diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index ea216551e54001f2306d37a6c4697534c7ccad25..90d7b1cd967236c86965649647be2f35e505c34d 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "netex",
-  "version": "0.4.2",
+  "version": "0.7.1",
   "lockfileVersion": 1,
   "requires": true,
   "dependencies": {
@@ -7718,6 +7718,11 @@
       "integrity": "sha1-vMbEmkKihA7Zl/Mj6tpezRguC/4=",
       "dev": true
+    "lodash.merge": {
+      "version": "4.6.2",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/lodash.merge/-/lodash.merge-4.6.2.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-0KpjqXRVvrYyCsX1swR/XTK0va6VQkQM6MNo7PqW77ByjAhoARA8EfrP1N4+KlKj8YS0ZUCtRT/YUuhyYDujIQ=="
+    },
     "lodash.sortby": {
       "version": "4.7.0",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/lodash.sortby/-/lodash.sortby-4.7.0.tgz",
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index c70ceff9643609436015c4be75cd49f51411d318..432707e80efe8da479a8a6bbe94ac24f3f8ec2c9 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
     "bulma-tooltip": "^3.0.2",
     "document-register-element": "^1.7.2",
     "dom-to-image": "^2.6.0",
+    "lodash.merge": "^4.6.2",
     "primeicons": "^4.1.0",
     "primeng": "^12.0.0-rc.1",
     "python": "0.0.4",
diff --git a/src/app/components/network-legend/network-legend.component.ts b/src/app/components/network-legend/network-legend.component.ts
index 28c4281444b378900d7433946ada165b9d31c128..64984b1ab62a0315250b000c8864ffee875ab5fa 100644
--- a/src/app/components/network-legend/network-legend.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/network-legend/network-legend.component.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ export class NetworkLegendComponent implements OnInit {
   @Input() set config(value: IConfig) {
     // copy to not override user config
     value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));
+    delete value.nodeGroups.selectedNode;
     if (!this.analysis) {
       // do not show the analysis-groups in the explorer network
       delete value.nodeGroups.foundNode;
diff --git a/src/app/config.ts b/src/app/config.ts
index 3dc540e6ca08f2ebf30dbd4a4fdf5b7cb84a94d3..7c29acf5218aa3e4c125465d9cc7913a8dc0591d 100644
--- a/src/app/config.ts
+++ b/src/app/config.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
+// https://visjs.github.io/vis-network/docs/network/nodes.html
 export interface NodeGroup {
   groupName: string;
-  color: string;
-  shape: 'circle' | 'triangle' | 'star' | 'square' | 'image' | 'text' | 'ellipse' | 'box' | 'diamond' | 'dot';
-  type: string;
+  color?: string;
+  shape?: 'circle' | 'triangle' | 'star' | 'square' | 'image' | 'text' | 'ellipse' | 'box' | 'diamond' | 'dot';
+  type?: string;
   image?: string;
   detailShowLabel?: boolean;
+  font?: any;
+  border?: any;
+  highlight?: any;
+  borderWidth?: number;
+  borderWidthSelected?: number;
 export interface EdgeGroup {
@@ -86,6 +92,21 @@ export const defaultConfig: IConfig = {
       shape: 'triangle',
       type: 'default type',
       detailShowLabel: false,
+      font: {
+        color: 'black',
+        size: 14,
+        face: 'arial',
+        background: undefined,
+        strokeWidth: 0,
+        strokeColor: '#ffffff',
+        align: 'center',
+        bold: false,
+        ital: false,
+        boldital: false,
+        mono: false,
+      },
+      borderWidth: 1,
+      borderWidthSelected: 3
     foundNode: {
       groupName: 'Found Nodes',
@@ -101,9 +122,33 @@ export const defaultConfig: IConfig = {
     seedNode: {
       groupName: 'Seed Nodes',
-      color: 'blue',
-      shape: 'circle',
-      type: 'seed',
+      // color: '#F8981D',
+      // shape: 'circle',
+      // type: 'seed',
+      border: '#F8981D',
+      highlight: {
+        border: '#F8981D',
+        background: '#F8981D'
+      },
+      font: {
+        color: '#F8981D',
+        size: 14
+      }
+    },
+    selectedNode: {
+      groupName: 'Selected Nodes',
+      color: '#F8981D',
+      // shape: 'dot',
+      // type: 'selected',
+      border: '#F8981D',
+      highlight: {
+        border: '#F8981D',
+        background: '#F8981D'
+      },
+      font: {
+        color: '#F8981D',
+        size: 14
+      }
   edgeGroups: {
diff --git a/src/app/interfaces.ts b/src/app/interfaces.ts
index 818af38611b96a45f36dd29734143d4d806faa31..35d6ca2d3f7e7c112d64fcc8de25fe40e460f045 100644
--- a/src/app/interfaces.ts
+++ b/src/app/interfaces.ts
@@ -12,11 +12,16 @@ export interface Node {
   groupName?: string;
   color?: string | any; // mostly any, but vis js allows detail settings
   shape?: string;
+  image?: string;
   interactions?: Node[];
   x?: number;
   y?: number;
   borderWidth: number;
   borderWidthSelected: number;
+  font: {
+    color: string;
+    size: number;
+  }
 export interface Tissue {
diff --git a/src/app/network-settings.ts b/src/app/network-settings.ts
index 2a6ee9a334ff07710d17976e9490392df6d93da8..29b75b7453cf8c702170a6f7bb1dbd2267c3b5eb 100644
--- a/src/app/network-settings.ts
+++ b/src/app/network-settings.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import {
 } from './interfaces';
 import { IConfig, defaultConfig} from './config';
+import * as merge from 'lodash/fp/merge'; 
 export class NetworkSettings {
@@ -16,39 +17,15 @@ export class NetworkSettings {
   private static approvedDrugColor = '#48C774';
   private static unapprovedDrugColor = '#F8981D';
   private static nonSeedHostColor = '#3070B3';
-  private static nonSeedVirusColor = '#87082c';
-  private static selectedBorderColor = '#F8981D';
-  private static selectBorderHighlightColor = '#F8981D';
-  private static seedBorderColor = '#F8981D';
-  private static seedBorderHighlightColor = '#F8981D';
   // Edge color
-  private static edgeHostVirusColor = '#686868';
-  private static edgeHostVirusHighlightColor = '#686868';
   private static edgeHostDrugColor = '#686868';
   private static edgeHostDrugHighlightColor = '#686868';
   private static edgeGeneGeneColor = '#686868';
   private static edgeGeneGeneHighlightColor = '#686868';
-  // Border width for nodes in selection
-  private static selectedBorderWidth = 3;
-  private static selectedBorderWidthSelected = 3;
-  // Border width for seed nodes
-  private static seedBorderWidth = 3;
-  private static seedBorderWidthSelected = 3;
-  // Border width
-  private static borderWidth = 1;
-  private static borderWidthSelected = 3;
-  // Node Font
-  private static hostFontSize = 20;
-  private static drugFontSize = 30;
   private static hostFontColor = NetworkSettings.White;
   private static drugFontColor = NetworkSettings.White;
-  private static drugInTrialFontColor = NetworkSettings.Black;
   // Network Layout
   private static analysisLayout = {
@@ -91,26 +68,6 @@ export class NetworkSettings {
   private static drugNotInTrialShape = 'box';
   private static drugInTrialShape = 'triangle';
-  // static getNodeSize(wrapperType: WrapperType) {
-  //   if (wrapperType === 'protein') {
-  //     return this.hostSize;
-  //   } else if (wrapperType === 'drug') {
-  //     return this.drugSize;
-  //   }
-  // }
-  // static getNodeShape(wrapperType: WrapperType, drugInTrial?: boolean) {
-  //   if (wrapperType === 'protein') {
-  //     return this.hostShape;
-  //   } else if (wrapperType === 'drug') {
-  //     if (drugInTrial) {
-  //       return this.drugInTrialShape;
-  //     } else {
-  //       return this.drugNotInTrialShape;
-  //     }
-  //   }
-  // }
   static getOptions(network: 'main' | 'analysis' | 'analysis-big') {
     if (network === 'main') {
       return {
@@ -163,150 +120,43 @@ export class NetworkSettings {
-  // static getFont(wrapperType: WrapperType, drugInTrial?: boolean) {
-  //   if (wrapperType === 'protein') {
-  //     return {color: this.hostFontColor, size: this.hostFontSize};
-  //   } else if (wrapperType === 'drug') {
-  //     if (!drugInTrial) {
-  //       return {color: this.drugFontColor, size: this.drugFontSize};
-  //     } else {
-  //       return {color: this.drugInTrialFontColor, size: this.drugFontSize};
-  //     }
-  //   }
-  // }
   static getNodeStyle(
     node: Node,
     config: IConfig,
     isSeed: boolean,
     isSelected: boolean,
-    drugType?: string,
-    drugInTrial?: boolean,
     gradient?: number): any {
-      if (!gradient) {
-        gradient = -1.0;
-      }
-      let nodeGroupObject;
       if (node.group === 'default') {
-        nodeGroupObject = defaultConfig.nodeGroups.default;
-      } else {
-        nodeGroupObject = config.nodeGroups[node.group];
-      }
-      let nodeColor;
-      if (gradient === null) {
-        nodeColor = NetworkSettings.Grey;
+        console.log("we should not see this")
+        node = merge(node, defaultConfig.nodeGroups.default);
       } else {
-        nodeColor = getGradientColor(NetworkSettings.White, nodeGroupObject.color, gradient);
+        node = merge(node, config.nodeGroups[node.group]);
-      // vis js style attributes
-      const nodeShadow = true;
-      // const nodeShape = node.shape;
-      // const nodeSize = 10;
-      // const nodeFont = node.font;
-      console.log("is selected")
-      console.log(isSelected)
+      // note that seed and selected node style are applied after the node style is fetched. 
+      // this allows to overwrite only attributes of interest, therefor in e.g. seedNode group
+      // certain attributes like shape can remain undefined
       if (isSeed) {
-        node.color = {
-          background: nodeColor,
-          border: this.seedBorderColor,
-          highlight: {
-            border: this.seedBorderHighlightColor,
-            background: nodeColor
-          }
-        }; 
-        node.borderWidth = this.seedBorderWidth;
-        node.borderWidthSelected = this.seedBorderWidthSelected;
+        // apply seed node style to node
+        node = merge(node, config.nodeGroups.seedNode);
       } else if (isSelected) {
-        node.color = {
-          background: nodeColor,
-          border: this.selectedBorderColor,
-          highlight: {
-            border: this.selectBorderHighlightColor,
-            background: nodeColor
-          }
-        }; 
-        node.borderWidth = this.selectedBorderWidth;
-        node.borderWidthSelected = this.selectedBorderWidthSelected;
+        // apply selected node style to node
+        console.log("node styles")
+        console.log(node)
+        console.log(config.nodeGroups.selectedNode)
+        node = merge(node, config.nodeGroups.selectedNode);
+      }
+      // show image if image url is given
+      if (node.image) {
+        node.shape = 'image';
+      }
+      // calculate color gradient if gradient is givel
+      if (gradient === null) {
+        node.color = NetworkSettings.Grey;
       } else {
-        node.color = nodeColor;
-        node.borderWidth = this.borderWidth;
-        node.borderWidthSelected = this.borderWidthSelected;
+        node.color = getGradientColor(NetworkSettings.White, node.color, gradient);
       return node;
-  // static getNodeStyleOld(nodeType: WrapperType,
-  //                     isSeed: boolean,
-  //                     isSelected: boolean,
-  //                     drugType?: string,
-  //                     drugInTrial?: boolean,
-  //                     gradient?: number): any {
-  //   if (!gradient) {
-  //     gradient = 1.0;
-  //   }
-  //   let nodeColor;
-  //   let nodeShape;
-  //   let nodeSize;
-  //   let nodeFont;
-  //   const nodeShadow = true;
-  //   nodeShape = NetworkSettings.getNodeShape(nodeType);
-  //   nodeSize = NetworkSettings.getNodeSize(nodeType);
-  //   nodeFont = NetworkSettings.getFont(nodeType);
-  //   if (nodeType === 'protein') {
-  //     nodeColor = NetworkSettings.getColor(nodeType);
-  //     nodeFont = NetworkSettings.getFont('protein');
-  //     if (!isSeed) {
-  //       nodeColor = NetworkSettings.getColor('nonSeedHost');
-  //     }
-  //   } else if (nodeType === 'drug') {
-  //     if (drugType === 'approved') {
-  //       nodeColor = NetworkSettings.getColor('approvedDrug');
-  //     } else {
-  //       nodeColor = NetworkSettings.getColor('unapprovedDrug');
-  //     }
-  //     if (drugInTrial) {
-  //       nodeShape = NetworkSettings.getNodeShape('drug', true);
-  //       nodeFont = NetworkSettings.getFont('drug', true);
-  //     } else {
-  //       nodeShape = NetworkSettings.getNodeShape('drug', false);
-  //     }
-  //   }
-  //   if (gradient === -1) {
-  //     nodeColor = NetworkSettings.GREY;
-  //   } else {
-  //     nodeColor = getGradientColor(NetworkSettings.WHITE, nodeColor, gradient);
-  //   }
-  //   const node: any = {
-  //     size: nodeSize,
-  //     shape: nodeShape,
-  //     font: nodeFont,
-  //     shadow: nodeShadow,
-  //   };
-    // if (isSelected) {
-    //   node.color = {
-    //     background: nodeColor,
-    //     border: this.selectedBorderColor,
-    //     highlight: {
-    //       border: this.selectBorderHighlightColor,
-    //       background: nodeColor,
-    //     },
-    //   };
-    //   node.borderWidth = this.selectedBorderWidth;
-    //   node.borderWidthSelected = this.selectedBorderWidthSelected;
-    // } else {
-    //   node.color = nodeColor;
-    //   node.borderWidth = this.borderWidth;
-    //   node.borderWidthSelected = this.borderWidthSelected;
-    // }
-  //   return node;
-  // }
diff --git a/src/app/pages/explorer-page/explorer-page.component.ts b/src/app/pages/explorer-page/explorer-page.component.ts
index e3e82a64e8ad88cca0af258aa4ef252bd1c14970..6a8446849e15ad865f86b0fdbff70a72953c0253 100644
--- a/src/app/pages/explorer-page/explorer-page.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/pages/explorer-page/explorer-page.component.ts
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import {NetworkSettings} from '../../network-settings';
 import {defaultConfig, EdgeGroup, IConfig, InteractionDatabase, NodeGroup} from '../../config';
 import {NetexControllerService} from 'src/app/services/netex-controller/netex-controller.service';
 import {rgbaToHex, rgbToHex, standardize_color} from '../../utils'
+import * as merge from 'lodash/fp/merge'; 
 // import * as 'vis' from 'vis-network';
 // import {DataSet} from 'vis-data';
 // import {vis} from 'src/app/scripts/vis-network.min.js';
@@ -53,10 +54,10 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
     // check if config updates affect network
     let updateNetworkFlag = false;
     const configObj = JSON.parse(config);
     for (const key of Object.keys(configObj)) {
       if (key === 'nodeGroups') {
+        console.log("set node config")
         this.setConfigNodeGroup(key, configObj[key]);
         updateNetworkFlag = true;
         // dont set the key here, will be set in function
@@ -107,7 +108,6 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
     this.networkJSON = network;
-    console.log(this.myConfig)
@@ -419,20 +419,26 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
       // stop if nodeGroups do not contain any information
     // // do not allow '_' in node Group names since it causes problems with backend
     // nodeGroups = removeUnderscoreFromKeys(nodeGroups)
     // make sure all keys are set
     Object.entries(nodeGroups).forEach(([key, group]) => {
+      if (!('color' in group)) {
+        // use detailShowLabel default value if not set
+        group['color'] = defaultConfig.nodeGroups.default.color;
+      }
       if (!('detailShowLabel' in group)) {
         // use detailShowLabel default value if not set
         group['detailShowLabel'] = defaultConfig.nodeGroups.default.detailShowLabel;
+      if (!('font' in group)) {
+        // use detailShowLabel default value if not set
+        group['font'] = defaultConfig.nodeGroups.default.font;
+      }
       // color needs to be hexacode to calculate gradient
       if (!group.color.startsWith('#')) {
         // color is either rgba, rgb or string like "red"
-        console.log(group.color)
         if (group.color.startsWith('rgba')) {
           group.color = rgbaToHex(group.color).slice(0, 7)
         } else if (group.color.startsWith('rgb')) {
@@ -440,7 +446,6 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
         } else (
           group.color = standardize_color(group.color)
-        console.log(group.color)
@@ -449,8 +454,9 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
     // if user has set nodeGroups, do not use group "default"
     delete defaultNodeGroups.default;
     // if user has not set the return-groups, take the defaults
-    nodeGroups = {...defaultNodeGroups, ...nodeGroups};
-    // override default node groups
+    // user merge function to do deep merge
+    nodeGroups = merge(defaultNodeGroups, nodeGroups);
+    // overwrite default node groups
     this.myConfig[key] = nodeGroups;
@@ -536,7 +542,6 @@ export class ExplorerPageComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
   public selectTissue(tissue: Tissue | null) {
-    console.log("here")
     this.expressionExpanded = false;
     if (!tissue) {
       this.selectedTissue = null;
diff --git a/src/index.html b/src/index.html
index 8294d95a9c7b7e55a1f23107d2435af5a9197329..5225bf727c493fa542baf89397b474f6b5a3e756 100644
--- a/src/index.html
+++ b/src/index.html
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   <network-expander id="netexp1"
-                      "nodeGroups": {"0.5": {"type": "0.5er Instanz", "color": "green", "groupName": "0.5", "shape": "hexagon"}, "patientgroup": {"type": "Patient", "detailShowLabel": "true", "color": "#632345", "groupName": "patient group", "shape": "dot", "size": "50"}, "pugGroup": {"type": "woof woof", "color": "grey", "groupName": "Pug Group", "shape": "triangle", "image": "https://static.raymondcamden.com/images/2016/11/pug.png"}},
+                      "nodeGroups": {"selectedNode": {"font": {"size": "18"} }, "0.5": {"font": "18px verdana blue", "type": "0.5er Instanz", "color": "green", "groupName": "0.5", "shape": "hexagon"}, "patientgroup": {"type": "Patient", "detailShowLabel": "true", "color": "#632345", "groupName": "patient group", "shape": "dot", "size": "50"}, "pugGroup": {"type": "woof woof", "color": "grey", "groupName": "Pug Group", "shape": "triangle", "image": "https://static.raymondcamden.com/images/2016/11/pug.png"}},
                       "edgeGroups": {"dashes": {"color": "black", "groupName": "dashes Group", "dashes": [1, 2]}, "notdashes": {"color": "black", "groupName": "not dashes Group"}},
                       "identifier": "symbol"