If you use CoVex in your work please reference it as follows:
{{" title={Exploring the {SARS-CoV-2} virus-host-drug interactome for drug repurposing},"}}
{{" author={Sepideh Sadegh and Julian Matschinske and David B. Blumenthal and Gihanna Galindez and Tim Kacprowski and Markus List and Reza Nasirigerdeh and Mhaned Oubounyt and Andreas Pichlmair and Tim Daniel Rose and Marisol Salgado-Albarrán and Julian Späth and Alexey Stukalov and Nina K. Wenke and Kevin Yuan and Josch K. Pauling and Jan Baumbach},"}}
{{"author={Sadegh, Sepideh and Matschinske, Julian and Blumenthal, David B. and Galindez, Gihanna and Kacprowski, Tim and List, Markus and Nasirigerdeh, Reza and Oubounyt, Mhaned and Pichlmair, Andreas and Rose, Tim Daniel and Salgado-Albarr{\'a}n, Marisol and Sp{\"a}th, Julian and Stukalov, Alexey and Wenke, Nina K. and Yuan, Kevin and Pauling, Josch K. and Baumbach, Jan},"}}
{{"title={Exploring the SARS-CoV-2 virus-host-drug interactome for drug repurposing},"}}