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% Please edit documentation in R/addSurrogates.R
\title{Add surrogate information to a tree list.}
addSurrogates(RF, trees, s, Xdata, num.threads = parallel::detectCores())
\item{RF}{A \link[ranger:ranger]{ranger::ranger} object which was created with \code{keep.inbag = TRUE}.}
\item{trees}{List of trees created by \link{getTreeranger}.}
\item{s}{Predefined number of surrogate splits (it may happen that the actual number of surrogate splits differs in individual nodes).}
\item{Xdata}{data without the dependent variable.}
\item{num.threads}{(Default: \code{\link[parallel:detectCores]{parallel::detectCores()}}) Number of threads to spawn for parallelization.}
A list of trees.
A list of trees containing of lists of nodes with the elements:
\item \code{nodeID}: ID of the respective node (important for left and right daughters in the next columns)
\item \code{leftdaughter}: ID of the left daughter of this node
\item \code{rightdaughter}: ID of the right daughter of this node
\item \code{splitvariable}: ID of the split variable
\item \code{splitpoint}: splitpoint of the split variable
\item \code{status}: \code{0} for terminal and \code{1} for non-terminal
\item \code{layer}: layer information (\code{0} means root node, \code{1} means 1 layer below root, etc)
\item \code{surrogate_i}: numbered surrogate variables (number depending on s)
\item \code{adj_i}: adjusted agreement of variable i
This function adds surrogate variables and adjusted agreement values to a forest that was created by \link{getTreeranger}.