diff --git a/src/app/components/analysis-panel/analysis-panel.component.ts b/src/app/components/analysis-panel/analysis-panel.component.ts
index 77150c24efa9af906e78f3f4bedf01c6b7050f9b..d353ebf5ddb4e5aae92794c3b76cb19e701945c9 100644
--- a/src/app/components/analysis-panel/analysis-panel.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/analysis-panel/analysis-panel.component.ts
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';
 import {toast} from 'bulma-toast';
 import {NetworkSettings} from '../../network-settings';
 import { NetexControllerService } from 'src/app/services/netex-controller/netex-controller.service';
+import { IConfig } from 'src/app/config';
+import { config } from 'rxjs';
 declare var vis: any;
@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ export class AnalysisPanelComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
       if (this.task && this.task.info.done) {
-        const result = await this.netex.getTaskResult(this.token)
+        const result = await this.netex.getTaskResult(this.token);
         const nodeAttributes = result.nodeAttributes || {};
         const isSeed: { [key: string]: boolean } = nodeAttributes.isSeed || {};
@@ -358,21 +360,35 @@ export class AnalysisPanelComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
     return `${environment.backend}graph_export/?token=${this.token}`;
-  public inferEdgeType(edge: object): EdgeType {
+  public inferEdgeGroup(edge: object): EdgeType {
     if (edge['to'].startsWith('d')) {
       return 'protein-drug';
     return 'protein-protein';
-  public inferNodeType(nodeId: string): WrapperType {
-    if (nodeId.startsWith('d')) {
+  /**
+   * Infers wrapper type of node returned from backend.
+   * Node can only be either an input node from the user with a defined group,
+   * a drug found in the backend with either user defined type or default drug group,
+   * or an intermediate protein added by the shortest path to the found drug. 
+   * For the third case, fall back to a default case which can also be set by user.
+   */
+  public inferNodeGroup(wrapper: Wrapper): string {
+    if (wrapper.data.group !== undefined) {
+      return wrapper.data.group
+    }
+    else if (wrapper.data.netexId !== undefined && wrapper.data.netexId.startsWith('d')) {
       return 'drug';
-    return 'protein';
+    else if (wrapper.data.netexId !== undefined && wrapper.data.netexId.startsWith('p')) {
+      return 'protein';
+    }
   public createNetwork(result: any): { edges: any[], nodes: any[] } {
+    const config = result.parameters.config;
     const nodes = [];
     const edges = [];
@@ -396,11 +412,10 @@ export class AnalysisPanelComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
       } else if (nodeTypes[nodeObjectKey] === 'drug') {
         wrappers[node] = getWrapperFromDrug(details[nodeObjectKey]);
-      nodes.push(this.mapNode(this.inferNodeType(node), wrappers[node], isSeed[nodeObjectKey], scores[nodeObjectKey]));
+      nodes.push(this.mapNode(config, wrappers[node], isSeed[nodeObjectKey], scores[nodeObjectKey]));
     for (const edge of network.edges) {
-      edges.push(this.mapEdge(edge, this.inferEdgeType(edge), wrappers));
+      edges.push(this.mapEdge(edge, this.inferEdgeGroup(edge), wrappers));
     return {
@@ -408,11 +423,18 @@ export class AnalysisPanelComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
-  private mapNode(nodeType: WrapperType, wrapper: Wrapper, isSeed?: boolean, score?: number): any {
-    const node = NetworkSettings.getNodeStyle('protein', isSeed, this.analysis.inSelection(wrapper));
+  private mapNode(config: IConfig, wrapper: Wrapper, isSeed?: boolean, score?: number): any {
+    // const node = NetworkSettings.getNodeStyle(nodeType, isSeed, this.analysis.inSelection(wrapper));
+    console.log(wrapper)
+    let group = this.inferNodeGroup(wrapper);
+    if (typeof group === 'undefined' || typeof config.nodeGroups[group] === 'undefined') {
+      group = 'default';
+    }
+    console.log(group)
+    const node = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config.nodeGroups[group]));
     node.id = wrapper.id;
     node.label = wrapper.data.name;
-    node.nodeType = nodeType;
+    node.nodeType = group;
     node.isSeed = isSeed;
     node.wrapper = wrapper;
     return node;
@@ -481,9 +503,9 @@ export class AnalysisPanelComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
           animate: {in: 'fadeIn', out: 'fadeOut'}
       } else {
-        for (const drug of drugs) {
-          this.drugNodes.push(this.mapNode('drug', drug, false, null));
-        }
+        // for (const drug of drugs) {
+        //   this.drugNodes.push(this.mapNode(config, 'drug', drug, false, null));
+        // }
         for (const interaction of edges) {
diff --git a/src/app/components/info-tile/info-tile.component.html b/src/app/components/info-tile/info-tile.component.html
index 24b6ca4e871d6e3ae9febd460ccc2ad160c848a9..8e6fbef571a361a5f026b875d0a709950677b0e0 100644
--- a/src/app/components/info-tile/info-tile.component.html
+++ b/src/app/components/info-tile/info-tile.component.html
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
       <span class="is-capitalized"> {{ wrapper.type }}</span>
+    <p *ngIf="wrapper.data.drugId" [ngClass]="{'text-normal':smallStyle}">
+      <b><span>DrugBank:</span></b>
+      <a href="https://go.drugbank.com/drugs/{{ wrapper.data.drugId }}" target="_blank">
+        <span class="is-capitalized"> {{ wrapper.data.drugId }}</span>
+      </a>
+    </p>
     <p *ngIf="wrapper.data.group" [ngClass]="{'text-normal':smallStyle}">
       <span class="is-capitalized"> {{ wrapper.data.group }}</span>
@@ -21,7 +27,9 @@
-  <app-toggle [value]="analysis.inSelection(wrapper)" [smallStyle]="smallStyle"
+  <app-toggle 
+  *ngIf="wrapper.type !== 'drug'"
+  [value]="analysis.inSelection(wrapper)" [smallStyle]="smallStyle"
               (valueChange)="$event ? analysis.addItems([wrapper]) : analysis.removeItems([wrapper])" textOn="Selected"
               textOff="Deselected" tooltipOn="Add protein to selection." tooltipOff="Remove protein from selection."></app-toggle>
diff --git a/src/app/main-network.ts b/src/app/main-network.ts
index 27e2f2032ec316ee8c041be6a90f699243b4b867..1d827e18ed46984e948a407034086d9acf1c1511 100644
--- a/src/app/main-network.ts
+++ b/src/app/main-network.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
+import { IConfig } from './config';
 import {NodeInteraction, Node, getProteinNodeId} from './interfaces';
 export function getDatasetFilename(dataset: Array<[string, string]>): string {
@@ -39,4 +40,76 @@ export class ProteinNetwork {
+  /** Maps user input node to network node object
+   * 
+   * @param customNode 
+   * @param config 
+   * @returns 
+   */
+    private mapCustomNode(customNode: any, config: IConfig): Node {
+    let group = customNode.group;
+    if (typeof group === 'undefined' || typeof config.nodeGroups[group] === 'undefined') {
+      group = 'default';
+    }
+    const node = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config.nodeGroups[group]));
+    // label is only used for network visualization
+    let nodeLabel = customNode.name;
+    if (customNode.name.length === 0) {
+      nodeLabel = customNode.userId;
+    }
+    // node.name is actually group name since it comes from the group configuration
+    // this property is already stored in the wrapper object
+    // instead, node.name should reflect the actual node name
+    node.name = customNode.name;
+    if (node.image) {
+      node.shape = 'image';
+    }
+    node.label = nodeLabel;
+    node.id = customNode.id;
+    node.x = customNode.x;
+    node.y = customNode.y;
+    node.uniprotAc = customNode.uniprotAc;
+    node.netexId = customNode.netexId;
+    // console.log(node)
+    return node;
+  }
+  /** Maps user input edge to network edge object
+   * 
+   * @param customEdge 
+   * @param config 
+   * @returns 
+   */
+  private mapCustomEdge(customEdge: NodeInteraction, config: IConfig): any {
+    let group = customEdge.group;
+    if (typeof group === 'undefined' || typeof config.edgeGroups[group] === 'undefined') {
+      group = 'default';
+    }
+    const edge = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config.edgeGroups[group]));
+    edge.from = customEdge.from;
+    edge.to = customEdge.to;
+    return edge;
+  }
+  public mapDataToNodes(config: IConfig): { nodes: any[], edges: any[]; } {
+    const nodes = [];
+    const edges = [];
+    for (const protein of this.proteins) {
+      nodes.push(this.mapCustomNode(protein, config));
+    }
+    for (const edge of this.edges) {
+      edges.push(this.mapCustomEdge(edge, config));
+    }
+    return {
+      nodes,
+      edges,
+    };
+  }
diff --git a/src/app/pages/explorer-page/explorer-page.component.ts b/src/app/pages/explorer-page/explorer-page.component.ts
index b25104090f84e1bc855e05de24e2944dea6699c0..4dbbdb5c3fa4328729c49f9533971cfd155a159a 100644
--- a/src/app/pages/explorer-page/explorer-page.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/pages/explorer-page/explorer-page.component.ts
@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
           // extend main column
       this.myConfig[key] = configObj[key];
@@ -267,7 +265,7 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
     this.proteinData = new ProteinNetwork(this.proteins, this.edges);
-    const {nodes, edges} = this.mapDataToNodes(this.proteinData);
+    const {nodes, edges} = this.proteinData.mapDataToNodes(this.myConfig);
     this.nodeData.nodes = new vis.DataSet(nodes);
     this.nodeData.edges = new vis.DataSet(edges);
@@ -348,71 +346,6 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
     this.myConfig[key] = {...this.myConfig[key], ...values};
-  /** Convert input nodes into node objects
-   *
-   * @param customNode
-   * @returns
-   */
-  private mapCustomNode(customNode: any): Node {
-    let group = customNode.group;
-    if (typeof group === 'undefined' || typeof this.myConfig.nodeGroups[group] === 'undefined') {
-      group = 'default';
-    }
-    const node = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.myConfig.nodeGroups[group]));
-    // label is only used for network visualization
-    let nodeLabel = customNode.name;
-    if (customNode.name.length === 0) {
-      nodeLabel = customNode.userId;
-    }
-    // node.name is actually group name since it comes from the group configuration
-    // this property is already stored in the wrapper object
-    // instead, node.name should reflect the actual node name
-    node.name = customNode.name;
-    if (node.image) {
-      node.shape = 'image';
-    }
-    node.label = nodeLabel;
-    node.id = customNode.id;
-    node.x = customNode.x;
-    node.y = customNode.y;
-    node.uniprotAc = customNode.uniprotAc;
-    node.netexId = customNode.netexId;
-    // console.log(node)
-    return node;
-  }
-  private mapCustomEdge(customEdge: NodeInteraction): any {
-    let group = customEdge.group;
-    if (typeof group === 'undefined' || typeof this.myConfig.edgeGroups[group] === 'undefined') {
-      group = 'default';
-    }
-    const edge = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.myConfig.edgeGroups[group]));
-    edge.from = customEdge.from;
-    edge.to = customEdge.to;
-    return edge;
-  }
-  private mapDataToNodes(data: ProteinNetwork): { nodes: any[], edges: any[]; } {
-    const nodes = [];
-    const edges = [];
-    for (const protein of data.proteins) {
-      nodes.push(this.mapCustomNode(protein));
-    }
-    for (const edge of data.edges) {
-      edges.push(this.mapCustomEdge(edge));
-    }
-    return {
-      nodes,
-      edges,
-    };
-  }
   public toCanvas() {
     html2canvas(this.networkEl.nativeElement).then((canvas) => {
       const generatedImage = canvas.toDataURL('image/png').replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream');