1. computer assisted/aided qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS)
assist with qualitative research such as transcription analysis, coding and text interpretation, recursive abstraction, content analysis, discourse analysis, grounded theory methodology, etc.
1.1. stand-alone applications
- ATLAS.ti (website )
< | Proprietary | stand-alone application | | >
- Leximancer (website )
'Leximancer automatically analyses your text documents to identify the high level concepts in your text documents, delivering the key ideas and actionable insights you need with powerful interactive visualisations and data exports.' < | Proprietary | stand-alone application | | >
- MAXQDA (website-uhh )
'MAXQDA gehört zu den weltweit führenden und umfangreichsten QDA-Software-Programmen im Bereich der Qualitativen und Mixed-Methods-Forschung. Die Software hilft Ihnen beim Erfassen, Organisieren, Analysieren, Visualisieren und Veröffentlichen Ihrer Daten. Ob Grounded Theory, Literaturreview, explorative Marktforschung, Interviews, Webseitenanalyse oder Surveys: Analysieren Sie was Sie wollen, wie Sie wollen.MAXQDA Analytics Pro ist die erweiterte Version von MAXQDA und enthält neben allen Funktionen für die Qualitative & Mixed Methods-Forschung auch ein Modul für die quantitative Textanalyse (MAXDictio) und ein Modul für die statistische Datenanalyse (MAXQDA Stats)'Source, visited: 27.02.2019 < | Proprietary | stand-alone application | | >
- NVivo (website )
< | Proprietary | stand-alone application | | >
- QDAMiner (website )
< | Proprietary | stand-alone application | | >
- ORA Pro (website )
< | Proprietary | stand-alone application | | >
- Quirkos (website repository )
< | Proprietary | stand-alone application | | >
- TAMS (website )
'Text Analysis Markup System (TAMS) is both a system of marking documents for qualitative analysis and a series of tools for mining information based on that syntax.' < | GPL-2.0 | stand-alone application | | >
1.2. programming-frameworks/libraries etc.
1.2.1. R
- RQDA (website repository )
'It includes a number of standard Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis features. In addition it seamlessly integrates with R, which means that a) statistical analysis on the coding is possible, and b) functions for data manipulation and analysis can be easily extended by writing R functions. To some extent, RQDA and R make an integrated platform for both quantitative and qualitative data analysis.' < | BSD | library | R | >