Functions that format the computed graph to match the interface to the output-part and saves as a json file
__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
#__copyright__ = ""
#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
#__license__ = ""
#__version__ = ""
#__maintainer__ = ""
import json
def format_nodes(nodes):
:param nodes: list of publications to export to json
:type nodes: List[Publication]
creates a list that contains a dictionary for each node
list_of_node_dicts = list()
new_dict["doi"] = node.doi_url
new_dict["name"] = node.title
new_dict["author"] = node.contributors
new_dict["year"] = node.publication_date
new_dict["journal"] = node.journal
if ( == 0):
new_dict["group"] = "Input"
elif ( > 0):
new_dict["group"] = "Citedby"
new_dict["group"] = "Reference"
new_dict["depth"] =
new_dict["citations"] = len(node.citations)
return list_of_node_dicts
# creates a list that contains a disctionary for each edge
# the dictionaries contain the source as keys and the target as values
def format_edges(edges):
:param edges: list of links to export to json
:type edges: List[String,String]
function to format links, append to list and return list to output_to_json
new_dict_2 = dict()
new_dict_2["source"] = edge[0]
new_dict_2["target"] = edge[1]
def output_to_json(nodes, edges, json_file = 'json_text.json', test_var = False):
:param nodes: list of publications to export to json
:type nodes: List[Publication]
:param edges: list of links to export to json
:type edges: List[String,String]
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
function to export nodes and links as a dictionary to json file
list_of_node_dicts = format_nodes(nodes)
list_of_edge_dicts = format_edges(edges)
dict_of_all["nodes"] = list_of_node_dicts
dict_of_all["links"] = list_of_edge_dicts
if (test_var and json_file == 'json_text.json'):
with open('test_output.json','w') as outfile:
json.dump(dict_of_all, outfile)
json.dump(dict_of_all, outfile)