From ea46e72ee2fb3261ebf2cd4182c4bed71495836e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mhaned Oubounyt <>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 17:05:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Network plot

 angular.json                       |  10 +-
 package-lock.json                  |  56 +-
 package.json                       |   5 +-
 src/app/app.component.css          |   3 +
 src/app/app.module.ts              |  30 +-
 src/app/network/app.component.css  |   3 +
 src/app/network/app.component.scss |   3 +
 src/app/network/app.component.ts   | 813 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/main.ts                        |   3 +
 src/styles.css                     |   1 +
 10 files changed, 911 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/app/app.component.css
 create mode 100644 src/app/network/app.component.css
 create mode 100644 src/app/network/app.component.scss
 create mode 100644 src/app/network/app.component.ts
 create mode 100644 src/styles.css

diff --git a/angular.json b/angular.json
index 349c347a..8b3458c4 100644
--- a/angular.json
+++ b/angular.json
@@ -123,6 +123,10 @@
-    }},
-  "defaultProject": "covid19"
+    }
+  },
+  "defaultProject": "covid19",
+  "cli": {
+    "analytics": "bb00cc29-2ec5-4bd5-9235-62ac2e9e51b5"
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 0a656a56..84760f2d 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@
       "dev": true
     "@types/node": {
-      "version": "12.12.31",
-      "resolved": "",
-      "integrity": "sha512-T+wnJno8uh27G9c+1T+a1/WYCHzLeDqtsGJkoEdSp2X8RTh3oOCZQcUnjAx90CS8cmmADX51O0FI/tu9s0yssg==",
+      "version": "12.12.32",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-44/reuCrwiQEsXud3I5X3sqI5jIXAmHB5xoiyKUw965olNHF3IWKjBLKK3F9LOSUZmK+oDt8jmyO637iX+hMgA==",
       "dev": true
     "@types/q": {
@@ -3943,6 +3943,11 @@
         "minimalistic-crypto-utils": "^1.0.0"
+    "emitter-component": {
+      "version": "1.1.1",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha1-Bl4tvtaVm/RwZ57avq95gdEAOrY="
+    },
     "emoji-regex": {
       "version": "8.0.0",
       "resolved": "",
@@ -4965,6 +4970,11 @@
       "integrity": "sha512-a30VEBm4PEdx1dRB7MFK7BejejvCvBronbLjht+sHuGYj8PHs7M/5Z+rt5lw551vZ7yfTCj4Vuyy3mSJytDWRQ==",
       "dev": true
+    "hammerjs": {
+      "version": "2.0.8",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha1-BO93hiz/K7edMPdpIJWTAiK/YPE="
+    },
     "handle-thing": {
       "version": "2.0.1",
       "resolved": "",
@@ -6297,6 +6307,11 @@
         "source-map-support": "^0.5.5"
+    "keycharm": {
+      "version": "0.2.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha1-+m6i5DuQpoAohD0n8gddNajD5vk="
+    },
     "killable": {
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "resolved": "",
@@ -6989,6 +7004,11 @@
         "minimist": "^1.2.5"
+    "moment": {
+      "version": "2.24.0",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-bV7f+6l2QigeBBZSM/6yTNq4P2fNpSWj/0e7jQcy87A8e7o2nAfP/34/2ky5Vw4B9S446EtIhodAzkFCcR4dQg=="
+    },
     "move-concurrently": {
       "version": "1.0.1",
       "resolved": "",
@@ -8626,6 +8646,14 @@
+    "propagating-hammerjs": {
+      "version": "1.4.7",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-oW9Wd+W2Tp5uOz6Fh4mEU7p+FoyU85smLH/mPga83Loh0pHa6AH4ZHGywvwMk3TWP31l7iUsvJyW265p4Ipwrg==",
+      "requires": {
+        "hammerjs": "^2.0.8"
+      }
+    },
     "protoduck": {
       "version": "5.0.1",
       "resolved": "",
@@ -8886,6 +8914,16 @@
       "integrity": "sha512-XRsRjdf+j5ml+y/6GKHPZbrF/8p2Yga0JPtdqTIY2Xe5ohJPD9saDJJLPvp9+NSBprVvevdXZybnj2cv8OEd0A==",
       "dev": true
+    "python": {
+      "version": "0.0.4",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha1-MJTomO8Xozqpw+lzs4SKOOR9GBg="
+    },
+    "python-shell": {
+      "version": "1.0.8",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-jMKagerg3alm6j+Prq5t/M3dTgEppy5vC6ns+LqAjfuHiT8olfK3PMokpqpeEcWEqvDnUcAOhp6SQzaLBtTzRw=="
+    },
     "q": {
       "version": "1.5.1",
       "resolved": "",
@@ -11439,6 +11477,18 @@
         "extsprintf": "^1.2.0"
+    "vis": {
+      "version": "4.21.0-EOL",
+      "resolved": "",
+      "integrity": "sha512-JVS1mywKg5S88XbkDJPfCb3n+vlg5fMA8Ae2hzs3KHAwD4ryM5qwlbFZ6ReDfY8te7I4NLCpuCoywJQEehvJlQ==",
+      "requires": {
+        "emitter-component": "^1.1.1",
+        "hammerjs": "^2.0.8",
+        "keycharm": "^0.2.0",
+        "moment": "^2.18.1",
+        "propagating-hammerjs": "^1.4.6"
+      }
+    },
     "vm-browserify": {
       "version": "1.1.2",
       "resolved": "",
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 0887eb9a..82a91bc4 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -20,8 +20,11 @@
     "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~9.0.2",
     "@angular/router": "~9.0.2",
     "bulma": "^0.8.1",
+    "python": "0.0.4",
+    "python-shell": "^1.0.8",
     "rxjs": "~6.5.4",
     "tslib": "^1.10.0",
+    "vis": "^4.21.0-EOL",
     "zone.js": "~0.10.2"
   "devDependencies": {
@@ -29,9 +32,9 @@
     "@angular/cli": "~9.0.3",
     "@angular/compiler-cli": "~9.0.2",
     "@angular/language-service": "~9.0.2",
-    "@types/node": "^12.11.1",
     "@types/jasmine": "~3.5.0",
     "@types/jasminewd2": "~2.0.3",
+    "@types/node": "^12.12.32",
     "codelyzer": "^5.1.2",
     "jasmine-core": "~3.5.0",
     "jasmine-spec-reporter": "~4.2.1",
diff --git a/src/app/app.component.css b/src/app/app.component.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7ef084c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/app.component.css
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+p {
+  font-family: Lato;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/app.module.ts b/src/app/app.module.ts
index 2c3ba299..bf189ee6 100644
--- a/src/app/app.module.ts
+++ b/src/app/app.module.ts
@@ -1,18 +1,30 @@
 import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
 import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
+import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
 import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
 import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
+// @NgModule({
+//   declarations: [
+//     AppComponent
+//   ],
+//   imports: [
+//     BrowserModule,
+//     AppRoutingModule
+//   ],
+//   providers: [],
+//   bootstrap: [AppComponent]
+// })
+// export class AppModule { }
-  declarations: [
-    AppComponent
-  ],
-  imports: [
-    BrowserModule,
-    AppRoutingModule
-  ],
-  providers: [],
-  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
+  imports:      [ BrowserModule, FormsModule, AppRoutingModule],
+  declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]
 export class AppModule { }
diff --git a/src/app/network/app.component.css b/src/app/network/app.component.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7ef084c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/network/app.component.css
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+p {
+  font-family: Lato;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/network/app.component.scss b/src/app/network/app.component.scss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba43f512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/network/app.component.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+p {
+  font-family: Lato;
diff --git a/src/app/network/app.component.ts b/src/app/network/app.component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb62f546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/network/app.component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+import {  OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import * as vis from 'vis';
+  selector:  'app-root',
+  templateUrl:  './app.component.html',
+  styleUrls:  ['./app.component.scss']
+// export class AppComponent {
+//   title = 'covid19';
+// }
+export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
+  name = 'Angular';
+  constructor() {
+    console.log(vis);
+  }
+  ngOnInit() {
+    // create an array with nodes
+          const nodes = new vis.DataSet([
+            {id: 0, label: 'pg0', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 1, label: 'pg1', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 2, label: 'pg2', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 3, label: 'pg3', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 4, label: 'pg4', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 5, label: 'pg5', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 6, label: 'pg6', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 7, label: 'pg7', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 8, label: 'pg8', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 9, label: 'pg9', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 10, label: 'pg10', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 11, label: 'pg11', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 12, label: 'pg12', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 13, label: 'pg13', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 14, label: 'pg14', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 15, label: 'pg15', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 16, label: 'pg16', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 17, label: 'pg17', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 18, label: 'pg18', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 19, label: 'pg19', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 20, label: 'pg20', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 21, label: 'pg21', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 22, label: 'pg22', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 23, label: 'pg23', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 24, label: 'pg24', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 25, label: 'pg25', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 26, label: 'pg26', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 27, label: 'pg27', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 28, label: 'pg28', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 29, label: 'pg29', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 30, label: 'pg30', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 31, label: 'pg31', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 32, label: 'pg32', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 33, label: 'pg33', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 34, label: 'pg34', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 35, label: 'pg35', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 36, label: 'pg36', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 37, label: 'pg37', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 38, label: 'pg38', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 39, label: 'pg39', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 40, label: 'pg40', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 41, label: 'pg41', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 42, label: 'pg42', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 43, label: 'pg43', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 44, label: 'pg44', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 45, label: 'pg45', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 46, label: 'pg46', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 47, label: 'pg47', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 48, label: 'pg48', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 49, label: 'pg49', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 50, label: 'pg50', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 51, label: 'pg51', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 52, label: 'pg52', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 53, label: 'pg53', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 54, label: 'pg54', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 55, label: 'pg55', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 56, label: 'pg56', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 57, label: 'pg57', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 58, label: 'pg58', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 59, label: 'pg59', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 60, label: 'pg60', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 61, label: 'pg61', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 62, label: 'pg62', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 63, label: 'pg63', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 64, label: 'pg64', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 65, label: 'pg65', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 66, label: 'pg66', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 67, label: 'pg67', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 68, label: 'pg68', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 69, label: 'pg69', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 70, label: 'pg70', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 71, label: 'pg71', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 72, label: 'pg72', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 73, label: 'pg73', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 74, label: 'pg74', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 75, label: 'pg75', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 76, label: 'pg76', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 77, label: 'pg77', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 78, label: 'pg78', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 79, label: 'pg79', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 80, label: 'pg80', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 81, label: 'pg81', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 82, label: 'pg82', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 83, label: 'pg83', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 84, label: 'pg84', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 85, label: 'pg85', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 86, label: 'pg86', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 87, label: 'pg87', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 88, label: 'pg88', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 89, label: 'pg89', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 90, label: 'pg90', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 91, label: 'pg91', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 92, label: 'pg92', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 93, label: 'pg93', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 94, label: 'pg94', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 95, label: 'pg95', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 96, label: 'pg96', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 97, label: 'pg97', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 98, label: 'pg98', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 99, label: 'pg99', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 100, label: 'pg100', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 101, label: 'pg101', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 102, label: 'pg102', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 103, label: 'pg103', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 104, label: 'pg104', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 105, label: 'pg105', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 106, label: 'pg106', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 107, label: 'pg107', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 108, label: 'pg108', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 109, label: 'pg109', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 110, label: 'pg110', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 111, label: 'pg111', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 112, label: 'pg112', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 113, label: 'pg113', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 114, label: 'pg114', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 115, label: 'pg115', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 116, label: 'pg116', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 117, label: 'pg117', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 118, label: 'pg118', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 119, label: 'pg119', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 120, label: 'pg120', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 121, label: 'pg121', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 122, label: 'pg122', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 123, label: 'pg123', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 124, label: 'pg124', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 125, label: 'pg125', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 126, label: 'pg126', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 127, label: 'pg127', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
+            {id: 128, label: 'pg128', size: 5, color: '#FF2A00', shape: 'square', shadow: true},
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+           // create an array with edges
+          const edges = new vis.DataSet([
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+                  {from: 200, to: 116},
+                  {from: 200, to: 181},
+                  {from: 200, to: 22},
+                  {from: 200, to: 126},
+                  {from: 200, to: 130},
+                  {from: 200, to: 111},
+                  {from: 200, to: 94},
+                  {from: 200, to: 30},
+                  {from: 200, to: 110},
+                  {from: 201, to: 150},
+                  {from: 201, to: 100},
+                  {from: 201, to: 132},
+                  {from: 201, to: 94},
+                  {from: 201, to: 136},
+                  {from: 201, to: 122},
+                  {from: 201, to: 41},
+                  {from: 201, to: 85},
+                  {from: 201, to: 173},
+                  {from: 201, to: 80},
+                  {from: 202, to: 180},
+                  {from: 202, to: 146},
+                  {from: 202, to: 130},
+                  {from: 202, to: 38},
+                  {from: 202, to: 107},
+                  {from: 202, to: 1},
+                  {from: 202, to: 12},
+                  {from: 202, to: 16},
+                  {from: 202, to: 169},
+                  {from: 202, to: 11},
+                  {from: 203, to: 65},
+                  {from: 203, to: 76},
+                  {from: 203, to: 65},
+                  {from: 203, to: 29},
+                  {from: 203, to: 31},
+                  {from: 203, to: 170},
+                  {from: 203, to: 14},
+                  {from: 203, to: 6},
+                  {from: 203, to: 141},
+                  {from: 203, to: 59},
+                  {from: 204, to: 137},
+                  {from: 204, to: 16},
+                  {from: 204, to: 185},
+                  {from: 204, to: 96},
+                  {from: 204, to: 189},
+                  {from: 204, to: 139},
+                  {from: 204, to: 43},
+                  {from: 204, to: 67},
+                  {from: 204, to: 140},
+                  {from: 204, to: 198},
+                  {from: 205, to: 51},
+                  {from: 205, to: 61},
+                  {from: 205, to: 171},
+                  {from: 205, to: 192},
+                  {from: 205, to: 42},
+                  {from: 205, to: 103},
+                  {from: 205, to: 190},
+                  {from: 205, to: 16},
+                  {from: 205, to: 56},
+                  {from: 205, to: 163},
+                  {from: 206, to: 176},
+                  {from: 206, to: 80},
+                  {from: 206, to: 9},
+                  {from: 206, to: 54},
+                  {from: 206, to: 94},
+                  {from: 206, to: 174},
+                  {from: 206, to: 47},
+                  {from: 206, to: 144},
+                  {from: 206, to: 52},
+                  {from: 206, to: 152},
+                  {from: 207, to: 33},
+                  {from: 207, to: 74},
+                  {from: 207, to: 71},
+                  {from: 207, to: 43},
+                  {from: 207, to: 73},
+                  {from: 207, to: 177},
+                  {from: 207, to: 93},
+                  {from: 207, to: 175},
+                  {from: 207, to: 133},
+                  {from: 207, to: 24},
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+                  {from: 208, to: 117},
+                  {from: 208, to: 174},
+                  {from: 208, to: 72},
+                  {from: 208, to: 59},
+                  {from: 208, to: 86},
+                  {from: 208, to: 55},
+                  {from: 208, to: 15},
+                  {from: 209, to: 6},
+                  {from: 209, to: 189},
+                  {from: 209, to: 174},
+                  {from: 209, to: 140},
+                  {from: 209, to: 49},
+                  {from: 209, to: 98},
+                  {from: 209, to: 197},
+                  {from: 209, to: 179},
+                  {from: 209, to: 19},
+                  {from: 209, to: 177},
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+                  {from: 210, to: 21},
+                  {from: 210, to: 126},
+                  {from: 210, to: 8},
+                  {from: 210, to: 14},
+                  {from: 210, to: 72},
+                  {from: 210, to: 104},
+                  {from: 210, to: 80},
+                  {from: 210, to: 128},
+                  {from: 210, to: 6},
+                  {from: 211, to: 49},
+                  {from: 211, to: 152},
+                  {from: 211, to: 39},
+                  {from: 211, to: 16},
+                  {from: 211, to: 170},
+                  {from: 211, to: 88},
+                  {from: 211, to: 99},
+                  {from: 211, to: 56},
+                  {from: 211, to: 51},
+                  {from: 211, to: 126},
+                  {from: 212, to: 106},
+                  {from: 212, to: 15},
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+                  {from: 212, to: 63},
+                  {from: 212, to: 71},
+                  {from: 212, to: 89},
+                  {from: 212, to: 97},
+                  {from: 212, to: 144},
+                  {from: 212, to: 100},
+                  {from: 212, to: 150},
+                  {from: 213, to: 160},
+                  {from: 213, to: 67},
+                  {from: 213, to: 96},
+                  {from: 213, to: 178},
+                  {from: 213, to: 163},
+                  {from: 213, to: 190},
+                  {from: 213, to: 47},
+                  {from: 213, to: 172},
+                  {from: 213, to: 35},
+                  {from: 213, to: 99},
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+                  {from: 214, to: 81},
+                  {from: 214, to: 196},
+                  {from: 214, to: 173},
+                  {from: 214, to: 121},
+                  {from: 214, to: 0},
+                  {from: 214, to: 4},
+                  {from: 214, to: 16},
+                  {from: 214, to: 9},
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+                  {from: 215, to: 34},
+                  {from: 215, to: 119},
+                  {from: 215, to: 86},
+                  {from: 215, to: 5},
+                  {from: 215, to: 25},
+                  {from: 215, to: 121},
+                  {from: 215, to: 167},
+                  {from: 215, to: 153},
+                  {from: 215, to: 9},
+                  {from: 216, to: 170},
+                  {from: 216, to: 69},
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+                  {from: 216, to: 72},
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+                  {from: 216, to: 148},
+                  {from: 216, to: 107},
+                  {from: 217, to: 76},
+                  {from: 217, to: 65},
+                  {from: 217, to: 166},
+                  {from: 217, to: 92},
+                  {from: 217, to: 135},
+                  {from: 217, to: 138},
+                  {from: 217, to: 101},
+                  {from: 217, to: 123},
+                  {from: 217, to: 50},
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+                  {from: 217, to: 155},
+                  {from: 217, to: 45},
+                  {from: 217, to: 162},
+                  {from: 217, to: 109},
+                  {from: 217, to: 115},
+                  {from: 217, to: 37},
+                  {from: 217, to: 161},
+                  {from: 217, to: 10},
+                  {from: 217, to: 66},
+                  {from: 217, to: 108},
+                  {from: 217, to: 26},
+                  {from: 217, to: 20},
+                  {from: 217, to: 78},
+                  {from: 217, to: 118},
+                  {from: 217, to: 83},
+                  {from: 217, to: 114},
+                  {from: 217, to: 120},
+                  {from: 217, to: 131},
+                  {from: 217, to: 178},
+                  {from: 217, to: 187},
+                  {from: 218, to: 51},
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+                  {from: 218, to: 46},
+                  {from: 218, to: 144},
+                  {from: 218, to: 75},
+                  {from: 218, to: 164},
+                  {from: 218, to: 156},
+                  {from: 218, to: 63},
+                  {from: 218, to: 178},
+                  {from: 218, to: 116},
+                  {from: 219, to: 67},
+                  {from: 219, to: 14},
+                  {from: 219, to: 97},
+                  {from: 219, to: 74},
+                  {from: 219, to: 21},
+                  {from: 219, to: 198},
+                  {from: 219, to: 199},
+                  {from: 219, to: 143},
+                  {from: 219, to: 62},
+                  {from: 219, to: 60},
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+                  {from: 220, to: 35},
+                  {from: 220, to: 36},
+                  {from: 220, to: 34},
+                  {from: 220, to: 93},
+                  {from: 220, to: 107},
+                  {from: 220, to: 137},
+                  {from: 220, to: 190},
+                  {from: 220, to: 82},
+                  {from: 220, to: 172},
+                  {from: 221, to: 192},
+                  {from: 221, to: 9},
+                  {from: 221, to: 1},
+                  {from: 221, to: 8},
+                  {from: 221, to: 129},
+                  {from: 221, to: 72},
+                  {from: 221, to: 94},
+                  {from: 221, to: 18},
+                  {from: 221, to: 117},
+                  {from: 221, to: 85},
+                  {from: 222, to: 141},
+                  {from: 222, to: 53},
+                  {from: 222, to: 23},
+                  {from: 222, to: 196},
+                  {from: 222, to: 150},
+                  {from: 222, to: 166},
+                  {from: 222, to: 133},
+                  {from: 222, to: 31},
+                  {from: 222, to: 179},
+                  {from: 222, to: 107},
+                  {from: 223, to: 86},
+                  {from: 223, to: 43},
+                  {from: 223, to: 22},
+                  {from: 223, to: 11},
+                  {from: 223, to: 121},
+                  {from: 223, to: 13},
+                  {from: 223, to: 2},
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+                  {from: 223, to: 151},
+                  {from: 223, to: 25},
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+                  {from: 224, to: 197},
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+                  {from: 224, to: 177},
+                  {from: 224, to: 55},
+                  {from: 224, to: 87},
+                  {from: 225, to: 17},
+                  {from: 225, to: 163},
+                  {from: 225, to: 134},
+                  {from: 225, to: 86},
+                  {from: 225, to: 51},
+                  {from: 225, to: 122},
+                  {from: 225, to: 12},
+                  {from: 225, to: 93},
+                  {from: 225, to: 60},
+                  {from: 225, to: 3},
+                  {from: 226, to: 35},
+                  {from: 226, to: 80},
+                  {from: 226, to: 171},
+                  {from: 226, to: 157},
+                  {from: 226, to: 40},
+                  {from: 226, to: 127},
+                  {from: 226, to: 13},
+                  {from: 226, to: 54},
+                  {from: 226, to: 185},
+                  {from: 226, to: 187},
+                  {from: 227, to: 80},
+                  {from: 227, to: 102},
+                  {from: 227, to: 44},
+                  {from: 227, to: 70},
+                  {from: 227, to: 79},
+                  {from: 227, to: 30},
+                  {from: 227, to: 104},
+                  {from: 227, to: 48},
+                  {from: 227, to: 36},
+                  {from: 227, to: 128},
+                  {from: 228, to: 60},
+                  {from: 228, to: 74},
+                  {from: 228, to: 44},
+                  {from: 228, to: 12},
+                  {from: 228, to: 43},
+                  {from: 228, to: 32},
+                  {from: 228, to: 164},
+                  {from: 228, to: 71},
+                  {from: 228, to: 87},
+                  {from: 228, to: 33},
+                  {from: 229, to: 184},
+                  {from: 229, to: 62},
+                  {from: 229, to: 105},
+                  {from: 229, to: 98},
+                  {from: 229, to: 193},
+                  {from: 229, to: 191},
+                  {from: 229, to: 89},
+                  {from: 229, to: 160},
+                  {from: 229, to: 32},
+                  {from: 229, to: 38},
+                  {from: 230, to: 42},
+                  {from: 230, to: 64},
+                  {from: 230, to: 134},
+                  {from: 230, to: 146},
+                  {from: 230, to: 111},
+                  {from: 230, to: 178},
+                  {from: 230, to: 42},
+                  {from: 230, to: 104},
+                  {from: 230, to: 41},
+                  {from: 230, to: 133},
+                  {from: 231, to: 187},
+                  {from: 231, to: 122},
+                  {from: 231, to: 130},
+                  {from: 231, to: 13},
+                  {from: 231, to: 25},
+                  {from: 231, to: 42},
+                  {from: 231, to: 175},
+                  {from: 231, to: 7},
+                  {from: 231, to: 98},
+                  {from: 231, to: 110},
+                  {from: 232, to: 38},
+                  {from: 232, to: 112},
+                  {from: 232, to: 164},
+                  {from: 232, to: 131},
+                  {from: 232, to: 193},
+                  {from: 232, to: 126},
+                  {from: 232, to: 137},
+                  {from: 232, to: 140},
+                  {from: 232, to: 144},
+                  {from: 232, to: 113},
+                  {from: 233, to: 24},
+                  {from: 233, to: 186},
+                  {from: 233, to: 36},
+                  {from: 233, to: 9},
+                  {from: 233, to: 160},
+                  {from: 233, to: 119},
+                  {from: 233, to: 9},
+                  {from: 233, to: 95},
+                  {from: 233, to: 22},
+                  {from: 233, to: 87},
+                  {from: 234, to: 178},
+                  {from: 234, to: 71},
+                  {from: 234, to: 171},
+                  {from: 234, to: 168},
+                  {from: 234, to: 44},
+                  {from: 234, to: 5},
+                  {from: 234, to: 74},
+                  {from: 234, to: 65},
+                  {from: 234, to: 71},
+                  {from: 234, to: 58},
+                  {from: 235, to: 97},
+                  {from: 235, to: 14},
+                  {from: 235, to: 27},
+                  {from: 235, to: 175},
+                  {from: 235, to: 145},
+                  {from: 235, to: 13},
+                  {from: 235, to: 94},
+                  {from: 235, to: 86},
+                  {from: 235, to: 75},
+                  {from: 235, to: 59},
+                  {from: 236, to: 147},
+                  {from: 236, to: 9},
+                  {from: 236, to: 48},
+                  {from: 236, to: 134},
+                  {from: 236, to: 2},
+                  {from: 236, to: 41},
+                  {from: 236, to: 128},
+                  {from: 236, to: 177},
+                  {from: 236, to: 136},
+                  {from: 236, to: 169},
+                  {from: 237, to: 177},
+                  {from: 237, to: 106},
+                  {from: 237, to: 54},
+                  {from: 237, to: 40},
+                  {from: 237, to: 76},
+                  {from: 237, to: 152},
+                  {from: 237, to: 177},
+                  {from: 237, to: 92},
+                  {from: 237, to: 186},
+                  {from: 237, to: 152},
+                  {from: 238, to: 2},
+                  {from: 238, to: 54},
+                  {from: 238, to: 38},
+                  {from: 238, to: 173},
+                  {from: 238, to: 154},
+                  {from: 238, to: 46},
+                  {from: 238, to: 5},
+                  {from: 238, to: 98},
+                  {from: 238, to: 188},
+                  {from: 238, to: 192},
+                  {from: 239, to: 125},
+                  {from: 239, to: 190},
+                  {from: 239, to: 173},
+                  {from: 239, to: 44},
+                  {from: 239, to: 64},
+                  {from: 239, to: 61},
+                  {from: 239, to: 131},
+                  {from: 239, to: 181},
+                  {from: 239, to: 58},
+                  {from: 239, to: 106},
+                  {from: 240, to: 43},
+                  {from: 240, to: 143},
+                  {from: 240, to: 194},
+                  {from: 240, to: 55},
+                  {from: 240, to: 55},
+                  {from: 240, to: 183},
+                  {from: 240, to: 46},
+                  {from: 240, to: 188},
+                  {from: 240, to: 69},
+                  {from: 240, to: 133},
+                  {from: 241, to: 85},
+                  {from: 241, to: 136},
+                  {from: 241, to: 99},
+                  {from: 241, to: 60},
+                  {from: 241, to: 188},
+                  {from: 241, to: 137},
+                  {from: 241, to: 57},
+                  {from: 241, to: 6},
+                  {from: 241, to: 73},
+                  {from: 241, to: 192},
+                  {from: 242, to: 182},
+                  {from: 242, to: 159},
+                  {from: 242, to: 32},
+                  {from: 242, to: 97},
+                  {from: 242, to: 22},
+                  {from: 242, to: 186},
+                  {from: 242, to: 146},
+                  {from: 242, to: 56},
+                  {from: 242, to: 75},
+                  {from: 242, to: 175},
+                  {from: 243, to: 95},
+                  {from: 243, to: 28},
+                  {from: 243, to: 170},
+                  {from: 243, to: 18},
+                  {from: 243, to: 137},
+                  {from: 243, to: 111},
+                  {from: 243, to: 48},
+                  {from: 243, to: 136},
+                  {from: 243, to: 36},
+                  {from: 243, to: 30},
+                  {from: 244, to: 65},
+                  {from: 244, to: 91},
+                  {from: 244, to: 86},
+                  {from: 244, to: 183},
+                  {from: 244, to: 98},
+                  {from: 244, to: 28},
+                  {from: 244, to: 32},
+                  {from: 244, to: 77},
+                  {from: 244, to: 124},
+                  {from: 244, to: 72},
+                  {from: 245, to: 65},
+                  {from: 245, to: 11},
+                  {from: 245, to: 159},
+                  {from: 245, to: 64},
+                  {from: 245, to: 28},
+                  {from: 245, to: 179},
+                  {from: 245, to: 117},
+                  {from: 245, to: 15},
+                  {from: 245, to: 2},
+                  {from: 245, to: 116},
+                  {from: 246, to: 68},
+                  {from: 246, to: 176},
+                  {from: 246, to: 48},
+                  {from: 246, to: 95},
+                  {from: 246, to: 27},
+                  {from: 246, to: 79},
+                  {from: 246, to: 87},
+                  {from: 246, to: 119},
+                  {from: 246, to: 180},
+                  {from: 246, to: 148},
+                  {from: 247, to: 82},
+                  {from: 247, to: 106},
+                  {from: 247, to: 197},
+                  {from: 247, to: 156},
+                  {from: 247, to: 62},
+                  {from: 247, to: 25},
+                  {from: 247, to: 3},
+                  {from: 247, to: 9},
+                  {from: 247, to: 14},
+                  {from: 247, to: 24},
+                  {from: 248, to: 132},
+                  {from: 248, to: 130},
+                  {from: 248, to: 133},
+                  {from: 248, to: 188},
+                  {from: 248, to: 38},
+                  {from: 248, to: 146},
+                  {from: 248, to: 159},
+                  {from: 248, to: 99},
+                  {from: 248, to: 38},
+                  {from: 248, to: 79},
+                  {from: 249, to: 48},
+                  {from: 249, to: 29},
+                  {from: 249, to: 69},
+                  {from: 249, to: 167},
+                  {from: 249, to: 171},
+                  {from: 249, to: 43},
+                  {from: 249, to: 150},
+                  {from: 249, to: 199},
+                  {from: 249, to: 195},
+                  {from: 249, to: 186},
+           ]);
+           // create a network
+          const container = document.getElementById('mynetwork');
+          const data = {
+             nodes,
+             edges
+           };
+          const options = {};
+          const network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);
+  }
diff --git a/src/main.ts b/src/main.ts
index c7b673cf..d9eac7e0 100644
--- a/src/main.ts
+++ b/src/main.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
 import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
+import './polyfills';
 import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
 import { environment } from './environments/environment';
diff --git a/src/styles.css b/src/styles.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74f71b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/styles.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/* Add application styles & imports to this file! */
\ No newline at end of file