Functions to read old json files to recreate old graph structure
__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
#__copyright__ = ""
#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
#__license__ = ""
#__version__ = ""
#__maintainer__ = ""
from input.publication import Publication, Citation
def create_pubs_from_json(input_dict):
:param input_dict: dictionary read from old graph Json File
:type json_file: dictionary
creates list of publication retrieved from old json file
#iterates over the list of nodes
for node in input_dict["nodes"]:
#creates for the nodes the objects class Publication
pub = Publication(node["doi"], node["name"], node["author"], node["journal"], node["year"], []) = node["depth"]
#appends the objects to a list
def add_ref_and_cit_to_pubs(input_dict):
:param input_dict: dictionary read from old graph Json File
:type json_file: dictionary
adds references and citations to retrieved publication list
# iterates over the list of edges
for source in list_of_nodes_py:
for target in list_of_nodes_py:
# when correct dois found, adds then as references/citatons to publication list
if ((source.doi_url == edge["source"]) and (target.doi_url == edge["target"])):
new_reference = Citation(target.doi_url, target.title, target.journal, target.contributors, "Reference")
new_citation = Citation(source.doi_url, source.title, source.journal, source.contributors, "Citation")
:param json_file: Json-Datei for the old graph
:type json_file: String
retrieves information from old json file to be reused for new graph construction
# creates global sets for nodes and edges
global list_of_nodes_py, list_of_edges_py
list_of_nodes_py = []
list_of_edges_py = []
#opens the json file and saves content in dictionary
with open(json_file,'r') as file:
input_dict = json.load(file)
# creates nodes of Class Publication from input Json file
# adds references and citations to publications and creates edges
return(list_of_nodes_py, list_of_edges_py)