# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to add citations recursivly for multiple ACS/Nature journals
__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
#__copyright__ = ""
#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
#__license__ = ""
#__version__ = ""
#__maintainer__ = ""
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from os import error
from input.publication import Publication
from verarbeitung.get_pub_from_input import get_pub
def get_cit_type_list(pub, cit_type):
:param pub: Publication which citations will be added
:type pub: Publication
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
function to create nodes and edges and call create_graph_structure_citations
if (cit_type == "Citation"):
def create_global_lists_cit(input_nodes, input_edges, pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var):
:param input_nodes: list of nodes from Processing
:type input_nodes: List[Publication]
:param input_edges: list of edges from Processing
:type input_edges: List[String, String]
:param pub: Publication which citations will be added
:type pub: Publication
:param search_depth: current depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
function to create nodes and edges and call create_graph_structure_citations
global nodes, edges
nodes = input_nodes
edges = input_edges
return create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var)
def create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var):
:param pub: publication which citations will be added
:type pub: Publication
:param search_depth: current depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
adds a node for every citing publication unknown
adds edges to added citations
citations_pub_obj_list = []
for citation in get_cit_type_list(pub, cit_type):
not_in_nodes = True
for node in nodes: # checks every citation for duplication
if (citation.doi_url == node.doi_url):
not_in_nodes = False
if (not_in_nodes):
if (search_depth < search_depth_max): #checks if its a test and chooses input function accordingly
citation_pub_obj = get_pub(citation.doi_url, test_var)
if (type(citation_pub_obj) != Publication):
if (cit_type == "Citation"): = search_depth + 1
else: = -(search_depth + 1)
# adds just the edge if citation already exists
if (cit_type == "Citation"):
if ([citation.doi_url,pub.doi_url] not in edges):
if ([pub.doi_url,citation.doi_url] not in edges):
return citations_pub_obj_list
def process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var):
:param citations_pub_obj_list: list of publications which citations will be added
:type citations_pub_obj_list: List[Publication]
:param search_depth: current depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
recursive function to implement depth-first-search on citations
# adds next level to nodes/edges
for pub in citations_pub_obj_list:
new_citation_pub_obj_list = create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var)
# If the maximum depth has not yet been reached, calls function recursivly with increased depth
if (search_depth < search_depth_max):
process_citations_rec(new_citation_pub_obj_list, search_depth+1, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var)
def add_citations(input_nodes, input_edges, citations_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var):
:param input_nodes: list of nodes from Processing
:type input_nodes: List[Publication]
:param input_edges: list of edges from Processing
:type input_edges: List[String, String]
:param citations_pub_obj_list: list of publications which citations will be added
:type citations_pub_obj_list: List[Publication]
:param search_depth: current depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
function to call recursive depth-first-search of citations
global nodes, edges
nodes = input_nodes
edges = input_edges
process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var)