import {Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import domtoimage from 'dom-to-image'; import {InteractionDatabase} from 'src/app/config'; import {DrugstoneConfigService} from 'src/app/services/drugstone-config/drugstone-config.service'; import {NetexControllerService} from 'src/app/services/netex-controller/netex-controller.service'; import {OmnipathControllerService} from 'src/app/services/omnipath-controller/omnipath-controller.service'; import {mapCustomEdge, mapCustomNode} from '../../main-network'; import { getDrugNodeId, getWrapperFromNode, Node, NodeData, NodeAttributeMap, NodeInteraction, Tissue, Wrapper, NetworkType, NetworkData } from '../../interfaces'; import {AnalysisService} from 'src/app/services/analysis/analysis.service'; import {NetworkSettings} from 'src/app/network-settings'; import {pieChartContextRenderer} from 'src/app/utils'; import {NetworkHandlerService} from 'src/app/services/network-handler/network-handler.service'; import {LegendService} from 'src/app/services/legend-service/legend-service.service'; import {LoadingScreenService} from 'src/app/services/loading-screen/loading-screen.service'; import {version} from '../../../version'; @Component({ selector: 'app-network', templateUrl: './network.component.html', styleUrls: ['./network.component.scss'] }) export class NetworkComponent implements OnInit { @Input() public networkType: NetworkType; @Input() public nodeData: NodeData; @ViewChild('network', {static: false}) networkEl: ElementRef; @ViewChild('networkWithLegend', {static: false}) networkWithLegendEl: ElementRef; public networkInternal: any = null; public inputNetwork: NetworkData = {nodes: [], edges: []}; public selectedWrapper: Wrapper | null = null; public activeEdge: NodeInteraction; public adjacentDrugs = false; public adjacentDisordersProtein = false; public adjacentDisordersDrug = false; public adjacentDrugList: Node[] = []; public adjacentDrugEdgesList: Node[] = []; public adjacentProteinDisorderList: Node[] = []; public adjacentProteinDisorderEdgesList: Node[] = []; public adjacentDrugDisorderList: Node[] = []; public adjacentDrugDisorderEdgesList: Node[] = []; public currentDataset = []; public currentViewProteins: Node[] = []; public currentViewSelectedTissue: Tissue | null = null; public currentViewNodes: Node[] = []; public currentViewEdges: NodeInteraction[]; public expressionExpanded = false; public selectedTissue: Tissue | null = null; // change this to true to have sidebar open per default // public networkSidebarOpen = false; public queryItems: Wrapper[] = []; public networkPositions: any; public highlightSeeds = false; public seedMap: NodeAttributeMap = {}; // keys are node drugstoneIds public expressionMap: NodeAttributeMap = {}; public gradientMap: NodeAttributeMap = {}; public fullscreen = false; public nodeRenderer = null; public loading = false; public versionString = undefined; public nodeGroupsWithExpression: Set<string> = new Set(); constructor( public legendService: LegendService, public networkHandler: NetworkHandlerService, public analysis: AnalysisService, public drugstoneConfig: DrugstoneConfigService, public netex: NetexControllerService, public omnipath: OmnipathControllerService, public loadingScreen: LoadingScreenService) { try { this.versionString = version; }catch (e){ } } ngOnInit(): void { this.networkHandler.networks[this.networkType] = this; } isBig(): boolean { return this.nodeData.nodes.length > 100 || this.nodeData.edges.length > 100; } getResetInputNetwork(): NetworkData { const nodes = [...this.inputNetwork.nodes]; nodes.forEach(n => { if (n._group) { = n._group; delete n._group; } }); return {edges: this.inputNetwork.edges, nodes}; } setLoading(bool: boolean): void { this.loading = bool; } async getInteractions(key: InteractionDatabase) { let edges = []; if (key === 'omnipath') { const names = => node.label); const nameToNetworkId = {}; => nameToNetworkId[node.label] =; edges = await this.omnipath.getInteractions(names, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig().identifier, nameToNetworkId); } this.nodeData.edges.update(edges); } updateQueryItems() { this.queryItems = []; if (this.currentViewNodes) { this.currentViewNodes.forEach((protein) => { this.queryItems.push(getWrapperFromNode(protein)); }); } } public saveAddNodes(nodeList: Node[]) { const existing = this.nodeData.nodes.get().map(n =>; const toAdd = nodeList.filter(n => existing.indexOf( === -1); this.nodeData.nodes.add(toAdd); } public async updateAdjacentProteinDisorders(bool: boolean, stabl: boolean) { return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(true); this.adjacentDisordersProtein = bool; if (this.adjacentDisordersProtein) { this.adjacentProteinDisorderList = []; this.adjacentProteinDisorderEdgesList = []; this.legendService.add_to_context('adjacentDisorders'); this.netex.adjacentDisorders(this.nodeData.nodes.get(), 'proteins', this.drugstoneConfig.config.associatedProteinDisorder, this.drugstoneConfig.config.licensedDatasets).then(response => { const proteinMap = this.getProteinMap(); const addedEdge = {}; for (const interaction of response.edges) { const edge = mapCustomEdge({ from: interaction.protein, to: interaction.disorder }, this.drugstoneConfig.config, this.drugstoneConfig); if (proteinMap[edge.from]) { proteinMap[edge.from].forEach(from => { if (addedEdge[from] && addedEdge[from].indexOf( !== -1) { return; } const e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(edge)); e.from = from; =; this.adjacentProteinDisorderEdgesList.push(e); if (!addedEdge[from]) { addedEdge[from] = []; } else { addedEdge[from].push(; } }); } } for (const disorder of response.disorders) { = 'defaultDisorder'; = disorder.drugstoneId; this.adjacentProteinDisorderList.push(mapCustomNode(disorder, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), this.drugstoneConfig)); } this.saveAddNodes(this.adjacentProteinDisorderList); this.nodeData.edges.add(this.adjacentProteinDisorderEdgesList); this.updateQueryItems(); }).then(() => { if (stabl) { this.stabilize().then(() => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); }); } else { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); } }); } else { if (!this.adjacentDisordersDrug) { this.legendService.remove_from_context('adjacentDisorders'); } this.saveRemoveDisorders(this.adjacentProteinDisorderList); this.nodeData.edges.remove(this.adjacentProteinDisorderEdgesList); this.updateQueryItems(); if (stabl) { this.stabilize().then(() => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); }); } else { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); } } }); } public async updateAdjacentDrugDisorders(bool: boolean, stabl: boolean): Promise<any> { return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(true); this.adjacentDisordersDrug = bool; if (this.adjacentDisordersDrug) { this.adjacentDrugDisorderList = []; this.adjacentDrugDisorderEdgesList = []; this.legendService.add_to_context('adjacentDisorders'); this.netex.adjacentDisorders(this.nodeData.nodes.get(), 'drugs', this.drugstoneConfig.config.indicationDrugDisorder, this.drugstoneConfig.config.licensedDatasets).then(response => { for (const interaction of response.edges) { const edge = {from: interaction.drug, to: interaction.disorder}; this.adjacentDrugDisorderEdgesList.push(mapCustomEdge(edge, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), this.drugstoneConfig)); } for (const disorder of response.disorders) { = 'defaultDisorder'; = disorder.drugstoneId; this.adjacentDrugDisorderList.push(mapCustomNode(disorder, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), this.drugstoneConfig)); } this.saveAddNodes(this.adjacentDrugDisorderList); this.nodeData.edges.add(this.adjacentDrugDisorderEdgesList); this.updateQueryItems(); }).then(() => { if (stabl) { this.stabilize().then(() => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); }); } else { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); } }); } else { if (!this.adjacentDisordersProtein) { this.legendService.remove_from_context('adjacentDisorders'); } this.saveRemoveDisorders(this.adjacentDrugDisorderList); this.nodeData.edges.remove(this.adjacentDrugDisorderEdgesList); this.updateQueryItems(); if (stabl) { this.stabilize().then(() => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); }); } else { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); } } }); } public getProteinMap() { const proteinMap = {}; this.nodeData.nodes.get().forEach(n => { if (n.drugstoneType === 'protein') { n.drugstoneId.forEach(id => { if (typeof id === 'string') { if (proteinMap[id]) { proteinMap[id].push(; } else { proteinMap[id] = []; } } else { => { if (proteinMap[single_id]) { proteinMap[single_id].push(; } else { proteinMap[single_id] = []; } }); } }); } }); return proteinMap; } public stabilize(): Promise<any> { return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => { this.networkInternal.once('stabilizationIterationsDone', () => { this.updatePhysicsEnabled(this.drugstoneConfig.config.physicsOn);; this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); }); this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(true); this.networkInternal.stabilize(1000); }); } public updateAdjacentDrugs(bool: boolean, stabl: boolean): Promise<any> { return new Promise<boolean>(async (resolve, reject) => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(true); this.adjacentDrugs = bool; if (this.adjacentDrugs) { this.adjacentDrugList = []; this.adjacentDrugEdgesList = []; this.legendService.add_to_context('adjacentDrugs'); const addedEdge = {}; const proteinMap = this.getProteinMap(); this.netex.adjacentDrugs(this.drugstoneConfig.config.interactionDrugProtein, this.drugstoneConfig.config.licensedDatasets, this.nodeData.nodes.get()).then(response => { const existingDrugIDs = this.nodeData.nodes.get().filter(n => n.drugstoneId && n.drugstoneType === 'drug').map(n => n.drugstoneId); for (const interaction of response.pdis) { const edge = mapCustomEdge({ from: interaction.protein, to: interaction.drug }, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), this.drugstoneConfig); if (proteinMap[edge.from]) { proteinMap[edge.from].forEach(from => { if (addedEdge[from] && addedEdge[from].indexOf( !== -1) { return; } const e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(edge)); e.from = from; =; this.adjacentDrugEdgesList.push(e); if (!addedEdge[from]) { addedEdge[from] = []; } else { addedEdge[from].push(; } }); } } for (const drug of response.drugs) { = 'foundDrug'; = getDrugNodeId(drug); if (!existingDrugIDs.includes(drug.drugstoneId)) { existingDrugIDs.push(drug.drugstoneId); this.adjacentDrugList.push(mapCustomNode(drug, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), this.drugstoneConfig)); } } this.nodeData.nodes.add(this.adjacentDrugList); this.nodeData.edges.add(this.adjacentDrugEdgesList); this.updateQueryItems(); }).then(() => { if (stabl) { this.stabilize().then(() => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); }); } else { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); } }); } else { // remove adjacent drugs, make sure that also drug associated disorders are removed if (this.adjacentDisordersDrug) { await this.updateAdjacentDrugDisorders(false, true); } this.legendService.remove_from_context('adjacentDrugs'); // if (!this.adjacentDisordersProtein) // this.legendService.remove_from_context('adjacentDisorders') this.nodeData.nodes.remove(this.adjacentDrugList); this.nodeData.edges.remove(this.adjacentDrugEdgesList); this.adjacentDrugList = []; this.adjacentDrugEdgesList = []; this.updateQueryItems(); if (stabl) { this.stabilize().then(() => { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); }); } else { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); resolve(true); } } }); } public saveRemoveDisorders(nodeList: Node[]) { const other = this.adjacentDrugDisorderList === nodeList ? this.adjacentProteinDisorderList : this.adjacentDrugDisorderList; if (other == null) { this.nodeData.nodes.remove(nodeList); } else { const otherIds = =>; const rest = nodeList.filter(d => otherIds.indexOf( === -1); this.nodeData.nodes.remove(rest); } } public toImage() { this.downloadDom(this.networkWithLegendEl.nativeElement).catch(error => { console.error('Falling back to network only screenshot. Some components seem to be inaccessible, most likely the legend is a custom image with CORS access problems on the host server side.'); this.downloadDom(this.networkEl.nativeElement).catch(e => { console.error('Some network content seems to be inaccessible for saving as a screenshot. This can happen due to custom images used as nodes. Please ensure correct CORS accessability on the images host server.'); console.error(e); }); }); } public downloadDom(dom: object) { return domtoimage.toPng(dom, {bgcolor: '#ffffff'}).then((generatedImage) => { const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = generatedImage; = `Network.png`;; }); } public updatePhysicsEnabled(bool: boolean) { // this.drugstoneConfig.config.physicsOn = bool; this.networkInternal.setOptions({ physics: { enabled: bool, stabilization: { enabled: false, }, } }); } public openEdgeSummary(edgeId: string) { this.selectedWrapper = undefined; const edgeMap = this.nodeData.edges.get({returnType: 'Object'}); this.activeEdge = edgeMap[edgeId]; } public zoomToNode(id: string) { // get network object, depending on whether analysis is open or not // this.nodeData.nodes.getIds(); const coords = this.networkInternal.getPositions(id)[id]; if (!coords) { return; } let zoomScale = null; if (id.startsWith('eff')) { zoomScale = 1.0; } else { zoomScale = 3.0; } this.networkInternal.moveTo({ position: {x: coords.x, y: coords.y}, scale: zoomScale, animation: true, }); } public toggleNetworkSidebar() { this.networkHandler.networkSidebarOpen = !this.networkHandler.networkSidebarOpen; } public selectTissue(tissue: Tissue | null) { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(true); this.nodeGroupsWithExpression = new Set(); this.expressionExpanded = false; if (!tissue) { // delete expression values this.expressionMap = {}; // delete gradient map this.gradientMap = {}; this.selectedTissue = null; this.nodeRenderer = null; const updatedNodes = []; // for (const item of this.proteins) { const proteins = this.nodeData.nodes.get().filter(n => n.drugstoneId && n.drugstoneType === 'protein'); for (const node of proteins) { const pos = this.networkInternal.getPositions([]); node.x = pos[].x; node.y = pos[].y; Object.assign( node, NetworkSettings.getNodeStyle( node, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), node.isSeed && this.networkHandler.activeNetwork.highlightSeeds, false, 1.0, this.nodeRenderer ) ); updatedNodes.push(node); } this.nodeData.nodes.update(updatedNodes); for (const node of proteins) { const pos = this.networkInternal.getPositions([]); node.x = pos[].x; node.y = pos[].y; Object.assign( node, NetworkSettings.getNodeStyle( node, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), node.isSeed && this.networkHandler.activeNetwork.highlightSeeds, this.analysis.inSelection(getWrapperFromNode(node)), 1.0, this.nodeRenderer ) ); updatedNodes.push(node); } this.nodeData.nodes.update(updatedNodes); this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); } else { this.selectedTissue = tissue; const minExp = 0; // filter out non-proteins, e.g. drugs const proteinNodes = []; this.nodeData.nodes.forEach(element => { if (element.drugstoneType === 'protein') { proteinNodes.push(element); } }); this.netex.tissueExpressionGenes(this.selectedTissue, proteinNodes).subscribe(async (response) => { this.expressionMap = response; const updatedNodes = []; this.nodeRenderer = pieChartContextRenderer; // mapping from netex IDs to network IDs, TODO check if this step is necessary const networkIdMapping = {}; this.nodeData.nodes.get().forEach(element => { if (element.drugstoneType === 'protein') { this.nodeGroupsWithExpression.add(; element.drugstoneId.forEach(id => { if (networkIdMapping[id]) { networkIdMapping[id].push(; } else { networkIdMapping[id] = []; } }); } }); let maxExpr = 1_000_000; await this.netex.maxTissueExpression(this.selectedTissue).then(response => { maxExpr = response.max; }).catch(err => { console.error(err); maxExpr = Math.max(...Object.values(this.expressionMap)); }); const exprMap = {}; for (const [drugstoneId, expressionlvl] of Object.entries(this.expressionMap)) { networkIdMapping[drugstoneId].forEach(networkId => { if (!exprMap[networkId]) { exprMap[networkId] = [expressionlvl]; } else { exprMap[networkId].push(expressionlvl); } }); } this.expressionMap = {}; Object.keys(exprMap).forEach(networkId => { const expressionlvl = exprMap[networkId] ? exprMap[networkId].reduce((a, b) => a + b) / exprMap[networkId].length : null; this.expressionMap[networkId] = expressionlvl; const node = this.nodeData.nodes.get(networkId); if (node === null) { return; } const wrapper = getWrapperFromNode(node); const gradient = expressionlvl !== null ? (Math.pow(expressionlvl / maxExpr, 1 / 3) * (1 - minExp) + minExp) : -1; this.gradientMap[networkId] = gradient; const pos = this.networkInternal.getPositions([networkId]); node.x = pos[networkId].x; node.y = pos[networkId].y; Object.assign(node, NetworkSettings.getNodeStyle( node, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), node.isSeed && this.networkHandler.activeNetwork.highlightSeeds, this.analysis.inSelection(wrapper), gradient, this.nodeRenderer)); // custom ctx renderer for pie chart node.shape = 'custom'; node.ctxRenderer = pieChartContextRenderer; updatedNodes.push(node); }); this.nodeData.nodes.update(updatedNodes); this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); } ); } this.currentViewSelectedTissue = this.selectedTissue; } public hasDrugsLoaded(): boolean { if (this.nodeData && this.nodeData.nodes) { for (const node of this.nodeData.nodes.get()) { if (node.drugstoneType && node.drugstoneId === 'drug') { return true; } } } return false; } public getGradient(nodeId: string) { return (Object.keys(this.gradientMap).length && this.gradientMap[nodeId] != null) ? this.gradientMap[nodeId] : 1.0; } /** * To highlight the seeds in the analysis network, not used in the browser network * @param bool */ public updateHighlightSeeds(bool: boolean) { this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(true); this.highlightSeeds = bool; const updatedNodes = []; if (this.highlightSeeds) { this.legendService.add_to_context('seeds'); } else { this.legendService.remove_from_context('seeds'); } for (const node of this.nodeData.nodes.get().filter(n => n.drugstoneType === 'protein')) { if (node.drugstoneId === undefined) { // nodes that are not mapped to backend remain untouched continue; } // const node: Node = this.nodeData.nodes.get(; if (!node) { continue; } const pos = this.networkHandler.activeNetwork.networkInternal.getPositions([]); node.x = pos[].x; node.y = pos[].y; const isSeed = this.highlightSeeds ? this.seedMap[] : false; Object.assign( node, NetworkSettings.getNodeStyle( node, this.drugstoneConfig.currentConfig(), isSeed, this.analysis.inSelection(getWrapperFromNode(node)), this.getGradient(, this.nodeRenderer ) ), updatedNodes.push(node); } this.nodeData.nodes.update(updatedNodes); this.loadingScreen.stateUpdate(false); } public toggleFullscreen() { this.fullscreen = !this.fullscreen; this.loadingScreen.fullscreenUpdate(this.fullscreen); } public showEULA() { this.drugstoneConfig.showLicense = true; } }