name |
short description |
'DocumentCloud is a platform founded on the belief that if journalists were more open about their sourcing, the public would be more inclined to trust their reporting. The platform is a tool to help journalists share, analyze, annotate and, ultimately, publish source documents to the open web.' Source, visited: 04.03.2019 |
software category |
investigative journalism |
developer |
Gregor Wiedemann and Seid Muhie Yimam and Chris Biemann |
maintainer |
Gregor Wiedemann and Seid Muhie Yimam and Chris Biemann |
current version |
None |
last changed |
None |
programming lanuage(s) |
Ruby |
operating system(s) |
license |
AGPL-3.0 |
costs |
None |
language |
architecture |
server application |
web-links |
supported methods |
additional features |