#!/usr/bin/env python3
Parent class for specific Journal
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
from input.publication import Publication
class JournalFetcher(metaclass=ABCMeta):
This is a abstract-class for fetcher modules.
It defines common functions, common dictionaries and functions to be implemented
def get_soup(url: str) -> BeautifulSoup:
Retrieves webside-html and returns a BeautifulSoup-instance
:type url: str
:param url: doi-url to a publication
:return: BeatifulSoup-instance
req = requests.get(url)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
raise SystemExit(err)
return BeautifulSoup(req.content, 'html.parser')
def can_use_url(url: str) -> bool:
Abstract-function to be implemented in subclass.
Checks if given url links to a supported journal
raise AttributeError("JournalFetcher for '{}' hasnt implemented 'can_use_url(url)'".format(url))
def get_publication(url: str) -> Publication:
Abstract-function to be implemented in subclass.
Creates a Publication-instance.
raise AttributeError("JournalFetcher for '{}' hasnt implemented 'get_publication(url)'".format(url))
def get_pub_light(url: str) -> Publication:
Abstract-function to be implemented in subclass.
Creates a Publication-instance without Reference and Citation
raise AttributeError("JournalFetcher for '{}' hasnt implemented 'get_pub_light(url)'".format(url))
# Dictionary to get from month to number
mont_to_num= {
"january": "01",
"february": "02",
"march": "03",
"april": "04",
"may": "05",
"june": "06",
"july": "07",
"august": "08",
"september": "09",
"october": "10",
"november": "11",
"december": "12"
# A Dictionary, which connects abbreviation to whole journal name
"Nat. Protoc.":"Journal of Natural Products"
,"Nat. Chem.":"Nature Chemistry"
,"Nat. Med.":"Nature Medicine"
,"Nat. Commun.":"Nature Communications"
,"Nat. Cell Biol.":"Nature Cell Biology"
,"Nat. Methods":"Nature Methods"
,"Nat. Chem. Biol.":"Nature Chemical Biology"
,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.":"Journal of the American Chemical Society"
,"J. Chem. Phys.":"Journal of Chemical Physics"
,"J. Phys. Chem. B":"Journal of Physical Chemistry B"
,"J. Chem. Theory Comput.":"Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation"
,"J. Mol. Biol.":"Journal of Molecular Biology"
,"J. Comput. Chem.":"Journal of Computational Chemistry"
,"J. Cheminf.":"Journal of Cheminformatics"
,"J. Med. Chem.":"Journal of Medicinal Chemistry"
,"J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Des.":"Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design"
,"J. Chem. Inf. Model.":"Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling"
,"J. Cell Biolog.":"Journal of Cell Biology"
,"J. Cell Sci.":"Journal of Cell Science"
,"J. Aerosol Sci. Technol.":"Aerosol Science and Technology"
,"Mol. Cell":"Molecular Cell"
,"Mol. Cell Biol.":"Molecular and Cellular Biology"
,"Mol. Biol. Cell":"Molecular Biology of the Cell"
,"Exp. Cell Res.":"Experimental Cell Research"
,"PLoS Comput. Biol.":"PLoS Computational Biology"
,"PLoS One":"PLoS One"
,"Protein Sci.":"Protein Science"
,"Appl. Sci.":"Applied Science"
,"Comput. Sci. Eng.":"Computing in Science & Engineering"
,"Beilstein J. Org. Chem.":"Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry"
,"Biol. Chem.":"Biological Chemistry"
,"Isr. J. Chem.":"Israel Journal of Chemistry"
,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.":"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America"
,"Carbohydr. Res.":"Carbohydrate Research"
,"Nucleic Acids Res.":"Nucleic Acids Research"
,"Build. Environ.":"Building and Environment"
,"Sci. Rep.":"Scientific Reports"