This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (see or the contents of the file LICENSE)
Project description
The "HZSK Help Center" is a one-page HTML/CSS/JavaScript web application.
It provides a FAQ-style information base for users of the INEL infrastructure (
The contents of the help pages are multlingual (currently German and English).
Switching between languages is facilitated by a simple JavaScript mechanism.
The mechanism (clicking on language flags) triggers a change of the lang-attribute of the HTML body element which in turn results in a change of the display of elements marked with corresponding lang-attributes themselves.
The display of elements with specified lang-attributes is mostly controlled by the CSS declarations, which for instance hide elements *[@lang='de'] inside a body[@lang='en'] and vice versa.
The general structure and dynamic appearance (tabs and accordion views) are controlled by Bootstrap CSS.