#' Investigate variable relations of a specific variable with mutual forest impact (corrected mean adjusted agreement).
#' This function corrects the mean adjusted agreement by a permutation approach and generates the relation parameter mutual forest impact. Subsequently p-values are determined and related variables are selected.
#' @param variables variable names (string) for which related variables should be searched for (has to be contained in allvariables)
#' @param candidates vector of variable names (strings) that are candidates to be related to the variables (has to be contained in allvariables)
#' @param p.t p.value threshold for selection of related variables. Default is 0.01.
#' @param select.rel set False if only relations should be calculated and no related variables should be selected.
#' @param method Method to compute p-values. Use "janitza" for the method by Janitza et al. (2016) or "permutation" to utilize permuted relations.
#' @param num.threads number of threads used for determination of relations. Default is number of CPUs available.
#' @inheritParams
#' @return a list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item variables: the variables to which relations are investigated.
#' \item surr.res: a matrix with the mutual forest impact values with variables in rows and candidates in columns.
#' \item surr.perm: a matrix with the mutual forest impact values of the permuted variables with variables in rows and candidates in columns.
#' \item p.rel: a list with the obtained p-values for the relation analysis of each variable.
#' \item var.rel: a list with vectors of related variables for each variable.
#' \item ranger: ranger objects.
#' \item method: Method to compute p-values: "janitza" or "permutation".
#' \item p.t: p.value threshold for selection of related variables
#' }
#' @examples
#' # read data
#' data("SMD_example_data")
#' x <- SMD_example_data[, 2:ncol(SMD_example_data)]
#' y <- SMD_example_data[, 1]
#' \donttest{
#' # calculate variable relations
#' set.seed(42)
#' res <- var.relations.mfi(
#' x = x,
#' y = y,
#' s = 10,
#' num.trees = 10,
#' variables = c("X1", "X7"),
#' candidates = colnames(x)[1:100],
#' res$var.rel[[1]]
#' }
#' @export
var.relations.mfi <- function(x = NULL, y = NULL, num.trees = 500, type = "regression", s = NULL, mtry = NULL, min.node.size = 1,
num.threads = NULL, status = NULL, save.ranger = FALSE, create.forest = is.null(forest), forest = NULL,
save.memory = FALSE, case.weights = NULL,
variables, candidates, p.t = 0.01, select.rel = TRUE, method = "janitza") {
if (! {
stop("x has to be a data frame")
if (length(y) != nrow(x)) {
stop("length of y and number of rows in x are different")
if (any( {
stop("missing values are not allowed")
allvariables <- colnames(x) # extract variables names
nvar <- length(allvariables) # count number of variables
## set global parameters
if (is.null(mtry)) {
mtry <- floor((nvar)^(3 / 4))
mtry <- floor((nvar)^(3 / 4))
warning("s was set to the maximum number that is reasonable (variables-1) ")
if (type == "classification") {
if (length(levels(y)) > 15) {
stop("Too much classes defined, classification might be the wrong choice")
if (type == "regression" && inherits(y, "factor")) {
stop("use factor variable for y only for classification! ")
# create shadow variables to correct the relation
x_perm <- data.frame(lapply(1:ncol(x), permute.variable, x = x))
colnames(x_perm) <- paste(allvariables, "_perm", sep = "")
data <- data.frame(y, x)
data_perm <- data.frame(y, x_perm)
if (type == "survival") {
if (is.null(status)) {
stop("a status variable named status has to be given for survival analysis")
data$status <- status
RF <- ranger::ranger(
data = data, = "y", num.trees = num.trees, mtry = mtry, min.node.size = min.node.size,
keep.inbag = TRUE, num.threads = num.threads, = "status", save.memory = save.memory,
case.weights = case.weights, respect.unordered.factors = "partition"
data_perm$status <- status
RF_perm <- ranger::ranger(
data = data_perm, = "y", num.trees = num.trees, mtry = mtry, min.node.size = min.node.size,
keep.inbag = TRUE, num.threads = num.threads, = "status", save.memory = save.memory,
case.weights = case.weights, respect.unordered.factors = "partition"
if (type == "classification" | type == "regression") {
RF <- ranger::ranger(
data = data, = "y", num.trees = num.trees, mtry = mtry, min.node.size = min.node.size,
keep.inbag = TRUE, num.threads = num.threads, case.weights = case.weights, respect.unordered.factors = "partition"
RF_perm <- ranger::ranger(
data = data_perm, = "y", num.trees = num.trees, mtry = mtry, min.node.size = min.node.size,
keep.inbag = TRUE, num.threads = num.threads, case.weights = case.weights, respect.unordered.factors = "partition"
trees <- getTreeranger(RF = RF, num.trees = num.trees)
trees.lay <- addLayer(trees)
### AddSurrogates###
trees.surr <- addSurrogates(RF = RF, trees = trees.lay, s = s, Xdata = data[, -1], num.threads = num.threads)
forest <- list(trees = trees.surr, allvariables = colnames(data[, -1]))
# do the same for the permutation forrest
trees_perm <- getTreeranger(RF = RF_perm, num.trees = num.trees)
trees.lay_perm <- addLayer(trees_perm)
### AddSurrogates###
trees.surr_perm <- addSurrogates(RF = RF_perm, trees = trees.lay_perm, s = s, Xdata = data_perm[, -1], num.threads = num.threads)
forest_perm <- list(trees = trees.surr_perm, allvariables = colnames(data_perm[, -1]))
if (!create.forest && is.null(forest)) {
stop("set create.forest to TRUE or analyze an existing random forest specified by parameter forest")
if (!all(candidates %in% allvariables)) {
stop("allvariables do not contain the candidate variables")
if (!all(variables %in% allvariables)) {
stop("allvariables do not contain the chosen variables")
# count surrogates
s <- count.surrogates(forest$trees)
rel <- meanAdjAgree(forest$trees,
variables = allvariables, allvariables = allvariables, candidates = allvariables,
t = t, s$s.a, select.var = FALSE, num.threads = num.threads
rel_perm <- meanAdjAgree(forest_perm$trees,
variables = allvariables_perm, allvariables = allvariables_perm, candidates = allvariables_perm,
t = t, s$s.a, select.var = FALSE, num.threads = num.threads
adj.agree <- rel$surr.res
adj.agree.perm <- rel_perm$surr.res
diag(adj.agree) <- diag(adj.agree.perm) <- 1
if (anyNA(adj.agree)) { <- length(which(rowSums( != 0))
warning(paste0("Relations for ",, " original variables were not calculated because they were never used as a primary split.
Affected relations are set to 0. "))
adj.agree[which(] <- 0
if (anyNA(adj.agree.perm)) { <- length(which(rowSums( != 0))
warning(paste0("Relations for ",, " permuted variables were not calculated because they were not used as a primary split.
Affected relations are set to 0. "))
adj.agree.perm[which(] <- 0
adj.agree.corr <- adj.agree - adj.agree.perm[1:nvar, 1:nvar]
diag(adj.agree.corr) <- diag(adj.agree) <- diag(adj.agree.perm) <- NA
adj.agree.corr.var <- adj.agree.corr[variables, candidates]
if (select.rel) {
if (method == "janitza") {
adj.agree.1 <- adj.agree.corr
diag(adj.agree.1) <- 1
## Mirrored VIMP (# This part is taken from ranger function)
m1 <- adj.agree.1[adj.agree.1 < 0]
m2 <- adj.agree.1[adj.agree.1 == 0]
null.rel <- c(m1, -m1, m2)
if (length(m1) == 0) {
stop("No negative importance values found for selection of related variables. Consider the 'permutation' approach.")
if (length(m1) < 100) {
warning("Only few negative importance values found for selection of related variables, inaccurate p-values. Consider the 'permutation' approach.")
rel.p <- lapply(1:length(variables), p.relation,
null.rel = null.rel,
adj.agree.corr = adj.agree.corr.var,
candidates = candidates,
variables = variables
sel.rel <- lapply(
1:length(variables), select.related,
names(rel.p) <- names(sel.rel) <- variables <- as.vector(adj.agree.perm) <-[!]
m1 <-[ > 0]
m2 <-[ == 0]
null.rel <- c(m1, -m1, m2)
if (length(null.rel) < 100) {
warning("Only few null relations used. P-values could be inaccurate.")
rel.p <- lapply(1:length(variables), p.relation,
null.rel = null.rel,
adj.agree.corr = adj.agree.corr.var,
candidates = candidates,
variables = variables
sel.rel <- lapply(
1:length(variables), select.related,
names(rel.p) <- names(sel.rel) <- variables
variables = variables, surr.res = adj.agree.corr.var, surr.perm = adj.agree.perm,
p.rel = rel.p, var.rel = sel.rel, ranger = list(RF = RF, RF_perm = RF_perm), method = method, p.t = p.t
} else {
return(list(variables = variables, surr.res = adj.agree.corr.var, surr.perm = adj.agree.perm, p.rel = rel.p, var.rel = sel.rel, method = method, p.t = p.t))
if (save.ranger) {
return(list(variables = variables, surr.res = adj.agree.corr.var, surr.perm = adj.agree.perm, ranger = list(RF = RF, RF_perm = RF_perm)))
} else {
return(list(variables = variables, surr.res = adj.agree.corr.var, surr.perm = adj.agree.perm))
#' permute.variable
#' This is an internal function
#' @keywords internal
permute.variable <- function(i = 1, x) {
var.perm <- sample(x[, i], nrow(x))
#' p.relation
#' This is an internal function
#' @keywords internal
p.relation <- function(l = 1,
variables) {
relations <- adj.agree.corr[l, ]
pval <- 1 - ranger:::numSmaller(relations, null.rel) / length(null.rel)
names(pval) <- candidates
pval[variables[l]] <- NA
#' select.related
#' This is an internal function
#' @keywords internal
select.related <- function(m = 1,
p.t) {
rel.var <- rel.p[[m]]