#' This function adds surrogate variables and adjusted agreement values to a forest that was created by [getTreeranger].
#' @param RF A [ranger::ranger] object which was created with `keep.inbag = TRUE`.
#' @param trees List of trees created by [getTreeranger].
#' @param s Predefined number of surrogate splits (it may happen that the actual number of surrogate splits differs in individual nodes).
#' @param Xdata data without the dependent variable.
#' @param num.threads (Default: [parallel::detectCores()]) Number of threads to spawn for parallelization.
#' @returns A list of trees.
#' A list of trees containing of lists of nodes with the elements:
#' * `nodeID`: ID of the respective node (important for left and right daughters in the next columns)
#' * `leftdaughter`: ID of the left daughter of this node
#' * `rightdaughter`: ID of the right daughter of this node
#' * `splitvariable`: ID of the split variable
#' * `splitpoint`: splitpoint of the split variable
#' * `status`: `0` for terminal and `1` for non-terminal
#' * `layer`: layer information (`0` means root node, `1` means 1 layer below root, etc)
#' * `surrogate_i`: numbered surrogate variables (number depending on s)
#' * `adj_i`: adjusted agreement of variable i
addSurrogates <- function(RF, trees, s, Xdata, num.threads = parallel::detectCores()) {
if (!inherits(RF, "ranger")) {
stop("`RF` must be a ranger object.")
num.trees <- RF$num.trees
if (num.trees != length(trees)) {
stop("Number of trees in ranger model `RF` does not match number of extracted trees in `trees`.")
ncat <- sapply(sapply(Xdata, levels), length) # determine number of categories (o for continuous variables)
names(ncat) <- colnames(Xdata)
Xdata[, which(ncat > 0)] <- sapply(Xdata[, which(ncat > 0)], unclass)
# variables to find surrogates (control file similar as in rpart)
controls <- list(maxsurrogate = as.integer(s), sur_agree = 0)
trees.surr <- parallel::mclapply(1:num.trees,
mc.cores = num.threads,
maxsurr = s,
surr.par = list(
inbag.counts = RF$inbag.counts,
Xdata = Xdata,
controls = controls,
trees = trees,
ncat = ncat
#' getSurrogate
#' This is an internal function
#' @keywords internal
getSurrogate <- function(surr.par, k = 1, maxsurr) {
# weights and trees are extracted
tree <- surr.par$trees[[k]]
column.names <- colnames(tree)
n.nodes <- nrow(tree)
wt <- surr.par$inbag.counts[[k]]
tree.surr <- lapply(1:n.nodes,
wt = wt,
Xdata = surr.par$Xdata,
controls = surr.par$controls,
column.names, tree, maxsurr,
ncat = surr.par$ncat
#' SurrTree
#' This is an internal function
#' @useDynLib RFSurrogates, .registration = TRUE
SurrTree <- function(j, wt, Xdata, controls, column.names, tree, maxsurr, ncat) {
node <- tree[j, ]
# for non-terminal nodes get surrogates
if (node["status"] == 1) {
# Handover to C
var <- as.numeric(node[4]) # extract split variable
if (ncat[var] == 0) { # extract split information: split point for continuous variables and directions for qualitative variables
split <- as.numeric(node[5])
} else {
right <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(node[5]), ",")[[1]])
directions <- rep(-1, ncat[var])
directions[right] <- 1
split <- as.numeric(c(ncat[var], directions))
surrogate.parameters <- .Call("getSurrogates",
ncat = as.integer(ncat),
wt = as.numeric(wt),
X = as.matrix(Xdata),
controls = as.integer(unlist(controls)),
var = as.integer(var), # node variables
split = as.numeric(split)
) # split info
if (nrow(surrogate.parameters$isplit) > 1) {
surrogates <- surrogate.parameters$isplit[2:nrow(surrogate.parameters$isplit), 1]
surr.adj <- round(surrogate.parameters$dsplit[2:nrow(surrogate.parameters$dsplit), 1], 2) <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 7 + length(surrogates) + length(surr.adj)))[, 1:7] <- node[1:7][, 8:(7 + length(surrogates) + length(surr.adj))] <- c(surrogates, surr.adj)
surrogate.names <- NULL
adj.names <- NULL
surrogate.names <- sapply(1:length(surrogates), name.surr, surrogate.names)
adj.names <- sapply(1:length(surrogates), name.adj, adj.names)
names( <- c(column.names, surrogate.names, adj.names)
if (nrow(surrogate.parameters$isplit) == 1) { <- node
#' name.surr
#' This is an internal function
#' @keywords internal
name.surr <- function(i, surrogate.names) {
surrogate.names <- c(surrogate.names, paste0("surrogate_", i))
#' name.adj
#' This is an internal function
#' @keywords internal
name.adj <- function(i, adj.names) {
adj.names <- c(adj.names, paste0("adj_", i))