import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {environment} from '../../../environments/environment';
import {HttpClient, HttpParams} from '@angular/common/http';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {Tissue, Node, EdgeType, QuickAlgorithmType, AlgorithmType} from 'src/app/interfaces';
import {InteractionDrugProteinDB, InteractionProteinProteinDB} from 'src/app/config';
providedIn: 'root'
export class NetexControllerService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
public async getTasks(tokens): Promise<any> {
* returns promise of tasks status
return<any>(`${environment.backend}tasks/`, {tokens: JSON.stringify(tokens)}).toPromise();
public getTaskResult(token) {
* returns promise of task result of COMPLETED task
return this.http.get<any>(`${environment.backend}task_result/?token=${token}`).toPromise();
public async mapNodes(nodes, identifier): Promise<any> {
* Tries to map every node to a node object in out database
* Returns list of mapped nodes if node was found, otherwise original node to not lose information
const payload = {nodes: nodes, identifier: identifier};
return`${environment.backend}map_nodes/`, payload).toPromise();
public tissues(): Observable<any> {
* Lists all available tissues with id and name
return this.http.get<Tissue[]>(`${environment.backend}tissues/`);
public digest_request(payload): Promise<any> {
return'', payload).toPromise();
public maxTissueExpression(tissue: Tissue): Promise<any> {
const params = new HttpParams()
.set('tissue', tissue.drugstoneId);
return this.http.get(environment.backend + 'tissue_max_expression/', {params}).toPromise();
public tissueExpressionGenes(tissue: Tissue, nodes: Node[]): Observable<any> {
* Returns the expression in the given tissue for given nodes and cancerNodes
// slice prefix of netex id away for direct lookup in db, if node not mapped to db, replace by undefined
const genesBackendIds = nodes.flatMap((node: Node) => node.drugstoneId ? node.drugstoneId : []).map((id: string | undefined) => id ? id.slice(1) : undefined);
.set('proteins', JSON.stringify(genesBackendIds));
return this.http.get(`${environment.backend}tissue_expression/`, {params});
Michael Hartung
public adjacentDisorders(nodes: Node[], nodeType: string, dataset: string, licenced: boolean): Observable<any> {
const params = {dataset: dataset, licenced: licenced};
params['proteins'] = nodes.filter((node: Node) => node.drugstoneId && node.drugstoneType === 'protein').flatMap((node: Node) => node.drugstoneId).map(id => id.slice(1));
params['drugs'] = Node) => node.drugId && node.drugstoneType === 'drug' ? node.drugstoneId.slice(2) : undefined).filter(id => id != null);
return<any>(`${environment.backend}adjacent_disorders/`, params);
public adjacentDrugs(pdiDataset: InteractionDrugProteinDB, licenced: boolean, nodes: Node[]): Observable<any> {
Michael Hartung
* Returns the expression in the given tissue for given nodes and cancerNodes
// slice prefix of netex id away for direct lookup in db, if node not mapped to db, replace by undefined
const genesBackendIds = nodes.filter((node: Node) => node.drugstoneId && node.drugstoneType === 'protein').flatMap(node => node.drugstoneId).map(id => id.slice(1));
Michael Hartung
const params = {
pdi_dataset: pdiDataset,
proteins: genesBackendIds,
licenced: licenced
Michael Hartung
return<any>(`${environment.backend}adjacent_drugs/`, params);
public graphExport(graph_data: { edges: EdgeType[], nodes: Node[] }) {
* Sends complete graph data to backend where it is written to graphml or json File.
* The file is returned as download for the user.
return`${environment.backend}graph_export/`, graph_data, {responseType: 'text'});
public async fetchEdges(nodes: Node[], dataset: InteractionProteinProteinDB, licenced: boolean): Promise<any> {
* Tries to map every node to a node object in out database
* Returns list of mapped nodes if node was found, otherwise original node to not lose information
const payload = {nodes: nodes, dataset: dataset, licenced: licenced};
return`${environment.backend}fetch_edges/`, payload).toPromise();
public async getLicense(): Promise<any> {
* returns promise of task status
return this.http.get(`${environment.backend}get_license`).toPromise();