg_2_h24'], 'journal_lg_2_h24', 'date_lg_2_h24', ['subject_lg_2_h24'], ['doi_lg_2_h12','doi_lg_2_h23','doi_lg_2_d12'], ['doi_lg_2_h23']]
-large_graph_2_h11 = ['doi_lg_2_h11', 'title_lg_2_h11', ['contributor_lg_2_h11'], 'journal_lg_2_h11', 'date_lg_2_h11', ['subject_lg_2_h11'], ['doi_lg_2_i','doi_cg_i'], ['doi_lg_2_h21','doi_lg_2_h22']]
-large_graph_2_h12 = ['doi_lg_2_h12', 'title_lg_2_h12', ['contributor_lg_2_h12'], 'journal_lg_2_h12', 'date_lg_2_h12', ['subject_lg_2_h12'], ['doi_lg_2_i'], ['doi_lg_2_h23','doi_lg_2_h24']]
-large_graph_2_i =   ['doi_lg_2_i'  , 'title_lg_2_i'  , ['contributor_lg_2_i']  , 'journal_lg_2_i'  , 'date_lg_2_i'  , ['subject_lg_2_i']  , ['doi_lg_2_d11','doi_lg_2_d12'], ['doi_lg_2_h11','doi_lg_2_h12','doi_cg_i']]
-large_graph_2_d11 = ['doi_lg_2_d11', 'title_lg_2_d11', ['contributor_lg_2_d11'], 'journal_lg_2_d11', 'date_lg_2_d11', ['subject_lg_2_d11'], [], ['doi_lg_2_i']]
-large_graph_2_d12 = ['doi_lg_2_d12', 'title_lg_2_d12', ['contributor_lg_2_d12'], 'journal_lg_2_d12', 'date_lg_2_d12', ['subject_lg_2_d12'], ['doi_lg_2_d21','doi_lg_2_d22'], ['doi_lg_2_h24','doi_lg_2_i']]
-large_graph_2_d21 = ['doi_lg_2_d21', 'title_lg_2_d21', ['contributor_lg_2_d21'], 'journal_lg_2_d21', 'date_lg_2_d21', ['subject_lg_2_d21'], [], ['doi_lg_2_d12']]
-large_graph_2_d22 = ['doi_lg_2_d22', 'title_lg_2_d22', ['contributor_lg_2_d22'], 'journal_lg_2_d22', 'date_lg_2_d22', ['subject_lg_2_d22'], [], ['doi_lg_2_d12']]
-large_graph_2_d23 = ['doi_lg_2_d23', 'title_lg_2_d23', ['contributor_lg_2_d23'], 'journal_lg_2_d23', 'date_lg_2_d23', ['subject_lg_2_d23'], [], ['doi_lg_2_d12']]
-crossed_graph_h21 = ['doi_cg_h21', 'title_cg_h21', ['contributor_cg_h21'], 'journal_cg_h21', 'date_cg_h21', ['subject_cg_h21'], ['doi_cg_h11'], []]
-crossed_graph_h22 = ['doi_cg_h22', 'title_cg_h22', ['contributor_cg_h22'], 'journal_cg_h22', 'date_cg_h22', ['subject_cg_h22'], ['doi_cg_h11'], []]
-crossed_graph_h11 = ['doi_cg_h11', 'title_cg_h11', ['contributor_cg_h11'], 'journal_cg_h11', 'date_cg_h11', ['subject_cg_h11'], ['doi_cg_i'], ['doi_cg_h21','doi_cg_h22']]
-crossed_graph_i =   ['doi_cg_i', 'title_cg_i', ['contributor_cg_i'], 'journal_cg_i', 'date_cg_i', ['subject_cg_i'], ['doi_lg_2_i','doi_cg_d11','doi_cg_d12'], ['doi_lg_1_h23','doi_cg_h11','doi_lg_2_h11']]
-crossed_graph_d11 = ['doi_cg_d11', 'title_cg_d11', ['contributor_cg_d11'], 'journal_cg_d11', 'date_cg_d11', ['subject_cg_d11'], ['doi_lg_1_d23','doi_cg_d21'], ['doi_cg_i']]
-crossed_graph_d12 = ['doi_cg_d12', 'title_cg_d12', ['contributor_cg_d12'], 'journal_cg_d12', 'date_cg_d12', ['subject_cg_d12'], ['doi_cg_d22'], ['doi_cg_i']]
-crossed_graph_d21 = ['doi_cg_d21', 'title_cg_d21', ['contributor_cg_d21'], 'journal_cg_d21', 'date_cg_d21', ['subject_cg_d21'], [], ['doi_cg_d11']]
-crossed_graph_d22 = ['doi_cg_d22', 'title_cg_d22', ['contributor_cg_d22'], 'journal_cg_d22', 'date_cg_d22', ['subject_cg_d22'], [], ['doi_cg_d12']]
-list_of_arrays =    [beispiel1, beispiel2, beispiel3, zyklus1, zyklus2, inner_edge1, inner_edge2, inner_edge3, 
-                    right_height01, right_height02, right_height1, right_height2, right_height3, right_depth01, right_depth02, right_depth1, right_depth2, right_depth3,
-                    large_graph_1_h21, large_graph_1_h22, large_graph_1_h23, large_graph_1_h11, large_graph_1_h12, large_graph_1_i, large_graph_1_d11, large_graph_1_d12,
-                    large_graph_1_d21, large_graph_1_d22, large_graph_1_d23, large_graph_2_h21, large_graph_2_h22, large_graph_2_h23, large_graph_2_h24, large_graph_2_h11, large_graph_2_h12, 
-                    large_graph_2_i, large_graph_2_d11, large_graph_2_d12, large_graph_2_d21, large_graph_2_d22, large_graph_2_d23, crossed_graph_h21, crossed_graph_h22, crossed_graph_h11,
-                    crossed_graph_i, crossed_graph_d11, crossed_graph_d12, crossed_graph_d21, crossed_graph_d22]
+import sys
+from input.publication import Publication, Citation
+def input_test_func(pub_doi):
+    '''
+        :param pub_doi: pub doi to find publication in list_of_arrays
+        :type pub_doi:  String
+        returns the publication class for given doi
+    '''
+    for array in list_of_arrays:
+        if pub_doi == array[0]:
+            pub = Publication(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7])
+            return pub
+def cit(list_doi):
+    '''
+        :param list_doi list of citation dois to get their Citation Class 
+        :type list_doi: List[String]
+        returns a list of citations objects for given doi list
+    '''
+    cits = []
+    for doi_url in list_doi:
+        for array in list_of_arrays:
+            if doi_url == array[0]:
+                cits.append(Citation(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]))
+    return cits
+def ref(list_doi):
+    '''
+        :param list_doi list of reference dois to get their Reference Class 
+        :type list_doi: List[String]
+        returns a list of reference objects for given doi list
+    '''
+    refs = []
+    for doi_url in list_doi:
+        for array in list_of_arrays:
+            if doi_url == array[0]:
+                refs.append(Citation(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]))
+    return refs
+beispiel1 = ['doi1', 'title1', ['contributor1'], 'journal1', 'date1', ['subject1'], ['doi2'], ['doi3']]
+beispiel2 = ['doi2', 'title2', ['contributor2'], 'journal2', 'date2', ['subject2'], [], ['doi1']]
+beispiel3 = ['doi3', 'title3', ['contributor3'], 'journal3', 'date3', ['subject3'], ['doi1'], []]
+zyklus1 = ['doiz1', 'titlez1', ['contributorz1.1', 'contributorz1.2'], 'journalz1', 'datez1', ['subjectz1'], ['doiz2'], ['doiz2']]
+zyklus2 = ['doiz2', 'titlez2', ['contributorz2.1', 'contributorz2.2'], 'journalz2', 'datez2', ['subjectz1'], ['doiz1'], ['doiz1']]
+inner_edge1 = ['doi_ie1', 'title_ie1', ['contributor_ie1.1', 'contributor_ie1.2'], 'journal_ie1', 'date_ie1', ['subject_ie1'], ['doi_ie2'], ['doi_ie3']]
+inner_edge2 = ['doi_ie2', 'title_ie2', ['contributor_ie2.1', 'contributor_ie2.2'], 'journal_ie2', 'date_ie2', ['subject_ie2'], [], ['doi_ie1','doi_ie3']]
+inner_edge3 = ['doi_ie3', 'titlez_ie3', ['contributor_ie3.1', 'contributor_ie3.2'], 'journal_ie3', 'date_ie3', ['subject_ie3'], ['doi_ie1','doi_ie2'], []]
+right_height01 = ['doi_h01', 'title_h01', ['contributor_h01'], 'journal_h01', 'date_h01', ['subject_h01'], [], []]
+right_height02 = ['doi_h02', 'title_h02', ['contributor_h02'], 'journal_h02', 'date_h02', ['subject_h02'], [], ['doi_h1']]
+right_height1 = ['doi_h1', 'title_h1', ['contributor_h1'], 'journal_h1', 'date_h1', ['subject_h1'], [], ['doi_h2']]
+right_height2 = ['doi_h2', 'title_h2', ['contributor_h2'], 'journal_h2', 'date_h2', ['subject_h2'], [], ['doi_h3']]
+right_height3 = ['doi_h3', 'title_h3', ['contributor_h3'], 'journal_h3', 'date_h3', ['subject_h3'], [], []]
+right_depth01 = ['doi_d01', 'title_d01', ['contributor_d01'], 'journal_d01', 'date_d01', ['subject_d01'], [], []]
+right_depth02 = ['doi_d02', 'title_d02', ['contributor_d02'], 'journal_d02', 'date_d02', ['subject_d01'], ['doi_d1'], []]
+right_depth1 = ['doi_d1', 'title_d1', ['contributor_d1'], 'journal_d1', 'date_d1', ['subject_d1'], ['doi_d2'], []]
+right_depth2 = ['doi_d2', 'title_d2', ['contributor_d2'], 'journal_d2', 'date_d2', ['subject_d2'], ['doi_d3'], []]
+right_depth3 = ['doi_d3', 'title_d3', ['contributor_d3'], 'journal_d3', 'date_d3', ['subject_d3'], [], []]
+large_graph_1_h21 = ['doi_lg_1_h21', 'title_lg_1_h21', ['contributor_lg_1_h21'], 'journal_lg_1_h21', 'date_lg_1_h21', ['subject_lg_1_h21'], ['doi_lg_1_h11'], []]
+large_graph_1_h22 = ['doi_lg_1_h22', 'title_lg_1_h22', ['contributor_lg_1_h22'], 'journal_lg_1_h22', 'date_lg_1_h22', ['subject_lg_1_h22'], ['doi_lg_1_h11','doi_lg_1_h12'], []]
+large_graph_1_h23 = ['doi_lg_1_h23', 'title_lg_1_h23', ['contributor_lg_1_h23'], 'journal_lg_1_h23', 'date_lg_1_h23', ['subject_lg_1_h23'], ['doi_lg_1_h12','doi_cg_i'], []]
+large_graph_1_h11 = ['doi_lg_1_h11', 'title_lg_1_h11', ['contributor_lg_1_h11'], 'journal_lg_1_h11', 'date_lg_1_h11', ['subject_lg_1_h11'], ['doi_lg_1_h12','doi_lg_1_i'], ['doi_lg_1_h21','doi_lg_1_h22']]
+large_graph_1_h12 = ['doi_lg_1_h12', 'title_lg_1_h12', ['contributor_lg_1_h12'], 'journal_lg_1_h12', 'date_lg_1_h12', ['subject_lg_1_h12'], ['doi_lg_1_i','doi_lg_1_d12'], ['doi_lg_1_h22','doi_lg_1_h23']]
+large_graph_1_i =   ['doi_lg_1_i'  , 'title_lg_1_i'  , ['contributor_lg_1_i']  , 'journal_lg_1_i'  , 'date_lg_1_i'  , ['subject_lg_1_i']  , ['doi_lg_1_d11','doi_lg_1_d12'], ['doi_lg_1_h11','doi_lg_1_h12']]
+large_graph_1_d11 = ['doi_lg_1_d11', 'title_lg_1_d11', ['contributor_lg_1_d11'], 'journal_lg_1_d11', 'date_lg_1_d11', ['subject_lg_1_d11'], ['doi_lg_1_d21','doi_lg_1_d22'], ['doi_lg_1_i']]
+large_graph_1_d12 = ['doi_lg_1_d12', 'title_lg_1_d12', ['contributor_lg_1_d12'], 'journal_lg_1_d12', 'date_lg_1_d12', ['subject_lg_1_d12'], ['doi_lg_1_d23'], ['doi_lg_1_h12','doi_lg_1_i']]
+large_graph_1_d21 = ['doi_lg_1_d21', 'title_lg_1_d21', ['contributor_lg_1_d21'], 'journal_lg_1_d21', 'date_lg_1_d21', ['subject_lg_1_d21'], ['doi_lg_1_d22'], ['doi_lg_1_d11','doi_lg_1_d22']]
+large_graph_1_d22 = ['doi_lg_1_d22', 'title_lg_1_d22', ['contributor_lg_1_d22'], 'journal_lg_1_d22', 'date_lg_1_d22', ['subject_lg_1_d22'], ['doi_lg_1_d21'], ['doi_lg_1_d11','doi_lg_1_d21']]
+large_graph_1_d23 = ['doi_lg_1_d23', 'title_lg_1_d23', ['contributor_lg_1_d23'], 'journal_lg_1_d23', 'date_lg_1_d23', ['subject_lg_1_d23'], [], ['doi_lg_1_d12','doi_cg_d11']]
+large_graph_2_h21 = ['doi_lg_2_h21', 'title_lg_2_h21', ['contributor_lg_2_h21'], 'journal_lg_2_h21', 'date_lg_2_h21', ['subject_lg_2_h21'], ['doi_lg_2_h11'], []]
+large_graph_2_h22 = ['doi_lg_2_h22', 'title_lg_2_h22', ['contributor_lg_2_h22'], 'journal_lg_2_h22', 'date_lg_2_h22', ['subject_lg_2_h22'], ['doi_lg_2_h11'], []]
+large_graph_2_h23 = ['doi_lg_2_h23', 'title_lg_2_h23', ['contributor_lg_2_h23'], 'journal_lg_2_h23', 'date_lg_2_h23', ['subject_lg_2_h23'], ['doi_lg_2_h12','doi_lg_2_h24'], ['doi_lg_2_h24']]
+large_graph_2_h24 = ['doi_lg_2_h24', 'title_lg_2_h24', ['contributor_lg_2_h24'], 'journal_lg_2_h24', 'date_lg_2_h24', ['subject_lg_2_h24'], ['doi_lg_2_h12','doi_lg_2_h23','doi_lg_2_d12'], ['doi_lg_2_h23']]
+large_graph_2_h11 = ['doi_lg_2_h11', 'title_lg_2_h11', ['contributor_lg_2_h11'], 'journal_lg_2_h11', 'date_lg_2_h11', ['subject_lg_2_h11'], ['doi_lg_2_i','doi_cg_i'], ['doi_lg_2_h21','doi_lg_2_h22']]
+large_graph_2_h12 = ['doi_lg_2_h12', 'title_lg_2_h12', ['contributor_lg_2_h12'], 'journal_lg_2_h12', 'date_lg_2_h12', ['subject_lg_2_h12'], ['doi_lg_2_i'], ['doi_lg_2_h23','doi_lg_2_h24']]
+large_graph_2_i =   ['doi_lg_2_i'  , 'title_lg_2_i'  , ['contributor_lg_2_i']  , 'journal_lg_2_i'  , 'date_lg_2_i'  , ['subject_lg_2_i']  , ['doi_lg_2_d11','doi_lg_2_d12'], ['doi_lg_2_h11','doi_lg_2_h12','doi_cg_i']]
+large_graph_2_d11 = ['doi_lg_2_d11', 'title_lg_2_d11', ['contributor_lg_2_d11'], 'journal_lg_2_d11', 'date_lg_2_d11', ['subject_lg_2_d11'], [], ['doi_lg_2_i']]
+large_graph_2_d12 = ['doi_lg_2_d12', 'title_lg_2_d12', ['contributor_lg_2_d12'], 'journal_lg_2_d12', 'date_lg_2_d12', ['subject_lg_2_d12'], ['doi_lg_2_d21','doi_lg_2_d22'], ['doi_lg_2_h24','doi_lg_2_i']]
+large_graph_2_d21 = ['doi_lg_2_d21', 'title_lg_2_d21', ['contributor_lg_2_d21'], 'journal_lg_2_d21', 'date_lg_2_d21', ['subject_lg_2_d21'], [], ['doi_lg_2_d12']]
+large_graph_2_d22 = ['doi_lg_2_d22', 'title_lg_2_d22', ['contributor_lg_2_d22'], 'journal_lg_2_d22', 'date_lg_2_d22', ['subject_lg_2_d22'], [], ['doi_lg_2_d12']]
+large_graph_2_d23 = ['doi_lg_2_d23', 'title_lg_2_d23', ['contributor_lg_2_d23'], 'journal_lg_2_d23', 'date_lg_2_d23', ['subject_lg_2_d23'], [], ['doi_lg_2_d12']]
+crossed_graph_h21 = ['doi_cg_h21', 'title_cg_h21', ['contributor_cg_h21'], 'journal_cg_h21', 'date_cg_h21', ['subject_cg_h21'], ['doi_cg_h11'], []]
+crossed_graph_h22 = ['doi_cg_h22', 'title_cg_h22', ['contributor_cg_h22'], 'journal_cg_h22', 'date_cg_h22', ['subject_cg_h22'], ['doi_cg_h11'], []]
+crossed_graph_h11 = ['doi_cg_h11', 'title_cg_h11', ['contributor_cg_h11'], 'journal_cg_h11', 'date_cg_h11', ['subject_cg_h11'], ['doi_cg_i'], ['doi_cg_h21','doi_cg_h22']]
+crossed_graph_i =   ['doi_cg_i', 'title_cg_i', ['contributor_cg_i'], 'journal_cg_i', 'date_cg_i', ['subject_cg_i'], ['doi_lg_2_i','doi_cg_d11','doi_cg_d12'], ['doi_lg_1_h23','doi_cg_h11','doi_lg_2_h11']]
+crossed_graph_d11 = ['doi_cg_d11', 'title_cg_d11', ['contributor_cg_d11'], 'journal_cg_d11', 'date_cg_d11', ['subject_cg_d11'], ['doi_lg_1_d23','doi_cg_d21'], ['doi_cg_i']]
+crossed_graph_d12 = ['doi_cg_d12', 'title_cg_d12', ['contributor_cg_d12'], 'journal_cg_d12', 'date_cg_d12', ['subject_cg_d12'], ['doi_cg_d22'], ['doi_cg_i']]
+crossed_graph_d21 = ['doi_cg_d21', 'title_cg_d21', ['contributor_cg_d21'], 'journal_cg_d21', 'date_cg_d21', ['subject_cg_d21'], [], ['doi_cg_d11']]
+crossed_graph_d22 = ['doi_cg_d22', 'title_cg_d22', ['contributor_cg_d22'], 'journal_cg_d22', 'date_cg_d22', ['subject_cg_d22'], [], ['doi_cg_d12']]
+list_of_arrays =    [beispiel1, beispiel2, beispiel3, zyklus1, zyklus2, inner_edge1, inner_edge2, inner_edge3, 
+                    right_height01, right_height02, right_height1, right_height2, right_height3, right_depth01, right_depth02, right_depth1, right_depth2, right_depth3,
+                    large_graph_1_h21, large_graph_1_h22, large_graph_1_h23, large_graph_1_h11, large_graph_1_h12, large_graph_1_i, large_graph_1_d11, large_graph_1_d12,
+                    large_graph_1_d21, large_graph_1_d22, large_graph_1_d23, large_graph_2_h21, large_graph_2_h22, large_graph_2_h23, large_graph_2_h24, large_graph_2_h11, large_graph_2_h12, 
+                    large_graph_2_i, large_graph_2_d11, large_graph_2_d12, large_graph_2_d21, large_graph_2_d22, large_graph_2_d23, crossed_graph_h21, crossed_graph_h22, crossed_graph_h11,
+                    crossed_graph_i, crossed_graph_d11, crossed_graph_d12, crossed_graph_d21, crossed_graph_d22]
diff --git a/verarbeitung/test_output.json b/verarbeitung/test_output.json
index b013fbfb4c1ac100c93ae21dfe722b309c10a14b..8a15eeb45e260ad464757e4ce1f50f940553c406 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/test_output.json
+++ b/verarbeitung/test_output.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"nodes": [{"doi": "doi_lg_1_i", "name": "title_lg_1_i", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_i"], "year": "date_lg_1_i", "journal": "journal_lg_1_i", "group": "input", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d11", "name": "title_lg_1_d11", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d11"], "year": "date_lg_1_d11", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d11", "group": "depth", "citations": 1}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d12", "name": "title_lg_1_d12", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d12"], "year": "date_lg_1_d12", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d12", "group": "depth", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h11", "name": "title_lg_1_h11", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h11"], "year": "date_lg_1_h11", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h11", "group": "height", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h12", "name": "title_lg_1_h12", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h12"], "year": "date_lg_1_h12", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h12", "group": "height", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h21", "name": "title_lg_1_h21", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h21"], "year": "date_lg_1_h21", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h21", "group": "height", "citations": 0}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h22", "name": "title_lg_1_h22", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h22"], "year": "date_lg_1_h22", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h22", "group": "height", "citations": 0}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h23", "name": "title_lg_1_h23", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h23"], "year": "date_lg_1_h23", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h23", "group": "height", "citations": 0}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d21", "name": "title_lg_1_d21", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d21"], "year": "date_lg_1_d21", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d21", "group": "depth", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d22", "name": "title_lg_1_d22", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d22"], "year": "date_lg_1_d22", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d22", "group": "depth", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d23", "name": "title_lg_1_d23", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d23"], "year": "date_lg_1_d23", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d23", "group": "depth", "citations": 1}], "links": [{"source": "doi_lg_1_i", "target": "doi_lg_1_d11"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_i", "target": "doi_lg_1_d12"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h11", "target": "doi_lg_1_i"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h12", "target": "doi_lg_1_i"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h21", "target": "doi_lg_1_h11"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h22", "target": "doi_lg_1_h11"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h22", "target": "doi_lg_1_h12"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h23", "target": "doi_lg_1_h12"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d11", "target": "doi_lg_1_d21"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d11", "target": "doi_lg_1_d22"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d21", "target": "doi_lg_1_d22"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d22", "target": "doi_lg_1_d21"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d12", "target": "doi_lg_1_d23"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h12", "target": "doi_lg_1_d12"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h11", "target": "doi_lg_1_h12"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"nodes": [{"doi": "doi_lg_1_i", "name": "title_lg_1_i", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_i"], "year": "date_lg_1_i", "journal": "journal_lg_1_i", "group": "input", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d11", "name": "title_lg_1_d11", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d11"], "year": "date_lg_1_d11", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d11", "group": "depth", "citations": 1}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d12", "name": "title_lg_1_d12", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d12"], "year": "date_lg_1_d12", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d12", "group": "depth", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h11", "name": "title_lg_1_h11", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h11"], "year": "date_lg_1_h11", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h11", "group": "height", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h12", "name": "title_lg_1_h12", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h12"], "year": "date_lg_1_h12", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h12", "group": "height", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h21", "name": "title_lg_1_h21", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h21"], "year": "date_lg_1_h21", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h21", "group": "height", "citations": 0}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h22", "name": "title_lg_1_h22", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h22"], "year": "date_lg_1_h22", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h22", "group": "height", "citations": 0}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_h23", "name": "title_lg_1_h23", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_h23"], "year": "date_lg_1_h23", "journal": "journal_lg_1_h23", "group": "height", "citations": 0}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d21", "name": "title_lg_1_d21", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d21"], "year": "date_lg_1_d21", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d21", "group": "depth", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d22", "name": "title_lg_1_d22", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d22"], "year": "date_lg_1_d22", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d22", "group": "depth", "citations": 2}, {"doi": "doi_lg_1_d23", "name": "title_lg_1_d23", "author": ["contributor_lg_1_d23"], "year": "date_lg_1_d23", "journal": "journal_lg_1_d23", "group": "depth", "citations": 2}], "links": [{"source": "doi_lg_1_i", "target": "doi_lg_1_d11"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_i", "target": "doi_lg_1_d12"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h11", "target": "doi_lg_1_i"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h12", "target": "doi_lg_1_i"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h21", "target": "doi_lg_1_h11"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h22", "target": "doi_lg_1_h11"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h22", "target": "doi_lg_1_h12"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h23", "target": "doi_lg_1_h12"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d11", "target": "doi_lg_1_d21"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d11", "target": "doi_lg_1_d22"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d21", "target": "doi_lg_1_d22"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d22", "target": "doi_lg_1_d21"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_d12", "target": "doi_lg_1_d23"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h12", "target": "doi_lg_1_d12"}, {"source": "doi_lg_1_h11", "target": "doi_lg_1_h12"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verarbeitung/Kanten_Vergleich.py b/verarbeitung/update_graph/Kanten_Vergleich.py
similarity index 100%
rename from verarbeitung/Kanten_Vergleich.py
rename to verarbeitung/update_graph/Kanten_Vergleich.py
diff --git a/verarbeitung/Knoten_Vergleich.py b/verarbeitung/update_graph/Knoten_Vergleich.py
similarity index 100%
rename from verarbeitung/Knoten_Vergleich.py
rename to verarbeitung/update_graph/Knoten_Vergleich.py
diff --git a/verarbeitung/update_graph/__init__.py b/verarbeitung/update_graph/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/verarbeitung/connect_new_input.py b/verarbeitung/update_graph/connect_new_input.py
similarity index 79%
rename from verarbeitung/connect_new_input.py
rename to verarbeitung/update_graph/connect_new_input.py
index b9167dca95d8f2c7175c3820428d366a78468eaa..c61b00a818012eebf8af48697e9247572cec83f1 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/connect_new_input.py
+++ b/verarbeitung/update_graph/connect_new_input.py
@@ -1,67 +1,69 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Functions to update a graph representing citations between multiple ACS/Nature journals
-__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
-__email__ = "cis-project2021@zbh.uni-hamburg.de"
-__status__ = "Production"
-#__copyright__ = ""
-#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
-#__license__ = ""
-#__version__ = ""
-#__maintainer__ = ""
-import sys  
-from pathlib import Path
-from os import error
-from import_form_json import input_from_json
-from Processing import initialize_nodes_list, process_citations_rec, process_references_rec, complete_inner_edges, create_graph_structure_references, create_graph_structure_citations
-from json_demo import output_to_json
-def connect_old_and_new_input(json_file, new_doi_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var = False):
-    global nodes, edges
-    nodes = []
-    edges = []
-    nodes, edges = input_from_json(json_file)
-    complete_changed_group_nodes(new_doi_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var)
-    # initializes nodes/edges from input and gets a list with publication objects for citations and references returned
-    references_obj_list, citations_obj_list = initialize_nodes_list(new_doi_list,search_depth, search_height, test_var)
-    # function calls to begin recursive processing up to max depth/height
-    process_citations_rec(citations_obj_list, 1, search_height, test_var)
-    process_references_rec(references_obj_list, 1, search_depth, test_var)
-    # adds edges between reference group and citation group of known publications
-    complete_inner_edges(test_var)
-    # calls a skript to save nodes and edges of graph in .json file
-    output_to_json(nodes,edges, test_var)
-    return(nodes, edges)
-def complete_changed_group_nodes(new_doi_list, search_height_max, search_depth_max, test_var):
-    changed_group_node_citations = []
-    changed_group_node_references = []
-    for node in nodes:
-        if (node.group != "input") and (node.doi in new_doi_list):
-            node.group = "input"
-            # inserts references as publication objects into list and 
-            # inserts first depth references into nodes/edges if maximum search depth > 0
-            for reference in create_graph_structure_references(node, 0, search_depth_max, test_var):
-                changed_group_node_references.append(reference)
-            # inserts citations as publication objects into list and 
-            # inserts first height citations into nodes if maximum search height > 0
-            for citation in create_graph_structure_citations(node, 0, search_height_max, test_var):
-                changed_group_node_citations.append(citation)
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Functions to update a graph representing citations between multiple ACS/Nature journals
+__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
+__email__ = "cis-project2021@zbh.uni-hamburg.de"
+__status__ = "Production"
+#__copyright__ = ""
+#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
+#__license__ = ""
+#__version__ = ""
+#__maintainer__ = ""
+import sys  
+from pathlib import Path
+from os import error
+from import_from_json import input_from_json
+from verarbeitung.construct_new_graph.Processing import initialize_nodes_list, complete_inner_edges, create_graph_structure_references, create_graph_structure_citations
+from verarbeitung.construct_new_graph.add_citations_rec import add_citations
+from verarbeitung.construct_new_graph.add_references_rec import add_references
+from verarbeitung.construct_new_graph.export_to_json import output_to_json
+def connect_old_and_new_input(json_file, new_doi_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var = False):
+    global nodes, edges
+    nodes = []
+    edges = []
+    nodes, edges = input_from_json(json_file)
+    complete_changed_group_nodes(new_doi_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var)
+    # initializes nodes/edges from input and gets a list with publication objects for citations and references returned
+    references_obj_list, citations_obj_list = initialize_nodes_list(new_doi_list,search_depth, search_height, test_var)
+    # function calls to begin recursive processing up to max depth/height
+    add_citations(nodes, edges, citations_obj_list, 1, search_height, test_var)
+    add_references(nodes, edges, references_obj_list, 1, search_depth, test_var)
+    # adds edges between reference group and citation group of known publications
+    complete_inner_edges(test_var)
+    # calls a skript to save nodes and edges of graph in .json file
+    output_to_json(nodes,edges, test_var)
+    return(nodes, edges)
+def complete_changed_group_nodes(new_doi_list, search_height_max, search_depth_max, test_var):
+    changed_group_node_citations = []
+    changed_group_node_references = []
+    for node in nodes:
+        if (node.group != "input") and (node.doi in new_doi_list):
+            node.group = "input"
+            # inserts references as publication objects into list and 
+            # inserts first depth references into nodes/edges if maximum search depth > 0
+            for reference in create_graph_structure_references(node, 0, search_depth_max, test_var):
+                changed_group_node_references.append(reference)
+            # inserts citations as publication objects into list and 
+            # inserts first height citations into nodes if maximum search height > 0
+            for citation in create_graph_structure_citations(node, 0, search_height_max, test_var):
+                changed_group_node_citations.append(citation)
diff --git a/verarbeitung/import_from_json.py b/verarbeitung/update_graph/import_from_json.py
similarity index 99%
rename from verarbeitung/import_from_json.py
rename to verarbeitung/update_graph/import_from_json.py
index 11e5d82f29c7d254422da26fb5e723db24341585..748e541a0b128ec40b5b5c7e1dcb6df9998dd103 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/import_from_json.py
+++ b/verarbeitung/update_graph/import_from_json.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ __status__ = "Production"
 import json
 import sys
 from input.publication import Publication, Citation
diff --git a/verarbeitung/update_graph.py b/verarbeitung/update_graph/update_graph.py
similarity index 95%
rename from verarbeitung/update_graph.py
rename to verarbeitung/update_graph/update_graph.py
index 985345630f3388c4cdbcbd888a1e06674509f33a..0e4f52a69ba09901e2f12ae01e94b286cc603c93 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/update_graph.py
+++ b/verarbeitung/update_graph/update_graph.py
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ __status__ = "Production"
 import sys  
 from pathlib import Path
 from os import error
 from input.publication import Publication
-from get_pub_from_input import get_pub
-from Knoten_Vergleich import doi_listen_vergleichen
-from update_graph_del import delete_nodes_and_edges
+from verarbeitung.get_pub_from_input import get_pub
+from .Knoten_Vergleich import doi_listen_vergleichen
+from .update_graph_del import delete_nodes_and_edges
 def get_old_input_dois(old_obj_input_list):
diff --git a/verarbeitung/update_graph_del.py b/verarbeitung/update_graph/update_graph_del.py
similarity index 97%
rename from verarbeitung/update_graph_del.py
rename to verarbeitung/update_graph/update_graph_del.py
index 10ca42b806eeaa08e2e7a9492cc9dadd9f1d7f62..df958d1359eb1f984fa5514cfb259a4f52634f7c 100644
--- a/verarbeitung/update_graph_del.py
+++ b/verarbeitung/update_graph/update_graph_del.py
@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ __status__ = "Production"
 import sys  
 from pathlib import Path
-from input.interface import InputInterface as Input
-from Kanten_Vergleich import back_to_valid_edges
+from .Kanten_Vergleich import back_to_valid_edges
 def delete_ref_nodes_rec(pub):