name |
iLCM |
short description |
'The iLCM[LCM=Leipzig Corpus Miner] project pursues the development of an integrated research environment for the analysis of structured and unstructured data in a ‘Software as a Service’ architecture (SaaS). The research environment addresses requirements for the quantitative evaluation of large amounts of qualitative data using text mining methods and requirements for the reproducibility of data-driven research designs in the social sciences.' source, retrieved 08.03.2019 |
software category |
tools for corpus linguistics/text mining/(semi-)automated text analysis |
developer |
Andreas Niekler, Arnim Bleier, Christian Kahmann, Lisa Posch, Gregor Wiedemann, Kenan Erdogan, Gerhard Heyer and Markus Strohmaier |
maintainer |
Andreas Niekler, Arnim Bleier, Christian Kahmann, Lisa Posch, Gregor Wiedemann, Kenan Erdogan, Gerhard Heyer and Markus Strohmaier |
current version |
0.96 |
last changed |
2019-03-05 |
programming lanuage(s) |
Java, Python, R |
operating system(s) |
browser, docker |
license |
costs |
0 |
language |
german |
architecture |
server application |
web-links |
supported methods |
<text preprocessing> <part-of-speech(POS)-tagging> <syntactic parsing> <context volatility> <co-occurence analysis> <word frequencies/dictionary analysis> <latent dirichlet allocation> |
additional features |