Explore projects
Lazarenko, Elena / LAMA-GUI
MIT LicenseLAMA (Linguistic Annotation Management Assistant) GUI
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Horns, Prof. Dr. Dieter / mcray
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Gohrbandt, Jan / Uni-Hamburg-Auto-Logins
Mozilla Public License 2.0Automatically logs you in to a few different Uni Hamburg sites, given automated password filling.
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wiso-forschungslabor / otree-ansible
MIT LicenseAnsible script to install otree in multiple instances with ngnix, redis, postgresql, supervisor and ufw on an ubuntu-server 18.04.
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Code used in the postprocessing of the macromip model results.
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A silicon photomultiplier simulation package written in Python. The program can produce discharge arrays, charge spectra and sample transients.
Initially imported from https://gitlab.desy.de/jack.rolph/lightsimtastic.git
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A tool to perform automated fits of SiPM charge spectra to extract useful parameters from experiments.
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Siebert, Aaron / TaDa24
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Gohrbandt, Jan / Windows-Error-Fixing-Scripts
MIT LicenseA collection of scripts to fix various errors and inconveniences cropping up in Windows.
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