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  • baw8330/projekt-cis-biochemie-2021-22
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# Projekt CiS-Projekt 2021/22
Directory for functions to create the fundamental graph structure at first time call of programm.
## Files in directory
- Führt den grundlegendem Graphbauprozess aus. Die Input-DOIs werden
als Klassenobjekt zur Knotenmenge hinzugefügt und über einen rekursiven Aufruf
wird die angegene Zitierungstiefe in beide Richtungen zu den Kanten hinzugefügt.
- Die DOIs, die in den Zitierungen des Inputs zu finden sind, werden ebenfalls zu Knoten
und je nach angegebener Höhe oder Tiefe wird dies für weitere Tiefen erneut ausgeführt.
- Wandelt die berechnete Knoten- und Kantenmenge in eine Json Datei um.
## Authors
- Donna Löding
- Alina Molkentin
- Xinyi Tang
- Judith Große
- Malte Schokolowski
\ No newline at end of file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to add citations recursivly for multiple ACS/Nature journals
__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
#__copyright__ = ""
#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
#__license__ = ""
#__version__ = ""
#__maintainer__ = ""
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from os import error
from input.publication import Publication
from verarbeitung.get_pub_from_input import get_pub
def get_cit_type_list(pub, cit_type):
:param pub: Publication which citations will be added
:type pub: Publication
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
function to create nodes and edges and call create_graph_structure_citations
if (cit_type == "Citation"):
def create_global_lists_cit(input_nodes, input_edges, pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var):
:param input_nodes: list of nodes from Processing
:type input_nodes: List[Publication]
:param input_edges: list of edges from Processing
:type input_edges: List[String, String]
:param pub: Publication which citations will be added
:type pub: Publication
:param search_depth: current depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
function to create nodes and edges and call create_graph_structure_citations
global nodes, edges
nodes = input_nodes
edges = input_edges
return create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var)
def create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var):
:param pub: publication which citations will be added
:type pub: Publication
:param search_depth: current depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
adds a node for every citing publication unknown
adds edges to added citations
citations_pub_obj_list = []
for citation in get_cit_type_list(pub, cit_type):
not_in_nodes = True
for node in nodes: # checks every citation for duplication
if (citation.doi_url == node.doi_url):
not_in_nodes = False
if (not_in_nodes):
if (search_depth < search_depth_max): #checks if its a test and chooses input function accordingly
citation_pub_obj = get_pub(citation.doi_url, test_var)
if (type(citation_pub_obj) != Publication):
if (cit_type == "Citation"): = search_depth + 1
else: = -(search_depth + 1)
# adds just the edge if citation already exists
if (cit_type == "Citation"):
if ([citation.doi_url,pub.doi_url] not in edges):
if ([pub.doi_url,citation.doi_url] not in edges):
return citations_pub_obj_list
def process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var):
:param citations_pub_obj_list: list of publications which citations will be added
:type citations_pub_obj_list: List[Publication]
:param search_depth: current depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
recursive function to implement depth-first-search on citations
# adds next level to nodes/edges
for pub in citations_pub_obj_list:
new_citation_pub_obj_list = create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var)
# If the maximum depth has not yet been reached, calls function recursivly with increased depth
if (search_depth < search_depth_max):
process_citations_rec(new_citation_pub_obj_list, search_depth+1, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var)
def add_citations(input_nodes, input_edges, citations_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var):
:param input_nodes: list of nodes from Processing
:type input_nodes: List[Publication]
:param input_edges: list of edges from Processing
:type input_edges: List[String, String]
:param citations_pub_obj_list: list of publications which citations will be added
:type citations_pub_obj_list: List[Publication]
:param search_depth: current depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for citations
:type search_depth_max: int
:param cit_type: variable to differenciate citation and reference call
:type cit_type: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
function to call recursive depth-first-search of citations
global nodes, edges
nodes = input_nodes
edges = input_edges
process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, cit_type, test_var)
#return(nodes, edges)
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
from input_fj import input
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions that format the computed graph to match the interface to the output-part
Functions that format the computed graph to match the interface to the output-part and saves as a json file
# creates a list that contains a dictionary for each node
# the dictionaries store the values for the attributes
def format_nodes(V):
__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
#__copyright__ = ""
#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
#__license__ = ""
#__version__ = ""
#__maintainer__ = ""
import json
def format_nodes(nodes):
:param nodes: list of publications to export to json
:type nodes: List[Publication]
creates a list that contains a dictionary for each node
list_of_node_dicts = list()
for node in V:
for node in nodes:
new_dict = dict()
new_dict["doi"] = node.doi_url
new_dict["name"] = node.title
new_dict["author"] = node.contributors
new_dict["year"] = node.publication_date
new_dict["journal"] = node.journal
new_dict["doi"] = node.doi_url
new_dict["group"] =
if ( == 0):
new_dict["group"] = "Input"
elif ( > 0):
new_dict["group"] = "Citedby"
new_dict["group"] = "Reference"
new_dict["depth"] =
new_dict["citations"] = len(node.citations)
return list_of_node_dicts
# creates a list that contains a disctionary for each edge
# the dictionaries contain the source as keys and the target as values
def format_edges(E):
def format_edges(edges):
:param edges: list of links to export to json
:type edges: List[String,String]
function to format links, append to list and return list to output_to_json
list_of_edge_dicts = list()
for edge in E:
for edge in edges:
new_dict_2 = dict()
new_dict_2["source"] = edge[0]
new_dict_2["target"] = edge[1]
return list_of_edge_dicts
# combine the lists of nodes and edges to a dictionary and saves it to a json file
def output_to_json(V,E):
def output_to_json(nodes, edges, json_file = 'json_text.json', test_var = False):
:param nodes: list of publications to export to json
:type nodes: List[Publication]
:param edges: list of links to export to json
:type edges: List[String,String]
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
function to export nodes and links as a dictionary to json file
dict_of_all = dict()
list_of_node_dicts = format_nodes(V)
list_of_edge_dicts = format_edges(E)
list_of_node_dicts = format_nodes(nodes)
list_of_edge_dicts = format_edges(edges)
dict_of_all["nodes"] = list_of_node_dicts
dict_of_all["links"] = list_of_edge_dicts
with open('json_text.json','w') as outfile:
json.dump(dict_of_all, outfile)
#knoten = ["doi1", "doi2", "doi3"]
#kanten = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
if (test_var and json_file == 'json_text.json'):
with open('test_output.json','w') as outfile:
json.dump(dict_of_all, outfile)
with open(json_file,'w') as outfile:
json.dump(dict_of_all, outfile)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to generate a graph representing citations between multiple ACS/Nature journals
__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
#__copyright__ = ""
#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
#__license__ = ""
#__version__ = ""
#__maintainer__ = ""
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from os import error
from input.publication import Publication
from verarbeitung.get_pub_from_input import get_pub
from .export_to_json import output_to_json
from .add_citations_rec import add_citations, create_global_lists_cit
def initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list, search_depth_max, search_height_max, test_var):
:param doi_input_list: input list of doi from UI
:type doi_input_list: List[String]
:param search_depth_max: maximum depth to search for references
:type search_depth_max: int
:param search_height_max: maximum height to search for citations
:type search_height_max: int
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
adds input dois to nodes and retrieves citations and references for input publications
# saves found citations and references in lists
references_pub_obj_list = []
citations_pub_obj_list = []
for pub_doi in doi_input_list: #iterates over every incoming doi
pub = get_pub(pub_doi, test_var)
if (type(pub) != Publication):
# checks if publication already exists in nodes
not_in_nodes = True #boolean value to check if a node already exists in the set of nodes
for node in nodes: #iterates over every node in the set of nodes
if (pub.doi_url == node.doi_url): #determines that a node with this doi already is in the set
not_in_nodes = False #false --> node will not be created
if (not_in_nodes): #there is no node with this doi in the set
nodes.append(pub) #appends Publication Object = 0
doi_input_list.remove(pub_doi) #deletes the doi-dublicate from input list
# inserts references as publication objects into list and
# inserts first depth references into nodes/edges if maximum search depth > 0
for reference in create_global_lists_cit(nodes, edges, pub, 0, search_depth_max, "Reference", test_var):
# inserts citations as publication objects into list and
# inserts first height citations into nodes if maximum search height > 0
for citation in create_global_lists_cit(nodes, edges, pub, 0, search_height_max, "Citation", test_var):
return(references_pub_obj_list, citations_pub_obj_list)
def complete_inner_edges():
completes inner edges between nodes of group height and depth
for node in nodes:
if ( < 0):
for citation in node.citations:
for pub in nodes:
if ((pub.doi_url == citation.doi_url) and ([citation.doi_url, node.doi_url] not in edges)):
edges.append([citation.doi_url, node.doi_url])
if ( > 0):
for reference in node.references:
for pub in nodes:
if ((pub.doi_url == reference.doi_url) and ([node.doi_url, reference.doi_url] not in edges)):
def init_graph_construction(doi_input_list, search_depth, search_height, test_var = False):
:param doi_input_list: input list of doi from UI
:type doi_input_list: List[String]
:param search_height: maximum height to search for citations
:type search_height: int
:param search_depth: maximum depth to search for references
:type search_depth: int
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
main function to start graph generation
# ERROR-Handling doi_array = NULL
if (len(doi_input_list) == 0):
print("Error, no input data")
# ERROR- if a negative number is entered for height
if (search_height < 0):
print("Error, search_height of search must be positive")
# ERROR- if a negative number is entered for depth
if (search_depth < 0):
print("Error, search_depth of search must be positive")
# creates empty lists to save nodes and edges
global nodes, edges
nodes = []
edges = []
# initializes nodes/edges from input and gets a list with publication objects for citations and references returned
references_obj_list, citations_obj_list = initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list,search_depth, search_height, test_var)
# function calls to begin recursive processing up to max depth/height
add_citations(nodes, edges, citations_obj_list, 1, search_height, "Citation", test_var)
add_citations(nodes, edges, references_obj_list, 1, search_depth, "Reference", test_var)
# adds edges between reference group and citation group of known publications
# calls a skript to save nodes and edges of graph in .json file
#output_to_json(nodes, edges, test_var)
Dieser Ordner ist nur für uns intern, um Testläufe mir echten DOIs zu starten.
\ No newline at end of file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to test and print the nodes and edges sets
__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
#__copyright__ = ""
#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
#__license__ = ""
#__version__ = ""
#__maintainer__ = ""
import sys
#sys.path.insert(1, 'C:\Users\Malte\Git\CiS-Projekt\ci-s-projekt-verarbeitung\input')
from verarbeitung.construct_new_graph.initialize_graph import init_graph_construction
from verarbeitung.update_graph.import_from_json import input_from_json
from verarbeitung.update_graph.update_graph import update_graph
# a function to print nodes and edges from a graph
def print_graph(nodes, edges):
for node in nodes:
print(node.title, "\n")
for edge in edges:
print(" ")
def print_extended_graph(nodes, edges):
for node in nodes:
print(node.title, "\n")
for reference in node.references:
for citation in node.citations:
for edge in edges:
print(" ")
def print_simple(nodes, edges):
# for node in nodes:
# print(node)
# for edge in edges:
# print(edge)
print(" ")
# program test with some random dois
def try_known_publications():
doi_list = []
#url = sys.argv[1]
nodes, edges = init_graph_construction(doi_list,2,2)
print_graph(nodes, edges)
return(nodes, edges)
def try_delete_nodes():
doi_list = []
nodes, edges = init_graph_construction(doi_list,1,1)
#print_simple(nodes, edges)
# list_of_nodes_py, list_of_edges_py = input_from_json('json_text.json')
# doi_list = []
# doi_list.append('')
# valid_nodes, valid_edges = update_graph(doi_list, list_of_nodes_py, list_of_edges_py)
# print_simple(valid_nodes, valid_edges)
def try_import():
nodes, edges = input_from_json('json_text.json')
#nodes, edges = try_known_publications()
#nodes_new, edges_new = input_from_json("json_text.json")
#print_graph(nodes_new, edges_new)
\ No newline at end of file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A function to return an object of Type Publication for a given doi
__authors__ = "Donna Löding, Alina Molkentin, Xinyi Tang, Judith Große, Malte Schokolowski"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
#__copyright__ = ""
#__credits__ = ["", "", "", ""]
#__license__ = ""
#__version__ = ""
#__maintainer__ = ""
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from input.interface import InputInterface as Input
from verarbeitung.test.input_test import input_test_func
def get_pub(pub_doi, test_var):
:param pub_doi: input doi to get Publication object for
:type pub_doi: String
:param test_var: variable to differenciate between test and url call
:type test_var: boolean
function to return an object of type Publication for given input doi depending on whether its a test or url doi
#checks if it's a test and chooses appropiate function
pub = input_test_func(pub_doi)
#checks that it isnt a test and chooses standart-input function
inter = Input()
pub = inter.get_publication(pub_doi) #creates an object of class Publication
except AttributeError:
pub = inter.get_publication(pub_doi)
except ValueError:
except IndexError:
\ No newline at end of file
class Publication:
def __init__(self, doi_url, title, contributors, journal, publication_date, references, citations, group):
self.doi_url = doi_url
self.title = title
self.contributors = contributors
self.journal = journal
self.publication_date = publication_date
if references is None:
self.references = []
self.references = ref(references)
if citations is None:
self.citations = []
self.citations = cit(citations) = group
class Citation:
def __init__(self,doi_url, title, contributors, journal, publication_date):
self.doi_url = doi_url
self.title = title
self.contributors = contributors
self.journal = journal
self.publication_date = publication_date
class Reference:
def __init__(self,doi_url, title, contributors, journal, publication_date):
self.doi_url = doi_url
self.title = title
self.contributors = contributors
self.journal = journal
self.publication_date = publication_date
def input_test_func(pub_doi):
for array in list_of_arrays:
if pub_doi == array[0]:
pub = Publication(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7])
return pub
def cit(list_doi):
cits = []
for doi_url in list_doi:
for array in list_of_arrays:
if doi_url == array[0]:
cits.append(Citation(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]))
return cits
def ref(list_doi):
refs = []
for doi_url in list_doi:
for array in list_of_arrays:
if doi_url == array[0]:
refs.append(Citation(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]))
return refs
beispiel1 = ['doi1', 'title1', ['contributor1'], 'journal1', 'date1', ['doi2'], ['doi3'], '']
beispiel2 = ['doi2', 'title2', ['contributor2'], 'journal2', 'date2', [], ['doi1'], '']
beispiel3 = ['doi3', 'title3', ['contributor3'], 'journal3', 'date3', ['doi1'], [], '']
zyklus1 = ['doiz1', 'titlez1', ['contributorz1.1', 'contributorz1.2'], 'journalz1', 'datez1', ['doiz2'], ['doiz2'], '']
zyklus2 = ['doiz2', 'titlez2', ['contributorz2.1', 'contributorz2.2'], 'journalz2', 'datez2', ['doiz1'], ['doiz1'], '']
inner_edge1 = ['doi_ie1', 'title_ie1', ['contributor_ie1.1', 'contributor_ie1.2'], 'journal_ie1', 'date_ie1', ['doi_ie2'], ['doi_ie3'], '']
inner_edge2 = ['doi_ie2', 'title_ie2', ['contributor_ie2.1', 'contributor_ie2.2'], 'journal_ie2', 'date_ie2', [], ['doi_ie1','doi_ie3'], '']
inner_edge3 = ['doi_ie3', 'titlez_ie3', ['contributor_ie3.1', 'contributor_ie3.2'], 'journal_ie3', 'date_ie3', ['doi_ie1','doi_ie2'], [], '']
right_height01 = ['doi_h01', 'title_h01', ['contributor_h01'], 'journal_h01', 'date_h01', [], [], '']
right_height02 = ['doi_h02', 'title_h02', ['contributor_h02'], 'journal_h02', 'date_h02', [], ['doi_h1'], '']
right_height1 = ['doi_h1', 'title_h1', ['contributor_h1'], 'journal_h1', 'date_h1', [], ['doi_h2'], '']
right_height2 = ['doi_h2', 'title_h2', ['contributor_h2'], 'journal_h2', 'date_h2', [], ['doi_h3'], '']
right_height3 = ['doi_h3', 'title_h3', ['contributor_h3'], 'journal_h3', 'date_h3', [], [], '']
right_depth01 = ['doi_d01', 'title_d01', ['contributor_d01'], 'journal_d01', 'date_d01', [], [], '']
right_depth02 = ['doi_d02', 'title_d02', ['contributor_d02'], 'journal_d02', 'date_d02', ['doi_d1'], [], '']
right_depth1 = ['doi_d1', 'title_d1', ['contributor_d1'], 'journal_d1', 'date_d1', ['doi_d2'], [], '']
right_depth2 = ['doi_d2', 'title_d2', ['contributor_d2'], 'journal_d2', 'date_d2', ['doi_d3'], [], '']
right_depth3 = ['doi_d3', 'title_d3', ['contributor_d3'], 'journal_d3', 'date_d3', [], [], '']
list_of_arrays = [beispiel1, beispiel2, beispiel3, zyklus1, zyklus2, inner_edge1, inner_edge2, inner_edge3, right_height01, right_height02, right_height1, right_height2, right_height3, right_depth01, right_depth02, right_depth1, right_depth2, right_depth3]
This diff is collapsed.
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