// export interface NodeGroup {
// fill: string;
// }
// export interface EdgeGroup {
// color: string;
// }
export interface NodeGroup {
name: string;
color: string;
shape: 'circle' | 'triangle' | 'star' | 'square' | 'image';
export interface EdgeGroup {
name: string;
color: string;
export type Identifier = 'hugo'|'uniprot'|'ensg';
export type InteractionDrugProteinDB = 'DrugBank'|'Chembl'|'DGIdb';
export type InteractionProteinProteinDB = 'STRING'|'BioGRID'|'APID';
// TODO: should this be external or integrated in the backend?
export type InteractionDatabase = 'omnipath';
export interface IConfig {
legendUrl: string;
legendClass: string;
showRightSidebar: boolean;
showItemSelector: boolean;
showSimpleAnalysis: boolean;
showAdvAnalysis: boolean;
showTasks: boolean;
showSelection: boolean;
showFooter: boolean;
showLegend: boolean;
showLegendNodes: boolean;
showLegendEdges: boolean;
nodeGroups: { [key: string]: NodeGroup };
edgeGroups: { [key: string]: EdgeGroup };
interactionDrugProtein: InteractionDrugProteinDB;
interactionProteinProtein: InteractionProteinProteinDB;
interactions?: InteractionDatabase;
identifier?: Identifier;
export const defaultConfig: IConfig = {
legendUrl: '', // '' show legend image if set, otherwise default legend
showRightSidebar: true,
interactionDrugProtein: 'DrugBank',
interactionProteinProtein: 'STRING',
name: 'Default Group',
color: 'yellow',
shape: 'triangle',
type: 'gene',