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merge verarbeitung to main repo

Merged Schokolowski, Malte requested to merge bav1758/ci-s-projekt-verarbeitung:main into main
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+ 136
@@ -24,22 +24,32 @@ from input.interface import InputInterface as Input
from input_test import input_test_func
from json_demo import output_to_json
# adds every publication from input list to graph structure
# doi_input_list: list of publication dois from user
def initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list, search_depth_max, search_height_max, test_var):
:param doi_input_list: Liste mit DOIs, die der User eingegeben hat
:type doi_input_list: Liste
:param search_depth_max: Rekusionstiefe - Referenzen
:type search_depth_max: Integer
:param search_height_max: Rekursionstiefe - Citations
:type search_height_max: Integer
:param test_var: Wert, um zu entscheiden, ob die Test-Input-Funktion oder die Standartversion gewählt werden soll
:type test_var: Boolscher Wert (True = Test-Funkion, False = Standart-Funktion)
# adds every publication from input list to graph structure
# doi_input_list: list of publication dois from user
references_pub_obj_list = []
citations_pub_obj_list = []
for pub_doi in doi_input_list:
#checks if its a test and chooses input function accordingly
pub = input_test_func(pub_doi)
for pub_doi in doi_input_list: #iterates over every incoming doi
if(test_var): #checks that it is a test and chooses test-input function
pub = input_test_func(pub_doi) #creates an object of class Publication
else: #checks that it isnt a test and chooses standart-input function
inter = Input()
pub = inter.get_publication(pub_doi)
pub = inter.get_publication(pub_doi) #creates an object of class Publication
except ValueError:
except IndexError:
@@ -47,16 +57,16 @@ def initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list, search_depth_max, search_height_max, t
# checks if publication already exists in nodes
not_in_nodes = True
for node in nodes: # checks if a pub is already in nodes
if (pub.doi_url == node.doi_url):
not_in_nodes = False
not_in_nodes = True #boolean value to check if a node already exists in the set of nodes
for node in nodes: #iterates over every node in the set of nodes
if (pub.doi_url == node.doi_url): #determines that a node with this doi already is in the set
not_in_nodes = False #false --> node will not be created
if (not_in_nodes):
if (not_in_nodes): #there is no node with this doi in the set
nodes.append(pub) #appends Publication Object = "input"
doi_input_list.remove(pub_doi) #deletes the doi-dublicate from input list
# inserts references as publication objects into list and
# inserts first depth references into nodes/edges if maximum search depth > 0
@@ -71,40 +81,55 @@ def initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list, search_depth_max, search_height_max, t
return(references_pub_obj_list, citations_pub_obj_list)
# adds edges between citation and reference group
def complete_inner_edges(test_var):
for node in nodes:
if ( == "depth"):
for citation in node.citations:
for cit in nodes:
if (citation.doi_url == cit.doi_url and [citation.doi_url, node.doi_url] not in edges):
edges.append([citation.doi_url, node.doi_url])
if ( == "height"):
for reference in node.references:
for ref in nodes:
if (reference.doi_url == ref.doi_url and [node.doi_url, reference.doi_url] not in edges):
# adds a node for every publication unknown
# adds edges for references between publications
:param test_var: Wert, um zu entscheiden, ob die Test-Input-Funktion oder die Standartversion gewählt werden soll
:type test_var: Boolscher Wert (True = Test-Funkion, False = Standart-Funktion)
# adds edges between citation and reference group
for node in nodes: #iterates over all nodes in the set of nodes
if ( == "depth"): #checks if the node has group depth (=is a reference from a paper)
for citation in node.citations: #iterates over the papers that this paper is cited by
for cit in nodes: #iterates over all nodes in set of nodes
if (citation.doi_url == cit.doi_url and [citation.doi_url, node.doi_url] not in edges): #checks if there is already a related node that is in the set of nodes
edges.append([citation.doi_url, node.doi_url]) # creates an edge between them
if ( == "height"): #checks if the node has group height (=is a citation from a paper)
for reference in node.references: #iterates over the papers that this is paper references
for ref in nodes: #iterates over all nodes in set of nodes
if (reference.doi_url == ref.doi_url and [node.doi_url, reference.doi_url] not in edges): #checks if there is already a related node that is in the set of nodes
edges.append([node.doi_url,reference.doi_url]) #creates an edge between them
def create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var):
:param pub: Paper
:type pub: Onbject of class Publication
:param search_depth: current recursion step
:type search_depth: integer
:param search_depth_max: recursion limit
:type search_depth_max: integer
:param test_var: Wert, um zu entscheiden, ob die Test-Input-Funktion oder die Standartversion gewählt werden soll
:type test_var: Boolscher Wert (True = Test-Funkion, False = Standart-Funktion)
# adds a node for every publication unknown
# adds edges for references between publications
# returs a list of nodes
references_pub_obj_list = []
for reference in pub.references:
not_in_nodes = True
for node in nodes:
# checks every reference for duplication
if (reference.doi_url == node.doi_url):
not_in_nodes = False
for reference in pub.references: #iterates over the references of the considered paper
not_in_nodes = True #boolean Value to ensure that there will be no dublicates in the set of nodes
for node in nodes: #iterates over all nodes in set of nodes
if (reference.doi_url == node.doi_url): #determines that the node already exists
not_in_nodes = False #boolean false --> node will not be created
if (not_in_nodes):
if (search_depth < search_depth_max):
#checks if its a test and chooses input function accordingly
if (test_var):
reference_pub_obj = input_test_func(reference.doi_url)
if (not_in_nodes): #checks that there is no node with this doi
if (search_depth < search_depth_max): #checks that the recursion step is smaller than the limit
if (test_var): #determines that it is a test and chooses the test-input function
reference_pub_obj = input_test_func(reference.doi_url) #creates an Object of Publication Class
else: #determines that it isnt a test and chooses the standart function
#reference_pub_obj = Input(reference.doi_url)
inter = Input()
@@ -116,9 +141,9 @@ def create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_
continue = "depth"
nodes.append(reference_pub_obj) # appends the object to the set of nodes
edges.append([pub.doi_url,reference_pub_obj.doi_url]) #appends the edge to the set of edges
references_pub_obj_list.append(reference_pub_obj) #appends the node to the set of references
# adds edge only if citation already exists
elif [pub.doi_url,reference.doi_url] not in edges:
@@ -126,11 +151,20 @@ def create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_
return references_pub_obj_list
# recursive function to implement height-first-search on references
# references_pub_obj_list: input list of references as publication objects
# search_depth: current search_depth of height-first-search
# search_depth_max: maximal search_depth for dfs
def process_references_rec(references_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var):
def process_references_rec(references_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var):
:param references_pub_obj_list: input list of references as publication objects
:type references_pub_obj_list: liste
:param search_depth: current search_depth of height-first-search
:type search_depth: integer
:param search_depth_max: maximal search_depth for dfs
:type search_depth_max: integer
:param test_var: Wert, um zu entscheiden, ob die Test-Input-Funktion oder die Standartversion gewählt werden soll
:type test_var: Boolscher Wert (True = Test-Funkion, False = Standart-Funktion)
# recursive function to implement height-first-search on references
# adds next level to nodes/edges
for pub in references_pub_obj_list:
new_reference_pub_obj_list = create_graph_structure_references(pub, search_depth, search_depth_max, test_var)
@@ -142,21 +176,30 @@ def process_references_rec(references_pub_obj_list, search_depth, search_depth_m
# adds a node for every publication unknown
# adds edges for citations between publications
def create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):
:param pub: Paper
:type pub: Onbject of class Publication
:param search_height: current recursion step
:type search_height: integer
:param search_height_max: recursion limit
:type search_height_max: integer
:param test_var: Wert, um zu entscheiden, ob die Test-Input-Funktion oder die Standartversion gewählt werden soll
:type test_var: Boolscher Wert (True = Test-Funkion, False = Standart-Funktion)
# adds a node for every publication unknown
# adds edges for citations between publications
# returns list of nodes
citations_pub_obj_list = []
for citation in pub.citations:
not_in_nodes = True
for node in nodes:
# checks every citation for duplication
for node in nodes: # checks every citation for duplication
if (citation.doi_url == node.doi_url):
not_in_nodes = False
if (not_in_nodes):
if (search_height < search_height_max):
#checks if its a test and chooses input function accordingly
if (search_height < search_height_max): #checks if its a test and chooses input function accordingly
if (test_var):
citation_pub_obj = input_test_func(citation.doi_url)
@@ -181,11 +224,20 @@ def create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_height, search_height_max, test
# recursive function to implement height-first-search on citations
# citations_pub_obj_list: input list of citations as publication objects
# search_height: current search_height of height-first-search
# search_height_max: maximal search_height for dfs
def process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):
def process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_max, test_var):
:param references_pub_obj_list: input list of citations as publication objects
:type references_pub_obj_list: liste
:param search_height: current search_height of height-first-search
:type search_height: integer
:param search_height_max: maximal search_height for dfs
:type search_height_max: integer
:param test_var: Wert, um zu entscheiden, ob die Test-Input-Funktion oder die Standartversion gewählt werden soll
:type test_var: Boolscher Wert (True = Test-Funkion, False = Standart-Funktion)
# recursive function to implement height-first-search on citations
# adds next level to nodes/edges
for pub in citations_pub_obj_list:
new_citation_pub_obj_list = create_graph_structure_citations(pub, search_height, search_height_max, test_var)
@@ -197,12 +249,20 @@ def process_citations_rec(citations_pub_obj_list, search_height, search_height_m
# main function to call. Needs as input:
# doi_input_list: input list of dois
# search_height: max search height to process to
# search_depth: max search depth to process to
# test_var: only needed for unit test as True, default is False
def process_main(doi_input_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var = False):
:param doi_input_list: list with dois from user
:type doi_input_list: list
:param search_height: recursion height
:type search_height: integer
:param search_depth: recursion depth
:type search_depth: integer
:param test_var: Wert, um zu entscheiden, ob die Test-Input-Funktion oder die Standartversion gewählt werden soll
:type test_var: Boolscher Wert (True = Test-Funkion, False = Standart-Funktion)
# main function to call. Needs as input:
# ERROR-Handling doi_array = NULL
if (len(doi_input_list) == 0):
print("Error, no input data")
@@ -215,11 +275,11 @@ def process_main(doi_input_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var = False):
if (search_depth < 0):
print("Error, search_depth of search must be positive")
# create empty array for the nodes
# create empty array for the edges
global nodes, edges
nodes = []
edges = []
nodes = [] # create empty array for the nodes
edges = [] # create empty array for the edges
# initializes nodes/edges from input and gets a list with publication objects for citations and references returned
references_obj_list, citations_obj_list = initialize_nodes_list(doi_input_list,search_depth, search_height, test_var)
@@ -242,4 +302,4 @@ def process_main(doi_input_list, search_height, search_depth, test_var = False):
return(doi_nodes_list, edges)
\ No newline at end of file