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% Please edit documentation in R/examscores.R
\title{This data set includes scores from three tests of students at a (fictional) public school and a variety of personal and socio-economic factors that may have interaction effects upon them.}
\item{\code{Gender}}{Gender of a student (string)}
\item{\code{EthnicGroup}}{Origin of a student (string)}
\item{\code{ParentEduc}}{Parents education (string)}
\item{\code{LunchType}}{Type of lunch (string)}
\item{\code{TestPrep}}{Preparation for a test (string)}
\item{\code{ParentMaritalStatus}}{Parental marital status (string)}
\item{\code{PracticeSport}}{Practice sports (string)}
\item{\code{IsFirstChild}}{Firstborn (boolean)}
\item{\code{NrSiblings}}{Number of siblings (integer)}
\item{\code{TransportMeans}}{Means of transport to school (string)}
\item{\code{WklyStudyHours}}{Number of study hours per week (integer)}
\item{\code{MathScore}}{Score in math (integer)}
\item{\code{ReadingScore}}{Score in reading (integer)}
\item{\code{WritingScore}}{Score in writing (integer)}
This data set includes scores from three tests of students at a (fictional) public school and a variety of personal and socio-economic factors that may have interaction effects upon them.